DSHSN - 01

When Yan Li woke up, the villa was so quiet except for the chirping of cicadas outside, which was extremely annoying.

She stretched out her legs, trying to stretch her muscles, but she suddenly bumped into the person next to her.

She was stunned, looked over, and saw the baby sleeping soundly next to her.

The little girl is only two and a half years old. She is as delicate and beautiful as the doll in the window. She has a small nose and red lips. She has a lovely appearance.

Having been in this world for several years, Yan Li couldn't imagine that this was her own cub.

There was a thin layer of sweat on the little guy's forehead. Yan Li took the bedside tissue and wiped it gently for her. Then she got out of bed and looked at her face in the mirror.

This is a face that belongs to a thirty-six-year-old woman. Although she looks a lot older to outsiders, in fact, this face is similar to that of a twenty-five-six-year-old woman. She has an oval face and a sharp chin. When she smiles, she looks beautiful and moving.

Yan Li was thirty-three when she came here. She has been like this for three years. Even she envied herself.

If she was still as beautiful in ten years, she would be satisfied.

Just as she sighed softly, she heard the sound of the little guy turning over on the bed behind her. Yan Li looked back and saw that little Yan Beibei, who was lying on her back, turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

The little guy's little hands were exposed. She didn't know what she was dreaming about. Her little hands were clenched into fists. The fists were small and soft, and had no offensive power at all.

The cute baby is so cute, even the way she clenches her little pink fists is so adorable.

Feeling a little hungry, Yan Li tidied her hair a little, then walked downstairs in her home clothes.

Just as she was about to go downstairs, she heard the violent voice of the boy downstairs: "I just went out to play, and my dad actually brought me a stepmother and a child of unknown origin?"

The young man's voice was clear and pleasant.

It's just that this voice is not very polite.

The people downstairs did not look at Yan Li, and Yan Li was not in a hurry to go down. She stood on the stairs, rubbed her ears, and listened to the conversation between the housekeeper and the boy downstairs.

This thing is indeed quite sudden.

The housekeeper, Uncle Li, understood the young man's bad temper and knew that no one would be able to accept this matter. However, Mr. has always kept his word. Now that he had brought him back, Uncle Li could only try his best to comfort the young man.

"This child is not some unknown child. Just like you, she is the master's child."

The young man tilted his body, spread his long legs, folded his arms, and smiled sarcastically: "The only time in his life that Gu Heng was framed by his opponent, and a woman was sent to his bed. Now that woman came in with her child, he couldn't bear it. Doesn't he deserve this shame?"

The master's thoughts were not something the butler could guess. Uncle Li lowered his head and reminded: "Young master, the gentleman has already received the certificate from his wife. Although you are unwilling to accept it, the matter has become a foregone conclusion. You still... shouldn't say this in front of the madam. Otherwise, if sir heard, he will get angry."

Gu Yiyi had already seen Yan Li upstairs. He crossed his arms, raised his chin slightly, and said with a bit of malice in his eyes: "She has already heard it."

The housekeeper quickly turned around and saw Yan Li standing upstairs, secretly shouting "Oh no!" But then he thought about it, the young master has such a bad temper, the two of them will confront each other sooner or later...

Thinking about it, he secretly wiped a cold sweat in his heart.

His life has been full of ups and downs for decades, and he has met all kinds of people, but Uncle Li really can't handle the current situation.

The character of the new madam is unknown...

The master went on a business trip two days after bringing him back.

The boy is in adolescence, and his temper can explode at any time. No, now he is staring viciously at the people upstairs with grim expressions on his face, as if he wants to eat people alive.

Yan Li was stared at by the young man, so she subconsciously touched her face.

As the saying goes, you can lose an argument but don't mess up your hair.

She didn't know whether she would win or not. Anyway, her image couldn't be messed up.

Yan Li walked downstairs slowly and gracefully. She was only wearing simple home clothes, but she was beautiful. She moved gently when walking, not like going downstairs, but like walking in a fashion show.

Although, she is only going downstairs now.

Gu Yiyi hates this woman very much, but he has to admit that she is quite good-looking, much prettier than those female celebrities on TV, and she has a mature look in her movements. It is no wonder that his father was led away by her.

"Vase." Gu Yiyi stared at Yan Li and said two words through gritted teeth.

Yan Li was not very awake yet. After yawning lazily, she stood holding the stairs for a while.

When Gu Yiyi looked at her, she was also looking at him.

A boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, he is quite good-looking. He probably has the appearance of his father. He has a pair of particularly beautiful peach blossom eyes, which can attract people at a glance. She guessed that he has already reached puberty. He is a bit of a middle schooler, with dyed red hair and an earring on his left ear. He looks a bit carefree.

