DSHSN - 04

Yan Li drove out and took her child to the internet celebrity parent-child restaurant she wanted to go to recently.

Crystal curtains hang in the childlike restaurant. In the center of the restaurant is the children's favorite wave pool, with a pink-blue slide and a pink moon swing hanging on the golden maple tree, which looks particularly brilliant...

While waiting for the meal, child Yan Beibei took a balloon and jumped into the wave pool. The pink and blue balls inside looked very interesting.

The little guy dove in and soon forgot that they were here to eat.

As soon as she arrived, she met new children.

Two children, a boy and a girl.

The little boy wears purple short-sleeves and jeans, has short black hair, and thin bangs that reach his eyebrows. He has a delicate and beautiful appearance, is thin and tall, and has a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes.

The little girl is slightly shorter than the boy. She wears a hat, a brown top, and khaki suspenders.

She came down from the slide, walked to Yan Beibei, and asked her, "Are you here to eat?"

Yan Beibei nodded: "Yes."

She praised Yan Beibei: "You are very good-looking. When your mother gave birth to you, did she look at beautiful women every day? That's why you are so good-looking."

Yan Beibei: "?"

The little guy didn't understand what she said and pointed towards Yan Li: "That's my mother~"

There was a long-haired woman sitting at a table not far away. She was wearing a long blue dress. She had a thin waist and beautiful figure. Her eyes were as beautiful as crescent moons. She looked very gentle and looked similar to this child. She looked at where they were, her pupils were dark and her eyes were like water.

But this child's mother doesn't look so weak.

Fu Jinlin said: "Oh, your mother is so beautiful. It turns out you inherited your mother's beauty."

Yan Beibei also thought her mother was really pretty, and nodded: "Yes, I also think my mother is really pretty~"

After Fu Jinlin praised the beauty of mother and daughter, she took the initiative to shake hands with Yan Beibei and said hello: "Hello, what is your name? My name is Fu Jinlin, and the boy behind me is Xie Chiyu. He is my uncle. He is only three years old and is my uncle who is younger than me."

Yan Beibei was confused by her words. She raised her eyes and glanced at the little boy behind her. He looked here lazily. His white face showed no emotion. He was obviously not as enthusiastic about Yan Beibei as Fu Jinlin.

Yan Beibei didn't care, because it was Fu Jinlin who took the initiative to talk to her. She put her white and soft little hand on her, and she smiled and said to Fu Jinlin, "My name is Yan Beibei."

Fu Jinlin felt that she spoke too quietly and said, "Beibei, you speak so quietly. You should be like me and speak louder."

"My name is Yan Beibei!" Fu Jinlin raised her little face and demonstrated to Yan Beibei.

Yan Beibei lowered her long eyelashes and looked at her imitation. After a while, her voice became louder and she said, "My name is Fu Jinlin!"

"My name is Yan Beibei!" Fu Jinlin's voice became louder.

People around looked over, and Yan Beibei looked around for a while, feeling a little embarrassed.

Yan Beibei scratched her head, feeling a little blushing, and reminded softly: "I think we are just like little fools now."

Although, Yan Beibei didn't want to admit that she was a little fool.

Fu Jinlin waved her hand: "It doesn't matter. This is my store. It doesn't matter how loud you say it."

Yan Beibei could only continue, but although her voice was a little higher, she still spoke very politely: "My name is Fu Jinlin!"

It's not loud enough but it's a lot louder.

Fu Jinlin was having fun and continued: "My name is Fu Jinlin, ah no, Yan Beibei!"

Yan Beibei reminded her: "I am Yan Beibei, and you are Fu Jinlin."

Fu Jinlin chuckled, took her hand to play, and waved to the little boy next to her: "Uncle, let's go, let's go play!"

The children went up and down the slide and ran to sit on the moon swing.

Smiling brightly.

The picture of her daughter sitting on the moon wearing a pink dress was very beautiful. Yan Li took a few photos of her playing. After the food was served, she took a few more photos, edited them, and posted them on WeChat Moments.

