DSHSN - 03

There was nothing pleasant about this call.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yiyi was so angry that he smashed his phone against the wall with a cold look in his eyes.

The new mobile phone he bought less than a month ago hit the wall with a bang and broke into pieces.

Gu Yiyi felt a little bit self-indulgent about not going home, but he also knew that if he really moved to school, his father would not care about him.

Originally, he traveled frequently on business.

There was no place to vent, so Gu Yiyi raised his fist again, bent down and punched the bed several times, the veins in his hands bulged, and finally, he collapsed on the bed weakly.

The young man collapsed on the bed and gritted his teeth: "Why should you let me go!"

After a moment, he sat up with a start, clenched his hands into fists, his eyes were full of fire, and his whole body was trembling with anger.

He swore: "We'll see, I will definitely drive you all out."

Yan Li was unaware of the boy's violent mood swings. She was busy taking care of her little girl.

Yan Beibei ate slowly, and it took more than half an hour to finally finish her meal. Since she had eaten a little too much and had some indigestion, Yan Li gave her some stomach and digestive tablets, and then let her watch TV.

At about five o'clock, the sun outside was about to go down, so she took her to the playground in the community to play football.

Yan Beibei was not in good health. When the seasons changed, she was as shaky as a little Shih Tzu. The doctor recommended that Yan Li take her out to play more, so Yan Li took her children out for runs whenever she had free time.

She changed into jeans and wore a white top with a baby-like neckline that rippled gently as she ran. She hadn't even gone out yet, but she was already very happy.

Yan Li held the ball in her hand and smiled as she watched the child run out and quickly followed.

Yan Beibei was really happy that she could go out to play with the children. Yesterday she met a few children at the playground outside, but it was too late. Today she wanted to go play with them.

Because she was so happy, she fell down when she went out, but she quickly got up again, clapped her little hands, and her face was flushed with excitement.

Yan Li saw her fall and hurriedly came over to check her condition with worried eyes: "Is everything okay?"

Yan Beibei pursed her lips, patted the dust on her knees, and nodded her head: "It's okay."

Her movements slowed down, she took the initiative to hold her mother's hand and walked obediently.

Gu Yiyi was upstairs and saw this scene.

The annoying woman took her child out to play. The air would be sweet without them in his home, but they would only go out for a while and then come back.

Gu Yiyi thought about it and felt bad again. He had no intention of going out to have fun. Even when the group of friends who were traveling together called him, he didn't bother to answer the phone.

It's summer vacation now, and he wants to be at home every day to make that annoying woman angry.

Now that they were out, he had nothing to do, so he went to the computer, turned on the computer, opened the game, and started to put on the headphones and play the game.

Yan Beibei followed her mother to the square outside.

This is the largest activity venue in the community. The square occupies a very large area. It is surrounded by basketball courts, badminton courts, football fields, and an indoor gymnasium. The surrounding entertainment facilities include fitness facilities for children and adults. There is also a large fountain in the middle of the square. It is said that there will be a colorful fountain show every Friday night at six o'clock.

After all, Mingyuan Community has gathered some of the richest people in the city. Everything is high-end and classy, ​​and even the plant landscaping is unique and beautiful.

Thinking that her daughter could grow up in such an environment, Yan Li felt that it was not bad that she had a troubled stepson.


As soon as the mother and daughter arrived here, a little girl wearing a white skirt and slanted bangs ran towards her and said with a smile: "Are you here to play again?"

Yan Beibei nodded, her eyes sparkling because she saw her friend. She turned back, pointed at the ball in her mother's hand, and said, "I'm here to play football again."

Lu Yuxin took her hand and led her toward the children, saying, "We won't play football today. We'll go to Xie Yating's house first."

Yan Beibei didn't recognize the child she was talking about, and a bit of confusion flashed in her eyes: "What are we going to do?"

Lu Yuxin tilted her head happily and said, "Look at the puppy."

As she spoke, she gestured to her with a bright light in her eyes: "Their big dog gave birth to three puppies. Meng Qi said she wanted one. Let's accompany Meng Qi to hold the puppies."


Yan Beibei liked fluffy puppies and immediately nodded happily: "Okay, let's go see them together."

The short legs can move much faster.

Yan Li looked at Yan Beibei and the children happily holding hands from behind, and suddenly she felt less sad in her heart.

Yan Beibei still prefers to play with children of the same age. When she goes to kindergarten in the future, there may be children to play with, so she will no longer object to going to kindergarten.

There is still one year left, so she doesn't need to worry.

Yan Li held the currently useless ball in her hands and the small red schoolbag that Yan Beibei carried when she went out to pack things. She followed them and turned left and right to Xie Yating's house.

The first room on the left side of the entrance is the room where their dogs live. It is warm and comfortable, with various toys for dogs. The black and white Border Collie is lying in the kennel, feeding two little Border Collies. The other one is holding a ball in its mouth and playing around happily.

What Meng Qi wants is the one running around.

Xie Yating's mother saw her laughing friends coming over and said with a smile: "Don't be in a hurry to pick up the dog. Auntie will send the dog to your home later."

"Come on, go eat something first. Auntie just made a lot of delicious food."

