DSHSN - 02

Yan Li only needed to give instructions to the servants at home, and then she sat down in the dining room, and someone would soon serve her delicious food.

It’s a wonderful life when you don’t have to do it yourself. No wonder so many people yearn to be rich wives.

She happily ate the delicious food on the table, planning to fight with her cheap son again when she was full.

The male protagonist of the novel became my stepson...

Hiss, this kind of plot that could only appear in dreams actually happened to her.

She was filled with indignation when she first watched it, but now that he has become his stepson, it is good to teach him a lesson and let him experience the ups and downs of life.

Yan Li put the beef on the chopsticks into her mouth, thinking beautifully...

In fact, she may not have the capital to confront the male protagonist.

He is the male protagonist in the novel, the author's favorite goose. How could a character like Yan Li, who has never appeared in the book, go against the male protagonist...

Phew, at this point, Yan Li patted her head, disgusted with thinking too much here.

The male protagonist is still young and cannot cover the sky with one hand, so it seems quite good to let his life be filled with the shadow of the vicious stepmother.

Of course, Yan Li just thought that it would be best for the two of them not to conflict with each other.

After taking a bite of food, she no longer thought about her cheap son, but thought about going upstairs to see if Yan Beibei woke up after eating.

The little guy is not familiar enough with the unfamiliar environment and is very dependent on her.

Thinking of this, Yan Li felt a little helpless.

Yan Beibei is a baby with high dependence needs. She has been like this since she was a child. It takes a long time to adapt to strangers and unfamiliar environments. It's not known whether she can take the initiative to adapt to kindergarten in the future.

His father got him a stepmother. The more Gu Yiyi thought about it, the angrier he became. He walked with heavy steps. When he saw a vase on the side of the road, he kicked it with his foot.

The first kick failed to knock the vase off, and the anger in his heart couldn't be vented, so he kicked it again.

The vase, which was originally good, suddenly fell to pieces.

Then Gu Yiyi remembered something else.

He saw the stepmother, but not the cheap sister.

There was a room in the back with the door ajar. He guessed it was the mother and daughter's room. He walked over and opened the door, and he happened to face the little girl wearing a bear pajamas with love hearts inside.

The two or three-year-old child, delicate and beautiful, with wet eyes like a young deer, met Gu Yiyi's cold eyes.

Although she looked very cute, Gu Yiyi didn't like children, let alone this woman's child. He glared at the little Douding on the bed and immediately cursed: "What are you looking at?"

The next second, the little thing seemed to have a spring on its body. It rubbed against the ground, covered its head with the quilt, and huddled up.

Just like a little hedgehog with no attack power.

"Coward!" Gu Yiyi cursed and turned around. When he turned around, he saw Yan Li behind him.

Yan Li heard the sound of a vase breaking and rushed up. There was a child in the room. She was awakened by the sound. Gu Yiyi might not be able to do anything to her, but he could do it to Yan Beibei who had no resistance. 

Although the chaotic night with Gu Heng was set up, the child was what she wanted, and Yan Li naturally valued Yan Beibei.

There was no way she could let Gu Yiyi hurt Yan Beibei. When she saw him, she acted like she was protecting her child.

"Gu Yiyi, if you don't obey me, you can find fault with me, but don't touch Yan Beibei. If you bully her... don't blame me for telling your dad."

If there is a conflict between the two of them, Yan Li doesn't have to go to Gu Heng, but if he goes too far, Yan Li could only negotiate terms with Gu Heng.

She heard that Gu Heng was quite strict with his son. Gu Yiyi's reaction in the next second really confirmed the fact that Gu Yiyi was afraid of his father.

The young man's chin was raised high, and there seemed to be a bit of murderous intent in his eyes. He sneered: "If you want to complain, go ahead. She's just a little kid who can't even recognize a word. I'm too lazy to bully her. Do you think you have such a face?"

After saying that, he walked forward, and when passing Yan Li, he bumped her shoulder hard.

Yan Li was knocked back by him and felt some pain in her shoulder. She frowned, walked over, lifted the quilt, and went to see if her daughter was okay.

The quilt was lifted, and the little guy inside had messy hair and bright eyes.

Seeing her mother, she showed an aggrieved expression: "Mom, that brother is so vicious!"

Yan Li sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out her hand to tidy up her child's somewhat disheveled hair, and comforted her daughter with a smile: "It's okay, we don't have to worry about him. Are you hungry?"

Yan Beibei reached out for her mother to hug her, with a pitiful expression: "Hungry."

"Then let's go down and eat."

They went out to play this morning and were a little tired, so they didn't eat much when they came back.

Yan Li picked up the child, gave her a simple ponytail with a comb, put on her shoes, and took her downstairs.