After a while, when she was peeling shrimps for Yan Beibei, Gu Heng sent a message.

Gu Heng: Didn’t you eat at home today?

What a good opportunity to file a complaint. Yan Li thought that if she complained to Gu Heng now, she would not be able to drink a cup of Gu Yiyi.

However, thinking that she told Gu Yiyi that she would not complain, and she did not intend to tell Gu Heng, if he really cared about the situation at home, he would definitely know.

Yan Li was busy peeling shrimps, her hands were all oily. She took a tissue, threw the phone to Yan Beibei, and said: "Beibei, just send a voice message to your dad and say that we want to go out for a big meal. Don't say that your brother poured the food into the rice and refused to let us eat."

Yan Beibei looked confused and tried to take back her little hand that fell on the phone screen.

"But... Mom, the phone has been connected."

She reminded in a low voice: "Dad must have heard it..."

Yan Beibei didn't mean it, her eyes were extremely innocent.

While mom was talking, dad happened to call. Yan Beibei knew how to answer the call. With a little help, she connected directly. Gu Heng naturally heard the second half of the conversation.

Yan Li couldn't help but feel happy when she saw the phone call that was connected.

Gu Heng on the other end straightened his face: "He poured the food into the rice?"

A man's voice is very nice, even when his tone is cold and gloomy.

Yan Li recalled his appearance. Although he was about the same age as her, he was well-maintained and looked like he was in his twenties.

When she agreed to get married, another aspect was that she was bewitched by his face.

She still remembers that night three years ago. The man had a great figure, and she felt like she was enjoying it. If the other party's attitude hadn't been so bad, they might have followed up.

She just doesn’t know if he is still like this after three or almost four years.

Thinking too far, Yan Li suddenly blushed.

Opposite Yan Beibei saw that her mother was silent. She felt as if she had gotten into trouble and said, "Mom, do I still have to tell dad?"

Yan Li originally didn't want to file a complaint, but if God didn't help him, Gu Yiyi, a naughty boy, deserved to be spanked.

She gave her daughter an appreciative look, raised her eyebrows, and said, "Your father has already heard it."

Yan Beibei understood and was extremely well-behaved: "Oh, okay."

Yan Li fed the shrimp into the little girl's mouth, and then said to Gu Heng with a smile on her face, "You heard it, that's what happened."

Turning around slightly, she began to think about what kind of image he wanted to show in front of Gu Heng.

After a while, she sighed quietly: "We moved in suddenly. It's normal that we can't understand this child Yiyi, but he has a bad temper. I'm afraid of him scaring Beibei, who is timid."

Beibei immediately retorted to her mother in a low voice with dissatisfaction. Her voice was slurred. For a child under three years old, her articulation was not clear enough: "I am very courageous. I am not young. It's just that my brother suddenly yelled at me. I... I got scared."

"Then, I covered my face so he couldn't see me."

She said to show off to her mother: "Then he really left."

Yan Li thought to herself: If he really wants to beat you, there's no point in covering your head with the quilt.

She put the shrimp on the plate in front of Beibei, pinched her little cheek, and said with a smile: "Little Beibei, do you know what it means to hide your ears and steal your bell?"

Beibei shook her head, chewing the shrimp in her mouth, her stuffed mouth bulging, and her eyes were confused: "Why is Yan'er reaching zero?"

Her big eyes flashed, and she asked with her simple thinking: "Did Yan Zi get a duck egg in the exam?"

Yan Li chuckled: "You little fool, stealing a bell means a thief covers his ears, pretends that he can't hear the sound, and then steals other people's bells."

Beibei tilted her head and thought for a while before commenting, her eyes narrowed: "Then that thief is very stupid~"

Yan Li laughed at her: "So Beibei is a little fool."

Beibei was still young and didn't understand the connection. When she heard her mother's words, she was unconvinced and stared angrily at her mother with her round eyes: "Mom is the big fool!"

Yan Li stuffed the peeled shrimp into her mouth: "Okay, little fool, eat quickly, we have to go shopping later."

