FVB - 113

Chapter 113: Fire Ye Tang

Jiang Jin stood at the door of the study for a while.
She listened carefully and could only hear Ye Tang's whispering voice, but she couldn't make out what was specifically said.
She raised her hand and knocked on the door, and the voices in the study stopped abruptly.

Li Dongjing's cold voice sounded.
Jiang Jin coughed and said quietly: "It's me. I have something to tell you."

Li Dongjing's eyes showed a hint of disbelief.
Just now downstairs, this woman completely ignored him. He thought that she would never come to him on her own initiative.
Could it be possible that she guessed that he bought the bouquet of roses?
If she asked, should he admit it or deny it?
"Come in." Li Dongjing said quietly.
Jiang Jin turned the handle, opened the door and walked in.
She immediately saw Ye Tang standing respectfully beside the desk.
On the surface, he looks very respectful, but in fact, he has been bribed by others and is full of bad ideas.
Jiang Jin pulled out a chair and sat down, and said calmly: "Ah Jing, I have 100 million here, which can be temporarily transferred into the Li Group's account. However, you must agree to one condition."
Li Dongjing was slightly stunned: "Where did you get 100 million?"
"You don't need to worry about this." Jiang Jin glanced at Ye Tang and said slowly, "Just tell me if you can agree to a condition."
This look from her made Ye Tang inexplicably panic.
Why does he feel like he is going to suffer...
Li Dongjing looked at Jiang Jin and said calmly: "What are the conditions?"
"Fire him."

Jiang Jin raised her plain white finger and pointed at Ye Tang who was standing by the desk.
She sneered and said word by word, "Keep him here, and the Li Group will be finished sooner or later."
Ye Tang's eyes widened in shock: "Young Madam, do you have any misunderstanding about me? I am loyal to the Li family and have never betrayed the Li family. Why should you expel me..."
"Really?" Jiang Jin stared at him, her eyes as sharp as knives, "Then tell me, why did you take Mr. Li back to the villa while we were away? Ye Tang, don't deny it in a hurry, surveillance equipment was installed in the yard and everything was filmed. To me, your explanation is just quibbles and makes no sense."

Ye Tang's entire body was petrified.
The young lady actually took a picture of him and his master together...
No wonder the young lady has been looking at him with unkind eyes these past few days. It turns out that he is a traitor in the eyes of the young lady.
What the hell!
He was so unjust!
Ye Tang opened his mouth, but couldn't explain a single word.
There's no way to explain this at all.
So he was definitely taking the blame.
If she continues to deal with things like this, the master will be exposed sooner or later.
In order to protect the master, he had to sacrifice himself.
Ye Tang said solemnly: "Since the explanation doesn't make any sense, I won't explain it."
He turned to look at Li Dongjing and bowed deeply, "Young Master, please fire me."
Jiang Jin sneered: "Ah Jing, did you see it? He feels guilty."
Ye Tang: "..."
What a guilty conscience!
This is a strategic retreat!
He is sacrificing himself to benefit everyone!
"Young master, you don't have to keep me here anymore, I've decided to leave!"
He dropped these words, turned around and strode away.
Li Dongjing no longer knew what to say.
He had defended Ye Tang in front of this woman countless times, but today, Ye Tang blew himself up.
So, he was slapped in the face.

"Stupid boy, society is dangerous. You are still too young, so you were deceived."
Jiang Jin reached out and patted his shoulder, shaking her head gently.
She took out her mobile phone and said calmly: "Please give me your company's bank card number."
Li Dongjing was a little dizzy and subconsciously reported a series of numbers.
In less than a minute, his phone vibrated, and the bank sent a text message to remind him that the company account had an extra 100 million.
"Don't think that I want to interfere with your affairs. I just can't bear to see the old man lying on the hospital bed and worrying about the company."
Jiang Jin said coldly, "After I married into the Li family, the Li family only gave me a total of 50 million. Now I will give you 100 million. No matter how you calculate it, I don't owe the Li family anything, so- "

She said seriously, "Don't look down on me in the future, I don't owe you anything."
After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked out, slamming the door of the study room behind her.
Li Dongjing tensed his jaw.
When did he give her a look? It was obviously her who showed him a look, but she always pretended that he didn't exist.
Also, she has settled the score between herself and the Li family so clearly. Does she plan to leave the Li family?

He remembered that there was a time when this woman went to the company every day to find his grandfather and force him to sign a divorce agreement.
Is she still planning a divorce, so that's why she said that they don't owe each other anything?
As soon as this idea came to his mind, he couldn't put it down.
"Buzz buzz-"
The cell phone suddenly vibrated on the desk, interrupting Li Dongjing's contemplation.
He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was his grandfather. He picked up the phone and connected the call.
"Ajing, are you at home?"
"I'm at home. What's wrong with Grandpa?"
"That's it..." Mr. Li sighed, "How did your parents get married together? You should know in your heart that there is no basis for any relationship between the two of them. If they meet formally in the future, they will probably divorce directly. ...Ah Jing, you don’t want to lose your biological mother, right?”
Li Dongjing clenched his fingers: "Grandpa, what do you mean?"
"Find an opportunity to bring them together." Mr. Li said, "Tell your mother about the current crisis of the Li Group, how to exaggerate it, how to say it, so that she will feel a sense of crisis, and then..."

"She knows the company's situation." Li Dongjing pursed her lips, "Just five minutes ago, she transferred 100 million to the company's account. It seems to be the first pot of gold she earned from investing in movies..."
"Jiang Jin is such a good girl. Why did I think she was ignorant because of lard in the past?" Mr. Li sighed, "In all these years, the Li family has never given her 100 million... she is a student of the Li family. We, the Li family, owe her ten years of wasted youth to raise children... If she really insists on getting a divorce, then divorce, we can't delay her for the rest of her life..."

Li Dongjing's jaw suddenly tensed.

He said slowly: "Divorce requires the consent of two people. If the father is not willing, she cannot leave."
"Your father, that bastard, doesn't know how to chase women at all. Your mother's impression of him is extremely bad." Mr. Li said angrily, "I'm already a lot older, and I still have to help my son chase his wife. What kind of evil did I commit... Forget it, for the sake of you four brats, my old man will be shameless for once..."

Before Li Dongjing understood what this meant, the call was hung up.
