FVB - 139

Chapter 139 Fiancée Ten Years Ago

Li Yunting took care of someone for the first time.
He carefully moistened Jiang Jin's lips with a cotton swab.
After the woman's pale lips were moistened, they suddenly became plump and moist like rain falling on dry land...
Li Yunting's fingers gently caressed her lips.
The rough fingertips changed the shape of the woman's lips...
Jiang Jin, who was sleeping, moaned unconsciously.
The sound was like sparks falling on dry firewood, instantly igniting a raging fire.
Li Yunting swallowed his Adam's apple and suppressed the inexplicable dryness.
This woman is sick, a bit seriously sick, and he must restrain his behavior...
He put down the water glass and picked up the temperature at hand.
A mercury thermometer must be inserted into the armpit to accurately measure body temperature.
He leaned down, raised Jiang Jin's arm with difficulty, and then put the mercury thermometer in...
Who would have expected—
Jiang Jin suddenly turned over and hugged his arm.

Li Yunting's muscles suddenly tensed up.

He didn't dare to move for fear of waking her up.
If she saw this face without a mask, he wouldn't know how to explain it...

Ye Tang opened the door of the ward and walked in, and saw this scene—
The husband was lying on the hospital bed in a strange posture, hugging the young lady, and he didn't know what he was doing..
"I-I didn't see anything!"
Ye Tang took a step back and closed the door of the ward.

There was a soft sound from the door.
Jiang Jin's brows suddenly frowned, and her long eyelashes trembled.
Li Yunting couldn't care anymore, took out his hand and quickly fled the scene.
Jiang Jin didn't open her eyes. She found a comfortable position and fell asleep again...
"Hey, sir, why did you come out so quickly?" Ye Tang asked in surprise as he stood in the corridor.
Li Yunting glanced at him coolly: "What are you doing in the hospital? Are you so busy?"

He is the Mr.'s bodyguard, where would he go if not here?

Just because he's single, does he deserve to have no human rights
Li Yunting said coldly: "Go and find out who Meng Shen is."
"Meng Shen?" Ye Tang said in surprise, "Isn't he a singer? He has a good relationship with the second young master. Sir, you can search on the Internet and there will be news about Meng Shen everywhere. There is no need for me to check it out."
Li Yunting took out his cell phone.
In the ten years since he was in coma, technology has been advancing rapidly, and many things are different from what they were ten years ago.
Even this small mobile phone is countless times more convenient and faster than it was ten years ago...
Just as he was about to enter Meng Shen's name in the news search bar, a piece of news popped up—
"Mu Yingxuan, the daughter of Mu Group, held a press conference to clarify the child abuse incident..."
There are two screenshots of the display box.
One is a high-definition photo of the child abuse video, and the other is a photo of Mu Yingxuan at the press conference...
Li Yunting's cold eyebrows twisted solemnly: "What's going on in the news?"

Ye Tang felt a sudden change in his heart.

He had known about this matter for a long time, but it was solved perfectly later, so he didn't tell his master.
At this moment, he just wanted to give himself a slap in the face.
The master asked Meng Shen, couldn't he just find out Meng Shen's information and give it to him? Why did he have to risk his life and let his husband check it on the Internet by himself...
Although the popularity of child abuse incidents that have been fermented during the day has dropped, there are still many marketing accounts posting articles to gain popularity...
This is a past event that no one in the Li family wants to face...
"Sir, I was negligent in my duty." Ye Tang lowered his head and said respectfully, "I should have reported it to you as soon as the incident came out... But now that the matter has been resolved, please punish me, sir!"
Li Yunting clicked on the news.
He only glanced at the child abuse video and did not click the play button.
Now that they have decided to let go of the past, there is no need to deepen those unbearable impressions...
He quickly read the report, his cold eyebrows showing a sharp edge: "Who is Mu Yingxuan...?"
Ye Tang was stunned: "Sir, you, you haven't lost your memory, right?"
Li Yunting looked at him coldly: "If I had lost my memory, I would have kicked you away long ago."
"Uh..." Ye Tang said dryly, "Then why don't you remember Miss Mu?"
"Should I remember her?"
Li Yunting frowned coldly.

He tried his best to recall. The name Mu Yingxuan seemed familiar, but he really couldn't remember who this person was...
"Sir, you were engaged ten years ago. Do you still remember this?"

"I understand." Li Yunting tightened his chin, "My fiancée ten years ago seemed to be the eldest daughter of the Mu family, Mu Yingxuan?"
Ye Tang: "..."

Inexplicably, I want to light a candle for Miss Mu...
Li Yunting sneered: "Check out the reason why the Mu family dealt with the Li family."
Ye Tang: "..."
Isn’t the reason obvious?
Why does he feel that Mr.'s brain is a little hard to use...
"Ahem, I guess that's it..." Ye Tang lowered his head and said, "After Miss Mu got engaged to you ten years ago, you had a car accident and became a vegetative state. The old man beat the couple hard, and the engagement was eventually cancelled.
Miss Mu was heartbroken and went abroad. She has never forgotten the master in all these years...
After hearing that the master was about to wake up, she came to Li's house more and more frequently...I guess she wanted to renew her relationship with master? "

Li Yunting sneered.
Li Yunting calmly gave the order to expel the guest.
Ye Tang didn't want to stay and eat dog food at all, so he quickly left.
The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the bright moonlight shines in from the window.

Li Yunting pushed open the door and entered.
The woman on the bed slept more deeply, and her fair face looked more gentle under the moonlight...

He has almost forgotten what happened ten years ago. People who were not important ten years ago have also been automatically forgotten by him.
If it's really someone he cares about, there's no way he can't even remember her name.
A stranger, you still want to renew your relationship with him?
"A warning to the Mu family, if they dare to touch anyone in the Li family again, they will be responsible for the consequences."
Ye Tang respectfully accepted the order: "Yes, sir."
"You can go now."
The man sat down next to her and gently held her in his arms with one hand.

Jiang Jin slept deeply that night.
She dreamed that she had picked up a big wolf dog, and she fell asleep in the big wolf dog's arms. The heartbeat of the big wolf dog beat rhythmically in her ears all night long, making her heart particularly peaceful...

She stretched herself out and sat up from the bed.

After a deep night's sleep, she felt much better, and her head didn't seem so groggy anymore...
"You're awake. How are you feeling?" The nurse came over to check her temperature and said casually, "I envy you. You're so happy. During the day, your four sons are with you by the bedside, and your husband comes to accompany you at night. You are simply a winner in life.”
Jiang Jin frowned: "What husband?"
Her husband is in a vegetative state and is lying on the bed at home. How could he come over to stay with her...