With that said, Song Miao glanced at Yan Li and then left quietly.

There were a lot of delicious food on the coffee table, including fruits and pastries. Yan Beibei followed the children to get the delicious food, and then went to the dog room again. The puppies had finished drinking milk, and they were lively and cute.

Meng Qi, wearing a fluorescent top and two pigtails, went to catch the puppy she wanted, but the puppy was too naughty. She tried several times to catch it, but all failed.

Lu Yuxin saw that Yan Beibei had been busy looking at the puppy and hadn't even eaten the food in her hands, so she fed a cherry tomato into her mouth and said, "Beibei, eat it."

Yan Beibei opened her mouth obediently, and then started chewing the cherry tomatoes.

Lu Yuxin felt the joy of feeding, and then fed Yan Beibei a cherry tomato.

At this time, a little border collie came towards Beibei and saw her eating and watched eagerly.

Yan Beibei subconsciously wanted to feed it with food, but Yan Li stopped her. She frowned slightly and looked at Yan Beibei and reminded: "Don't feed the puppy casually."

Yan Beibei stopped trying to feed her and asked her mother for her opinion: "Mom, can I play with Little Gou Gou?"

"You finish your food first."

Yan Beibei immediately stuffed the food into her mouth. After a few minutes, after finishing eating, she squatted down and touched the puppy's furry head.

The puppy was so cute, and even stretched out its head to rub Yan Beibei's hand. Yan Beibei's eyes turned into crescents.

While Yan Li was playing with the dog with her children, Song Miao and Meng Qi's mother, Xu Ziyue, were watching them upstairs and talking quietly.

Xu Ziyue asked Song Miao: "Who is the woman taking care of the child? Why haven't I seen her before?"

Song Miao only guessed: "I heard that Gu Heng brought a woman and a child back a few days ago, and it seems that they are the same."

Xu Ziyue touched her chin with her hand and looked at the mother and daughter with a look of disbelief in her eyes: "It's different from what I thought."

Song Miao felt the same way. She put her hand on the armrest and chuckled: "Both mother and daughter seem to be quite polite. The child seems to be named Yan Beibei. She is a bit shy. She was the last one to take the things just now."

She had specifically observed them just now. Yan Beibei was not a very outgoing child. When the other children were taking food like monkeys, she stood behind them, looking embarrassed. It was Lu Yuxin who brought her a piece of pastry before she had the courage to get something else.

Xu Ziyue smiled: "They seem quite kind, but kindness is not a good thing in the Gu family. Gu Yiyi's violent temper may not tolerate them."

Song Miao doesn't think so: "Yan Beibei is said to be Gu Heng's biological daughter, and she looks quite similar."

Xu Ziyue put her hand on the armrest and looked at what was going on underneath, with a smile in her eyes: "Do you think Gu Yiyi would think so much? Our Yani just called back and said that Gu Yiyi heard that after his father married and gave him a stepmother, he came back without caring about her, and even the girl he was talking to was left on the beach."

Speaking of Gu Yiyi, Song Miao shook her head: "This kid changes girlfriends frequently at school and his grades are not good. Gu Heng doesn't care about him. Is he planning to raise his own son to death?"

Xu Ziyue sneered: "Like father, like son. The one in the back is okay, but the one in front, do you know who his mother is?"

They really don’t know, except Gu Heng himself, probably no one knows.

There was a child downstairs who ran too fast, bumped into Yan Li, and fell to the ground.

Yan Li quickly helped the child up, looking very friendly.

Song Miao looked at it and still felt that it would be too pitiful for Yan Li to be driven away like this: "She has a child with her, maybe... it's different?"

Xu Ziyue sneered: "The one from the year before last, he went straight to the Gu family. How did he treat Gu Yiyi? It was pretty good, he just asked for help. But in the end, Gu Yiyi didn't like it, and he finally gave up after being tortured by him. How long do you think she can withstand Gu Yiyi's torment? Her background is not that good."

After Xu Ziyue finished speaking, she turned around and went downstairs.

Song Miao still stood there and watched. Seeing Yan Li standing there with her curling hair, smiling tenderly at the child, she couldn't help but sigh softly.

After sighing, she thought, maybe it would be nice for such a woman not to stay in a family like the Gu family.

After Yan Beibei touched the head of one of the puppies, as if she had graced the doghouse, all three puppies came to her and asked her to touch their heads.

The puppy that Meng Qi was chasing just now even jumped on Yan Beibei, pulling her legs with its claws, and its eyes were bright and dark.

Yan Beibei was startled and subconsciously hid in the direction of her mother.

Yan Li was so happy when she saw her daughter being frightened that she picked her up.

Song Miao saw that Yan Beibei was so fond of the puppy, so she advised Yan Li: "Why don't you take a puppy back? There are two more that no one wants. You see the puppy likes your Beibei so much."

Yan Li hugged Yan Beibei, shook her head, and said with a smile: "Our Beibei has been loved by animals since she was a child. 

They went to a friend's house before and the hamster cage was not closed properly. After the hamster climbed out, it ran towards her.

The friend was very frightened. The hamster was prone to biting and he was afraid of biting Beibei.