Beibei pouted her mouth and swallowed it whole. After a while, she said distressedly: "Mom, don't call me an idiot. What if I really become an idiot?"

Tap the forehead……

Only children are afraid of being called stupid and will become stupid. Only adults are not afraid.

However, seeing the child's dissatisfaction, Yan Li readily agreed: "Okay."

Realizing that the call on her cell phone was still on, she asked Beibei: "Do you still want to chat with your dad? I'll hang up now!"

It was just to be polite, but I didn't expect Beibei to actually pick up her phone and start chatting with Gu Heng, her little fleshy face was quite close.

But Gu Heng was making a phone call, so it was useless no matter how close her face was to him.


The child's voice is very low and soft, softer than marshmallows.

Gu Heng's heart softened unconsciously.


Gu Yiyi is a boy. He has been naughty and willful since he was a child. Naturally, he is not as sweet and soft as Beibei.

It was also the first time for Gu Heng to come into contact with such a well-behaved and soft little girl. This feeling was very strange.

He couldn't help but feel like he wanted to care for the child.

Yan Li has actually taken good care of her child in the past few years, but the little guy was born with a poor physical constitution, which makes her a bit introverted.

But she was much more cheerful than his sister.

Yan Beibei's voice was low and slow, and waxy: "Dad, I have something to tell you."

Gu Heng nodded and agreed softly: "Okay."

Someone came into the office. He raised his hand to signal the other person to stop talking, which made the special assistant who came in to deliver the documents a little nervous.

Yan Beibei originally wanted to say something, but when she raised her head and glanced at her mother, she gave up what she was about to say and said, "Forget it, I'll talk about it when you come back."

The little guy is thinking about the little dog, but she is also afraid that her father is not at home and her fierce brother will throw the dog out.

So she has to wait for her father to come back.

This way, her brother can't bully her little dog casually.

Yan Li was puzzled by her daughter's look: "I didn't ask you to tell me. Is your mother that cruel?"

Yan Beibei felt a little aggrieved by her mother's remarks and explained: "No, I want to wait until dad comes back before telling him."

Then she coaxed Yan Li: "Mom is not fierce, she is super gentle."

The child's voice is very soft, like a feather scratching the heart.

Yan Li opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, her expression a little helpless.

The little girl didn't want to say it, and Gu Heng was not in a hurry: "Okay, okay, you can tell daddy when he comes back."

"Then when will you come back?"

Gu Heng smiled slightly: "In a few days, do you need dad to bring you any gifts?"

Yan Beibei hesitated: "Well... I have what I want. I will tell you when you come back."


The father and daughter chatted for a while and then hung up the phone.

The little guy seemed hesitant to speak, which made Yan Li a little dissatisfied: "You and your dad have only met a few times? You already have secrets."

Yan Beibei was afraid that her mother would misunderstand, so she quickly waved her hands to deny it. Her little face was pink with excitement: "No, Mom, there is no little secret. Dad won't know until he comes back, and you will know it too."

Yan Li gave her a slight look and felt a little proud.

My little girl is quite smart, she has her own secrets at such a young age.

After eating, when Yan Li went to check out, a seven-digit amount was suddenly deposited into her mobile banking.

If her card hadn't been an ordinary bank card, she wouldn't have been able to accept it.

The message is: Go shopping with the child and buy some things. If you don’t have enough, just tell me.

This wasn't the first time Gu Heng gave her money. Last time he transferred 10 million to her.

And this time, seven figures, just to buy something.

Is Gu Heng coaxing her?

No, she should say, coax this little baby.

Yan Li was in a happy mood and couldn't help pinching her little baby's cheek.

Yan Beibei didn't understand why her mother suddenly pinched her cheek, turned her head to avoid it, and asked angrily: "Mom, why are you pinching my face?"

Yan Li held her cell phone in her hand, picked her up, and said with a bad smile, "Mom not only pinches your face! She also kisses you!"

As she said that, she kissed her several times.

Dear Yan Beibei, her face is as red as a tomato.

