FVB - 204

Chapter 204 Let the two children divorce

Jiang Jin drove back to Mengzhai.
There are two old camphor trees planted at the entrance of the quaint courtyard, with dense branches and leaves, and a water paulownia tree on the side.
It is the peak season of flower blooming, and large tung flowers flutter to the ground.
Jiang Jin opened the car door and got out. Before she could take a step, a familiar car stopped beside her.
The driver opened the door respectfully, and Li Dongjing helped Mr. Li get out of the back seat.
Seeing that she was there, Li Dongjing's dark eyes lit up with a light.
He opened his lips, as if he wanted to say hello, but the sound of "Mom" came to his lips, but he swallowed it again.
After just a moment of hesitation, the best opportunity to say hello has been missed.

"Dad, Ah Jing, why are you here?" Jiang Jin looked at them and asked calmly.
Li Dongjing picked up the gift box in his hand and said, "I will accompany my grandpa to visit my great-grandpa and great-grandma."
Mr. Li held the handle of the crutch tightly.
The veins on the back of his hands were exposed. If anyone familiar with him saw this, they would know that he was nervous.
Jiang Jin pushed open the courtyard door: "Go in."
She walked inside first.
Li Dongjing pursed his lips in silence.
The woman had just glanced at him, an extremely cold look, and then looked away.
Should he be more enthusiastic?
He supported the old man and followed Jiang Jin, quickly walking to the living room.
Before entering, Jiang Jin heard the children's voices.
She was so shocked that she walked around the corridor and saw Mrs. Meng sitting on the sofa in the living room. Three children surrounded the old lady, making her smile.
If the simple and elegant decoration hadn't reminded her, she almost thought she was back in the Li family villa.
Li Dongjing was also petrified.
He thought he was the only one who could sneak in with his grandfather.
Unexpectedly, the three younger brothers had already come over.

"Mom, you're back!"
Li Beixiao was the first to see the person coming and rolled into Jiang Jin's arms like a glutinous rice dumpling.
Jiang Jin instinctively hugged him and rubbed his head: "Aren't you in school? Why are you here?"
Li Beixiao felt guilty.
He tricked his grandfather into picking them up under the guise of fighting. If his mother found out, she would definitely not like him.
He immediately changed the subject: "Hey, grandpa, why are you here?"
Mr. Li coughed and said respectfully: "Mr. Meng, Mrs. Meng, I have heard of you for a long time, and today I finally meet you. I hope I won't disturb you."
Mr. Meng sat firmly without moving.
Mrs. Meng's eyes narrowed, and she looked at Jiang Jin calmly: "Girl, you must be tired today. Go back to your room and take a rest first."
Jiang Jin knew that she was trying to push her away.
Back then, Mr. Li coerced and induced the original owner to marry into the Li family, and also forced the original owner to give birth to four children. The Meng family will definitely settle this debt.
This is a matter between the two parents, so naturally she will not participate.
She turned around and returned to her room.
Mrs. Meng continued: "Meng Shen, take the four children to play in the yard for a while."
Meng Shen: "??"

He is Jin Jin's biological father, and he is related to Mr. Li. Even if there is a score to be settled, he should be the one to settle it, right?
However, when he saw Mr. Li's silver hair, he felt that he and Mr. Li were not of the same generation at all...
In fact, even his biological father and mother are ten years younger than Mr. Li!
Meng Shen didn't want to be accused of bullying an old man, so he waved his hand and took the four children out of the living room like ducks.
Once the children left, the living room fell silent.
Mrs. Meng said calmly: "Mr. Li, sit down."
Mr. Li did not sit down.

He stood in the middle of the living room, with his back straight and his eyebrows solemn: "I came to the door today to ask for forgiveness."
Mr. Meng snorted coldly.
Their granddaughter of the Meng family had been harmed by the Li family for ten years, and she also had four little oil bottles. This debt could not be solved by coming to the door and apologizing.
No one else would be able to calm down so easily.
"Ten years ago, it was indeed my fault. I should not have forced eighteen-year-old Jin Yatou to marry into the Li family for the sake of my vegetative son."
There was deep regret in Mr. Li's voice, "As selfish as I was back then, I feel guilty and remorseful now. I have tried every means to compensate Jin Yatou in the past ten years, but it cannot make up for the youth she has lost in the past ten years. "

"Mr. Meng, Mrs. Meng, I know that you are angry, and I also know that you feel sorry for your granddaughter... The damage in the past has been done. If I explain too much, it will be more like sophistry... You can make any demands on the Li family. As long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water, no matter what!"
Mr. Li's back was slightly curved.
He has lived for eighty years, and this is the only thing he feels guilty about.
Therefore, this was the only thing that could make him bend his back, lower his head, and let others criticize him.
"Ha!" Mrs. Meng sneered, "Your Li family can't even compare to a finger of the Meng family. It's impossible for you to fulfill my request! But since it comes to this, I really have a request. That is--"
Her voice became colder, "Let the two children get divorced."

Mr. Li was suddenly stunned.
He thought that the Meng family would bring up the divorce, but he didn't expect that it would be brought up so directly.
Mrs. Meng continued: "Your son has been lying in a vegetative state for ten years, and he may lie in bed for another twenty or thirty years in the future. We, the granddaughter of the Meng family, will not spend the rest of our lives guarding a vegetative state!"
"No, A Ting will wake up soon..." Mr. Li said continuously, "Divorce is always a matter between the two children. If A Ting and Jin Yatou are willing to divorce, I support it with both hands and feet!"

Mr. Meng snorted coldly: "If our granddaughter of the Meng family wants a divorce, she doesn't need anyone's consent."
Mr. Li suddenly shut himself up.
If Jiang Jin insists on divorce, with the support of the Meng family, she can indeed get the divorce certificate back immediately.
His bastard son is so good at pretending to be a vegetative state, why can't he even keep his own wife? He's so old that he still comes here to work hard!
"The four children are so pitiful!" Mr. Li sighed. "They were born without a father, and soon there will be no mother. The children have grown so big since they were born, and they have never enjoyed a single day of happiness..."
"That's wrong." Mrs. Meng said coldly, "If they get divorced, the custody of the four children will naturally belong to our Meng family. No matter what, the children will not be without their mother. Aren't we right?"

Mr. Li: "..."
My daughter-in-law is gone, and my four grandchildren are also going to be gone?
The old man suddenly covered his chest: "My heart hurts—"
Then, the whole person suddenly fell down.
The four children who had been walking around outside the door rushed over in one stride.

Li Dongjing and Li Nanque struggled to support the old man.
Li Beixiao's eyes were filled with tears: "Grandpa, are you okay? Where does it hurt? Let me blow on you..."
Li Xichen's voice was low: "Did grandpa have a heart attack?"