As a result, the hamster was very good in Beibei's hands.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Yan Beibei bending down and looking straight at the puppy on the ground, her eyes unblinking.

Hearing Song Miao say that she wanted to give her a dog, Yan Beibei immediately raised her head, gently grabbed her mother's clothes, and said in a small voice: "Mom, I want to hook up."

Yan Li didn't really want to get a dog, but her daughter's pleading eyes made her unable to refuse.

She could only coax Yan Beibei: "You need to ask for dad's permission to raise a dog. Wait until dad comes back. Ask dad if you can keep a dog."

When Song Miao heard this, she felt even more sympathetic to Yan Li.

The Gu family has two pets, which are Gu Yiyi’s dogs.

And the two of them had to ask Gu Heng's opinion when raising a dog. It can be seen that the life of mother and daughter in the Gu family was not very easy, and they always had to look at other people's faces.

After all, without Yan Beibei, she would not have been able to marry Gu Heng.

Song Miao saw through it but didn't say anything, so she also agreed: "Well, Beibei, aunt will keep it for you first. When your dad agrees, can you come over and hug the dog?"

Yan Beibei pouted, her eyes glued to the lively and playful puppies on the ground, a little reluctant, but it is true that she needs to ask for the consent of the family to raise small animals, because puppies are also lives.


After leaving Xie's house, they went to the playground to play football.

After playing for more than an hour, when they returned, it was almost dark. Yan Beibei was sweating a lot and her face was red.

When Gu Yiyi casually came down from upstairs, he saw Yan Li wiping Yan Beibei's sweat with a towel, and complained: "Why are you sweating so much?"

He felt that this woman was simply retarded. He leaned against the sofa, spread his legs and said, "Oh, it's summer. Isn't it still odd if you don't sweat?"

Yan Li: "..."

She looked back at the sinister Gu Yiyi and continued to wipe Yan Beibei's sweat.

Yan Beibei always sweated more than other children, and most of her clothes were wet. Thinking that she was uncomfortable, Yan Li thought about it and carried her upstairs. When she passed by Gu Yiyi, she remained silent and ignored him completely.

Who is Gu Yiyi? He has always been the only one who ignores others. As a result, Yan Li just pretended that he didn't exist.


Gu Yiyi's mind flashed back to the way she lowered her head to wipe the sweat of his cheap sister while complaining, and he felt even more unhappy.

He had to think of some way to deal with them.

Gu Yiyi thought and walked slowly to the dining room.

The servant at home wanted to serve him food, but Gu Yiyi refused. He frowned, raised his chin, as if he didn't need others to interfere here, and said to the servant: "Okay, you can go out. I will do it myself."

The young master has always done the work of putting on his clothes, reaching for food, opening his mouth, and serving food and rice at home. Why did he do it himself today?

Aunt Liu felt a little strange, but she had no doubt that he was there, so she went out.

As soon as Aunt Liu left, Gu Yiyi immediately poured his own rice, then went to get a plate of vegetables and poured it directly into the rice cooker. Then he hummed a song and leisurely put the food on the table by himself. Shaking his legs happily, he started eating.

So delicious!

Yan Li took her daughter upstairs, changed her clothes and came down. When she entered the restaurant, she saw that Gu Yiyi had already sat down and seemed to be eating happily. Her eyelids twitched unconsciously. There was a premonition telling her of something not good.

But just now upstairs, Yan Beibei said she was hungry, so she didn't think much about what was wrong. She put Yan Beibei on the chair opposite and went to serve the rice.

As a result, she saw Gu Yiyi's "masterpiece" in the rice cooker.

Yan Li took a deep breath, resisted hitting him violently, turned her head, and looked at Gu Yiyi coldly: "Gu Yiyi, your father taught you to be so wasteful?"

Gu Yiyi lazily stepped on the crossbar under the table and smiled provocatively: "If you have the ability, why don't you go and complain to my dad?"

Yan Li was confused. After giving him a cold look, she picked up Yan Beibei and walked out.

Seeing that Yan Li was so angry that she took the child out, Gu Yiyi was in a very happy mood. However, he waited for a while and no one came back in to cook for them.

He didn't know what they were going to do, and he was so curious that he wolfed down his meal, put his hands in his pockets, whistled, and went out, wanting to see how pitiful they were without food.

As a result, he happened to see Yan Li holding Yan Beibei's hand and coming downstairs with the key.

Yan Beibei was nestled in her arms, munching on a piece of steamed bread.

Yan Li asked in a gentle tone: "We will go out to eat delicious food later, okay? Mom will take you shopping after eating. What do you want to eat?"

Yan Beibei's voice was crisp: "I want to eat boiled fish and sweet glutinous rice cakes."

As she spoke, she looked up at the ceiling and thought. After thinking for a while, she added, "I also want to eat a lot of delicious food."

"Okay, think about it slowly."

Yan Li took her daughter out and left Gu Yiyi alone at home.

Gu Yiyi watched their car go out, and suddenly felt that what he had just eaten had no taste at all.


  1. I really want you to start educating that bear boy 😩

    Thanks for the update 🤗 🤗


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