But she can see that the little guy is very happy and likes to be kissed by her mother.

After the kiss, Yan Li remembered to pay the bill and asked the cashier: "How much is table 13?"

The lady in yellow clothing at the cashier glanced at the computer and said, "You don't need to give it to your table."

Yan Li: "?" Maybe Gu Heng knew where they were eating and paid for them.

The young lady read the words on the computer: "The eldest lady said that she would treat her new friend to dinner because she likes Beibei very much."

"Beibei!" A child's voice came from behind. Yan Li turned around while holding her daughter, and saw the little girl who was playing with her just now waving to her: "Are you going back?"

Yan Beibei nestled in her mother's arms and nodded: "Yes."

Only Fu Jinlin was seen, and her little uncle, it wasn't known where he was.

Fu Jinlin waved to her happily and bid her farewell happily, saying, "You can come and play with me when you have time, and I'll treat you to a meal! I can treat you to a meal every time you come!"

The little girl was beaming with joy, which made Yan Li feel a little embarrassed.

They actually asked the children to treat them to dinner?

Yan Li didn't want to have a free meal for nothing, so she insisted on paying, and finally attracted the little girl's mother.

It was a young woman in her early thirties wearing a suit and with short hair.

She was also very enthusiastic about her daughter's friends. Not only did she not ask them to pay, but she also gave them two boxes of the newly developed pudding in the store.

When Yan Li left with her children, she was a little confused.

She feels like she's really lucky tonight.

After leaving the restaurant and being blown away by the wind for a while, Yan Li took her daughter to the clothing store to buy clothes.

Yan Li mainly buys clothes for her children. Her daughter is beautiful, so she naturally has to dress up nicely.

She didn't hesitate for a moment, and by the time she realized what she was doing, she had already bought a bunch of clothes, various hair accessories, beautiful shoes, and toys.

Yan Beibei saw that she had bought so many things, and her mother had also bought a lot. She couldn't help but ask her mother, "Mom, should we buy something for my father and brother?"

Yan Li was giving the store her address and asked them to deliver it directly to her home. When she heard Yan Beibei's words, she lowered her head and took a pen to write the address. She didn't care at all: "They can buy whatever they want."

Yan Beibei was a little anxious when she saw that her mother didn't want to buy it. She made random gestures with her little hands: "That's different. Dad wants to give me a gift..."

After saying that, she muttered: "Brother... um... it's not good that the only brother doesn't have anything."

The child's heart was as clear as crystal. Although she was frightened by Gu Yiyi, she still wanted to buy him something.

Yan Li wanted to protect her innocence and kindness, so after thinking about it, she reluctantly agreed: "Okay, buy it!"

Then she chose a tie for Gu Heng.

Gu Yiyi, a high school student...

Yan Li bought him a three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination - children who have nothing to do should do more homework.

She was generous and bought him all the subjects.

They returned with a full load.

And Gu Yiyi at home has a very stinky face.

The woman actually complained to his father about the dinner, and his father deducted half of his pocket money for next month, and threatened him that if he made trouble in the past few days, he would not have any pocket money next month.

Gu Yiyi was pacing back and forth at home, his face turning red with anger, he kicked over the water glass placed on the table and fell to the ground, shattering all over the floor.

The housekeeper heard the sound and was worried that something was wrong with him. He knocked on the door quickly and wanted to come in, but was yelled at by Gu Yiyi.

"Leave me alone! Don't come in! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

The housekeeper could only guard outside and did not dare to go in, for fear that he would become emotional.

After yelling at the housekeeper, Gu Yiyi went to get a broom and, sulking, swept up the broken glass on the floor.

As soon as he finished sweeping and threw it into the trash can, the sound of a car rang downstairs. Gu Yiyi held the broom in his hand. The happy look of them when they went out echoed in his mind, and veins popped up on his hands.

He decided that even if all his pocket money for the next six months was gone, he would - drive them out!!!

In this family, there is only him and not them!


  1. I'm anticipating your defeat 😈

    Thanks for the update 🤗 🤗


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