DSHSN - 43

Gu Yiyi couldn't explain how he felt. One day, something he thought was unlikely to happen suddenly became a reality, which was exciting and surprising.

He felt that even if Gu Heng came only for one night and never came again, it would still be worth his excitement for a long time.

He left without disturbing Gu Heng inside, and returned to the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. If his situation didn't allow it, he would probably roll around on the bed.

Gu Heng actually came to the hospital, and it was still late at night.

In fact, Gu Heng had already noticed that this boy had come to see him.

Being able to come here on crutches means that the recovery is not bad.

This kid looks a little excited and can't sleep. Are you so excited when you know he's coming?

Gu Heng recalled his past self. When he was sick, he did expect his father to come and accompany him. However, he later became too disappointed and naturally no longer looked forward to it.

Later, he himself forgot that he was once a young man longing for his father's love.

Gu Heng stood there and watched the excited Gu Yiyi for a while, then went back to continue his work.

After that, when Gu Yiyi was in the hospital, Gu Heng didn't stay in the hospital every night. When the work tasks were not heavy the next day, he would stay in the hospital at night, but it would pass every day.

Yan Li saw that Gu Heng was diligent in going there, so she occasionally went over to take a look. She had nothing to say to him, just asked him about his current situation, and then left Yan Beibei alone.

Gu Yiyi was in a better mood and recovered quickly from his injuries. Although he was not in school, he was studying very hard.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day he was discharged from the hospital.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Gu Heng was coming to the hospital to pick him up. Yan Li thought about it and went with him.

There was a special person responsible for packing Gu Yiyi's things. When the stockbroker arrived, he couldn't wait to leave, but the person responsible for going through the discharge procedures hadn't come back yet.

But Gu Heng and Yan Li both came, and when Gu Yiyi saw them appearing at the door together, he suddenly felt like a family had come to pick him up.


Gu Yiyi thought this was a really good word.

Gu Yiyi felt that since Gu Heng was unwilling to tell him who his biological mother was, then he should pretend that he did not have that biological mother. After all, he had never seen her and had no feelings for her. Maybe his biological mother did not want him. ‌That's why Gu Heng doesn't want to mention that woman.

Gu Heng and Yan Li have always been on good terms, and it seems that they are doing well.

Gu Heng didn't know what his son was thinking. He glanced at his energetic expression and asked, "Have you packed everything?"

"It's packed."

Gu Yiyi actually had nothing to deal with. He was wearing red clothes today and looked in high spirits. He seemed to be discharged from the hospital and was in a good mood.

He was also wearing red clothes, which made him look even more energetic.

Gu Heng picked up his suitcase and walked out: "Let's go."

Gu Heng was wearing a white shirt today and his legs were very long.

Yan Li was dressed in brown, and her skirt showed off her waist.

Yan Beibei... the child is ignored.

Anyway, with Gu Yiyi standing behind them, these two people seemed quite right.

After getting in the car and passing by a bridal shop, Gu Yiyi looked out the window and asked Gu Heng, "Dad, have you and stepmother decided on a time for the wedding?"


Yan Li was immediately shocked by this title. She didn't quite understand why this boy suddenly changed his title.

Stepmother... such a title sounds really weird.

Gu Heng didn't expect Gu Yiyi to suddenly mention this. He cleared his throat and said, "I have to ask you..."

This kid suddenly changed his title, and Gu Heng didn't even know how to address him in front of Yan Li.

"Ask what your stepmother means." He could only imitate Gu Yiyi's words.

Gu Yiyi said: "You only get married but don't hold a wedding. Who knows you have a wife? When she goes out, others will laugh at her for being dishonest."

Yan Li wanted to say that they had already received the certificate, so how could they expect others to recognize it?

However, weddings seem to be very important. They should be unlikely to divorce within this year - if there are no major conflicts. Gu Heng hid Gu Yiyi's life experience from him, but told her easily. Yan Li didn't know what to say.

She felt that Gu Heng should trust her more. Otherwise, he wouldn't have told her about Gu Yiyi.

Then... just have a wedding, let's have a wedding.

If Gu Heng is rich, he will definitely not hold a stingy wedding. If she gets divorced, Yan Li is unlikely to remarry. She has not held a wedding yet, so having a grand wedding seems to be quite good.

Yan Li adopted a very casual attitude: "Let's have a wedding."

Gu Heng hesitated.

He thought that Yan Li would not agree.

Unexpectedly, she actually agreed to hold a wedding.


Gu Heng asked: "What kind of wedding do you want?"

Yan Li said casually: "Anything is fine."

She felt that Gu Heng definitely wanted to save face. No matter what he did, it would be the same, so just let it go.

Gu Heng was not too casual. After returning home, he asked Yan Li to find wedding design plans provided by several wedding companies, as well as the works of various wedding dress design masters for Yan Li's reference.

After getting the various design renderings that Gu Heng had sent over, Yan Li couldn't help but click her tongue. Rich people are rich people. Even if it is a marriage without love, they are willing to spend a lot of money on a wedding. Since Gu Heng is willing to provide conditions, then she has nothing to be polite about, she can choose as she pleases.

While she was slowly and seriously preparing for the wedding, Gu Yiyi, who was going downstairs, met Gu Heng who was coming out of the study.

The young man was walking with a cane and stooped.

Gu Heng looked at his leg, wondering if it hurt. Then he heard Gu Yiyi's voice suddenly ringing out, asking: "Gu Heng, while I'm away from home, are you not interested in cultivating a relationship with your wife at all?"

There were only two of them in the corridor on the second floor at this time. Gu Heng couldn't help but frown when he heard his words: "Gu Yiyi, you've been calling me by my name lately, isn't that a little too disrespectful? No more respect?”

Gu Yiyi stood on one foot with his crutch upright, and said with an indifferent expression: "I'm talking to you right now, no matter how big or small! I'm telling you, Gu Heng, do you plan to sleep in a separate room with her for the rest of your life?"

"Yan Li is a good person. Although her temper is a bit bad, she is still quite kind-hearted. I'm not telling you. If you want to live a good life with her, you have to be careful. Otherwise, one day if she runs away with someone, just go cry on your own."

Gu Yiyi felt that he had finished speaking, so he went to his room on crutches.

After entering the room and closing the door, he realized that he was going downstairs.

He lowered his head and glanced at his hands, which were sweaty.

He sighed.

The first time he told Gu Heng this, he was still a little nervous. He just didn't know if the guy heard what he said.

It doesn't matter if he can't listen. After all, it's him who won't have a wife in the future, not Gu Yiyi.

But if Gu Heng and Yan Li separated, Gu Yiyi felt that he might still be a little sad, even though the woman didn't care about him at all.