She had already ordered the kitchen to prepare food for the child. When she saw her coming in with Yan Beibei in her arms, the kitchen immediately brought the food over.

As soon as she saw something delicious, Yan Beibei was in a very good mood. She took a pink spoon and put the delicious porridge into her mouth, her eyes widened: "Mom, it's delicious."

The most beautiful and lively thing about Yan Beibei is her eyes.

Seeing her happy, Yan Li also felt happy and touched the child's face: "If it tastes good, eat more."

"Yeah, mommy, eat too." Yan Beibei said and began to slowly eat the porridge in front of her. Although she loved eating, this little guy ate very slowly, like a snail.

While eating, she would look up at Yan Li from time to time.

Yan Li saw her daughter staring at her, put some food on the plate in front of her, and then continued to eat the rest.

The little episode of meeting for the first time just now, along with the good mood of eating, got better.

Gu Yiyi didn't tell Gu Heng about this. He returned to the room and kicked several stools. He almost kicked his new limited edition car model off the table, but he quickly held it on and finally allowed himself to let the baby survive.

Putting the model back, Gu Yiyi sat down on the bed, getting angrier as he thought about it.

His chest was heaving violently.

At this moment, his girlfriend Shen Ruyue called, her voice a little coquettish: "Yiyi, why did you leave so suddenly... leaving me here..."

Gu Yiyi and Shen Ruyue have been fighting fiercely recently, and he responded to her requests. This trip was also the result of her suggestion.

He is very annoyed now and has no intention of playing with her, and his tone is cold: "Is there anything else? I'll hang up if it's okay?"

Shen Ruyue on the other end didn't expect that Gu Yiyi, who had always been more accommodating to her, would treat her in such a tone, and she immediately felt aggrieved: "Why are you talking to me like this..."

Gu Yiyi had just experienced the heavy blow of suddenly having a stepmother. Now he felt that it was a female stepmother, so he hung up the phone without hesitation.

Picking up the cigarette case in the drawer, he took out one cigarette, dropped the cigarette case, picked up the lighter, and went to the balcony to smoke, while the swirling smoke curled up between his fingers. A cigarette relieves a thousand worries. After finishing the cigarette, Gu Yiyi felt physically and mentally comfortable and no longer thought about that woman for the time being.

However, the good mood only lasted a few seconds. The phone rang and it was his dad.

Seeing the phone, Gu Yiyi's eyes overflowed with a sneer: "This woman said she won't complain."

No, his dad's call came.

He stubbed out the cigarette butt on the ground and threw it into the trash can. After feeling guilty and covering it with something, he sat on the sofa and crossed his legs to answer the phone.

"Hey, Dad." His voice became much better unconsciously.

On the other end was Gu Heng's slightly cold tone: "Have you seen your mother and your sister?"

Gu Yiyi exploded upon hearing this and stood up excitedly: "That's not my mother!!"

Gu Heng had already expected his son's reaction, and his voice was calm: "It is true that she is not your biological mother, but since she is married to your father, you should also..."

Gu Yiyi was furious and said in a fierce voice: "Gu Heng, can you please be sensible? You and she were set up by others. Why did you bring her here?"


Gu Heng on the other side of the office rubbed his brows, remembering that after that night two years ago, he looked at the woman standing by the bed with a gloomy face and cold eyes: "If you have an ulterior motive..."

The woman smiled charmingly, buttoned up her skirt slowly, and smiled charmingly: "This is just an accident. I have no purpose. It's best for us not to meet."

Then, she stepped on her stiletto heels and left in a graceful manner.

He didn't see her for more than three years until he met her on the roadside holding a little girl who looked very similar to his sister.

Recalling Yan Li's face again, he knew that this child was his.

The little sister had been missing for many years, and when she came back she was in a bad mental state. He didn't want his child to be left alone, so he proposed marriage to Yan Li.

Yan Li was reluctant to get married at first, and he went through a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, he said seriously: "There is no reason. If you can't accept them, you can go to school to live next semester. Anyway, it's not long before school starts."

Gu Yiyi: "??"

The offensive power that the woman said to let him go out to live was not on the same level as what Gu Heng said.

Gu Yiyi felt like he was abandoned. His mouth was open and his mind went blank. After a long time, he said in disbelief: "Gu Heng, do you think my big trumpet is useless, so you want to practice the trumpet?"

Gu Heng has been busy working these years and neglected to discipline Gu Yiyi, which is why he developed such a character.

By letting Gu Yiyi live on campus, in addition to resolving family conflicts, he also wanted to polish his character.

"What did you call me?" The voice was stern.

Gu Yiyi immediately behaved like a cat: "Dad."

Gu Heng pinched his eyebrows and said with a headache: "You two are my children, there is no big or small one. Of course, if you think so, there is nothing I can do about it."
