FVB - 203

Chapter 203 I will let Miss Jiang have a wonderful night

Jiang Jin checked the operations of Orange Entertainment in recent years.
In the first year, they cooperated with the Rong family in Beijing and the development was pretty good.
But in the next few years, the Rong family did not invest in feeding resources, and the situation deteriorated day by day.
Several of the movies Director Zhao shot at Orange Entertainment were all sold out, and he didn't even make back the cost.
It turned out that there were several artists in Orange Entertainment, but they couldn't stay any longer and one after another asked to terminate their contracts.
It is shocking enough that a film and television company in the entertainment industry does not even have a signed artist.
Analyzing the development momentum of Orange Entertainment in recent years, it is known that Mr. Rong has no business operation ability. If he is allowed to sit in the position of the major shareholder, Orange Entertainment will be killed sooner or later.
Since she wants to enter this industry, she will never work under an incompetent person.
Jiang Jin smiled calmly and said: "I have only one purpose here today, and that is to acquire Orange Entertainment. If Mr. Rong has no plans in this regard, then there is no need to continue the discussion."
She stood up to leave.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry, Miss Jiang?" Rong Muye put his chin on his hands, "If we can't agree on official matters, why don't we talk about private matters?"
Jiang Jin frowned: "What private matter?"
"The first time I saw Miss Jiang, I was captivated by your beauty." Rong Muye took out a room card from his jacket pocket, "This is the hotel where I am temporarily staying. You are welcome to come over tonight."
Jiang Jin: "..."
Are all foreigners so open to asking for a date when they first meet?
Is this because he believes too much in his own charm, or does he think she is just the kind of sexually open woman?
"I will let Miss Jiang have a good night."
Rong Muye smiled slightly, revealing a smile that he thought was perfect.
Jiang Jin's last trace of appetite was gone.
She pushed away the chair and stood up, saying with a half-smile, "Finally I met Pu Xinnan."
Rong Muye also stood up and asked in confusion: "Pu Xinnan, what do you mean?"

"It refers to the kind of man who is ordinary in all aspects, but is extremely confident in himself." Jiang Jin sarcastically said, "I used to think that this was an exaggeration by the person who coined the word. But when I saw him today, I realized that Pu Xin Man is indeed well-deserved."
Rong Muye's blue eyes widened: "Me, ordinary?"
The second son of the Rong family, he was born with a golden key. His perfect background and outstanding appearance made him destined to be extraordinary.
He was shocked for a moment and said, "Miss Jiang, are you afraid that you are not good enough for me, so that's why you said this?"
Jiang Jin: "..."
She must have not looked at the almanac when she went out today, to meet such a strange person.
"Ahem, cough, cough, it's all a misunderstanding!"
Director Zhao stood up and quickly smoothed things over.
Both sides can't afford to offend him, but only he can stand up and stop this imminent war.
"Auntie, Mr. Rong grew up abroad and is quite open in this regard. This is their daily life, so don't worry about it."
After Director Zhao finished speaking, he looked at Rong Muye again, "Mr. Rong, Miss Jiang is already married and has children. If you really have that need, I can introduce you to a few single girls to try to get in touch with..."
Rong Muye couldn't believe it: "Miss Jiang is so young, how could she have a child..."
Director Zhao chuckled and said, "Miss Jiang has four children, the oldest one is nine years old."
Everyone in Yuncheng knows about this, okay?
Rong Muye looked unbelievable.

He looked at Jiang Jin intently: "Unless you tell me in person that you are married and have children, I will never believe it."
Jiang Jin rolled her eyes in an extremely ungraceful manner: "You are sick!"
And he was still very ill.
She turned to look at Director Zhao: "I am no longer interested in Orange Entertainment. Director Zhao, are you willing to create a brand new entertainment company with me?"
Director Zhao glanced at Rong Muye.
The second son of the Rong family in the capital, with the Rong family as his backer, Rong is always very difficult to mess with.


His aunt is also the granddaughter of the Meng family in Beijing. The Meng family and the Rong family seem to be similar big families, so there is no need for him to be afraid of Mr. Rong.
Thinking of this, Director Zhao straightened up a lot.
He coughed and said: "Mr. Rong, I formally propose to you my resignation..."
Rong Muye: "??"
He came here today to discuss cooperation with Jiang Jin.
As a result, the cooperation failed and he lost a general?
You know, Orange Entertainment currently only has one shooting team led by Director Zhao. If Director Zhao resigns, all the people in that group will definitely leave together. By then, Orange Entertainment will become an empty shell.

This is his weight in running for the heir to the Rong Group, and he must not suddenly go bankrupt.
"Ms. Jiang, we can discuss the acquisition again..." Rong Muye immediately calmed down, "Ms. Jiang has a strong talent in investing in movies. If she establishes a new company, she will definitely gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.
However, a lot of information needs to be prepared in the early stage of establishing a company, and the review process is very complicated and takes a long time... By the time the company is officially established, I'm afraid this year will be over..."
Jiang Jin listened calmly.
Because what Rong Muye said does make sense.
The entertainment industry is highly competitive. Opening a new company will attract attention from all parties. If you don't pay attention, you will be strangled in the cradle.
The fastest way is to acquire an existing company, since having a new company will not be officially launched until the end of the year.
This most of half a year has been wasted.
Therefore, acquiring a film and television company is currently the best option.
"I know that I have no business talent, so I will never interfere in the company's operations. You have the final say in everything." Rong Muye continued, "Orange Entertainment's stock price has skyrocketed. If you invest 200 million, you can become the second shareholder. On the surface, you are the second shareholder. In fact, you are the one in power, and you are sure to make a profit in this matter, so why should you hesitate?"
This matter is indeed a sure profit.

But Rong Muye is the biggest time bomb.
She opened her lips and smiled and said: "I will offer 300 million to become the majority shareholder and CEO of Orange Entertainment. If you are willing, we will sign the contract. If you are not willing, don't mention it again."
Rong Muye: "..."

This woman is so greedy.
He wanted to take away his identity as CEO with just one mouthful.
However, he had to bow his head.
Because by himself, Orange Entertainment will definitely not be able to make money.
These four or five years have been a bloody lesson!
If he wants to enter the core power center of the Rong Group, he must rely on Orange Entertainment...
Rong Muye gritted his teeth: "Okay, then it's settled!"
Jiang Jin was surprised.
She made such an unreasonable and excessive request, and this person actually agreed to it?
Is this because his brain was caught in the door?
Or is it that Orange Entertainment is not worth so much money at all?

She narrowed her eyes and said, "I'll go to Orange Entertainment another day to look at the accounts of the past few years. If there are no problems, I'll sign the contract directly."
After she finished speaking, she turned around and left.
Looking at her back, Rong Muye's interest rose a little more.