She had long heard that Gu Heng had a son, and she didn't know where her brain was at, but she actually agreed to marry Gu Heng.

She had just woken up and her mind was not clear. After a while, Yan Li finally thought of the reason, because Gu Heng gave her too much.

She didn't want to get married at that time, but the marriage agreement she signed stipulated that the two would not interfere with each other after they got married, and he would be responsible for her and her child's living expenses.

Then take care of them.

Gu Heng also gave her a house. The house was in the city center where land was at a premium. The full payment was worth around tens of millions.

Yan Li thought about it and agreed for the sake of her daughter.

Yan Beibei will go to kindergarten next year. If possible, it would be good for her to go to a noble kindergarten.

Anyway, Gu Heng said that he and she would not interfere with each other.

She now suspected that something was wrong with her before, and she actually agreed to live here with Gu Heng.

But come here, she's already here. Life here is indeed very comfortable. There are servants waiting for her to eat and drink every day. She can be a complete waste.

Now that she is an elder, there is no need for her to be polite to this cheap son.

Yan Li quickened her pace and walked down the stairs. She smiled deliberately and gently at him: "Thank you for your compliment. After all, I am still called a vase at this age, which means that I am pretty good-looking in your eyes."

Gu Yiyi felt that there was something wrong with her brain. Women generally have anxiety about appearance and age. Not only did she not get angry when she was scolded, but she also showed off her age. Does this mean she doesn't care about her age at all?

He thought it was impossible, but this woman was hypocritical enough, so she could hold back her anger, pretending to smile and talk to him, but in fact she might want to strangle him to death so that she could become the mistress of this family.

Of course, Gu Yiyi couldn't let her succeed. He pointed directly at the door, raised his eyebrows and looked a little fierce, and ordered her: "The door is there, I advise you to take your child of unknown origin and get out quickly, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Yan Li found it interesting and raised her eyebrows: "Oh, am I scared?"

Gu Yiyi, who is fifteen or sixteen years old, is quite tall, already over 1.7 meters tall. Yan Li is nearly 1.7 meters tall, which is considered tall among girls, but now, she also looks shorter than a teenager.

Gu Yiyi's aura is quite scary when he is fierce. If it were anyone else, they would probably be scared, but who is she? She is Yan Li.

She wasn't afraid at all, and even raised her hand to pat his head, and laughed: "What's your name, Gu Yi? Although you are not convinced, I'm sorry, from now on I will be with Gu Heng. He is the owner of this house. If you are not convinced, you will either walk around us when you see us in the future, or you will live outside."

Yan Li felt that it was a bit excessive to speak to an adolescent child like this, but who made this kid be rude to her first? If he spoke nicely, she would also be very gentle.

As for living outside, high school students can now live on campus, and with the Gu family's conditions, there is definitely no shortage of housing outside.

Of course, she was certain that it was impossible for her cheap stepson to go out and live.

Gu YIyi's expression twisted instantly.

He simply suspected that he had heard wrong. How could this woman be so arrogant and let him walk around them? And asked him to move out!

"This is my home! You are the one who has to leave, okay? Also, my name is not Gu Yi, my name is Gu Yiyi." Gu Yiyi was angry. If he hadn't seen that she was a woman, he would have taken action long ago. What the hell, actually let him out.

Gu Heng...

Gu Yiyi...

No, why are these names so familiar?

Yan Li's face froze, and after a moment, she realized, wasn't this the name of the male protagonist in a sadistic novel she had read before?

Gu Heng is the male protagonist’s father’s name.

There was only one word missing, and she didn't expect that this would be the hero's home.

At that time, she thought the male protagonist's name was cute, but she didn't know that the man was cruel and ruthless. The one who tormented the female protagonist to have an abortion and go abroad.

Although the male protagonist regretted it for several chapters at the end, it was almost a book full of fun for the male protagonist while he struggled and made love to his female counterpart.

Yan Li was reading the novel while calling the male protagonist a scumbag.

Now, this big scumbag was standing in front of her, with a sullen expression on his face, as if he wanted to drive her away.

Yan Li, who just felt that she had spoken harsh words to a little kid, instantly no longer felt uneasy about her conscience.

There is no need to be polite to such a poorly educated child.

Yan Li rolled her eyes and almost rolled her eyes to the sky: "Then go and ask your dad if he can let us go? To be honest, I don't like your family very much. Look at how well you learn, I'm afraid my daughter will be like this, and what will you do if you fail in the future?"

After speaking nonchalantly, she went directly to the dining room. When she entered, she even rubbed her flat belly.

I'm so hungry that I don't even have the energy to argue with the kids. I'll finish eating first.

As for how ugly Gu Yiyi's face looked later, she didn't bother to look at it.

She guessed that he would not dare to go to his father and tell him about it.
