FVB - 138

Chapter 138 Li Yunting trains his son

Li Yunting's eyebrows were cold and solemn, and there was a huge air pressure all over his body.
His cold eyes narrowed slightly: "Get up."
Li Beixiao shrank his neck.
He just wanted to sleep in his mother's arms all night. Why was his father so angry...
"Didn't you hear Dad asking you to get up?" Li Xichen sneered, "She is so sick, and you still disturb her rest. You are not sensible at all."
Li Beixiao: "..."
Very good, the third brother deliberately dug a hole for him, and he remembered it.
The little guy turned over, rolled off the hospital bed, and put on his shoes obediently.
Li Nanque was still lying down, so he quickly stood up and took a step back, pretending to be nonchalant...
"Four of you, come out with me."
Li Yunting turned around and walked out of the ward.
The four children looked at me and I looked at you, and they all accept their fate and walked out.
The night breeze blew through the corridor, making it seem even more peaceful.
"During the ten years I was asleep, she single-handedly brought you up. No matter what excessive things she did, it can't change the fact that she is your mother."
Li Yunting's voice was a little deep, "She gave you life. You don't have to love her, but you must respect her."
"In the past ten years, the four of you have been tortured and grown up, so why not her..."
"When she was eighteen years old, she was forced to marry into the Li family Chongxi, and was forced to give birth to you four children. No one ever asked her if she wanted to, and the Li family just dominated her life...

She has resentment in her heart, so she vents her dissatisfaction with life to you... You are innocent, so why is she not innocent..."
"If there's anything wrong, it's my fault."
"It's because I failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a husband and as a father that the relationship between you mother and sons became like this..."
The air was silent and a gentle breeze was blowing.
Li Dongjing was the first to speak: "Father, the past is in the past, and we will not dwell on it anymore."
"She grows up and starts learning to be a good mother, and I will start learning to be a good son."
Li Nanque pursed his lips and said, "What happened today was my fault. I shouldn't have done anything to her indiscriminately. I will take care of her these days until she recovers."
Li Yunting frowned: "What was the reason for taking action?" He asked Ye Tang, but Ye Tang didn't know.
Ye Tang asked Chen Feng, but Chen Feng also said he didn't know.

Cold sweat dripped from Li Nanque's forehead: "No, no reason..."
"I know why." Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips and said, "Second brother thought that woman had an unusual relationship with Meng Shen."
As soon as these words came out, the temperature in the corridor suddenly dropped several degrees.
The veins on Li Nanque's forehead were twitching.
The third kid is too vindictive. Didn't he just grab the empty space on the hospital bed? Did he dig a hole for him on purpose?
He had heard his grandfather tell him about his father's deeds, and even if ten of them put together, they would not be his father's opponent.

He actually thought of cuckolding his own father. Is he going to be finished...
Li Yunting pondered for a moment, then spoke slowly with sharp thin lips: "Meng Shen, who is it?"
"He has followed my third brother and me more than once." Li Beixiao said, "This person is very suspicious."
"As a singer, there is nothing suspicious about him." Li Nanque said naturally, "He is fifty years old and likes to pretend to be young. He is not a bad person."
Li Beixiao glanced at him coldly: "Second brother, are you speaking for an outsider?"
In an instant, four pairs of cold eyes glanced over.

"I, I am just stating the facts..." Li Nanque's throat was a little dry, "Okay, he is very suspicious. Dad, you send someone to check Meng Shen and check all eighteen generations of his ancestors."
Li Yunting glanced at the time and said calmly: "Ye Tang, send them back."
"I'm not going back." Li Beixiao was the first to speak, "I want to stay here with my mother."

Li Xichen continued: "I won't go back either."
Li Nanque: "It doesn't matter where I recite my lines, I will stay."
"Then I..."
Li Dongjing hasn't finished his sentence yet.
Li Yunting glanced over with a cold look. His eyes were so cold that the four children were instantly silenced.
"Do you want to rebel against me?"
He opened his lips coldly, and there was no doubt in his voice, "Whoever stays will go to the army with Ye Tang tomorrow to live for a month."
The four children all glanced at Ye Tang.
They all knew that Uncle Ye came from the army. He had lived in the army for ten years and told them a lot about the army.
Once they live in the army, they have to live and eat with the people in the military camp, get up at five in the morning to start running, undergo high-intensity training, and stand in a military posture and be exposed to the sun... This kind of life is something they don't want to experience at all.
After a fierce psychological struggle, Li Beixiao compromised and said, "Then I'd better go home."
If you are sent to a military camp, you won't be able to see your mother for a month.

The most important thing is that this month he will tan and his skin will get worse. If he becomes ugly, his mother may not like him.
"I'm going home too."
Li Xichen held his pocket with one hand and strode out of the ward.
Li Nanque coughed: "I'll go back too and help keep an eye on these two brats to prevent them from sneaking over in the middle of the night."
Li Dongjing collected the documents and said, "Father, we'll go back first."
Ye Tang escorted the four children out of the hospital.
As soon as the four children left, the ward suddenly seemed a little empty...
The woman lying on the hospital bed was sunken deep into the quilt. She was petite and frail, and her palm-sized face was so pale that it was almost transparent.
Li Yunting walked over step by step and sat on the edge of the bed.
In the past, he would lie down and she would take care of him.
Today she was lying down and he was taking care of her...
He doesn’t know when it started, but his empty heart was slowly filled with her...
He was like a man possessed, always hoping to see her all the time...
"Ring ring ring!"
Suddenly a bell rang, and Li Yunting was startled.
He looked up and saw something black on the side of the infusion bottle that kept ringing.

And Jiang Jin frowned slightly, as if she might wake up at any time...
He quickly stood up and turned it off, and then noticed that the potion was almost gone.
At this time, the nurse also opened the door and walked in, quickly changing another bottle of potion...

"The patient's lips are a little chapped. You will use a cotton swab to moisturize her lips later..."

As soon as the nurse finished speaking, she was stunned.
This man is so handsome!
These eyes, this nose, these lips... must have been carved by God's own hands. Otherwise, how could it be so perfect...
And such a handsome man is so affectionate, staying by his wife's side in the middle of the night...
Being stared at by the nurse's intense gaze, Li Yunting finally realized that he came out without wearing a mask.

He took out a mask from the drawer and quickly put it on.
"Yes, I'm sorry..." the nurse looked away and continued, "Check the patient's temperature at night. If it exceeds 38 degrees, call the doctor over for examination..."
