ADMKSF - 019.2

The sun hangs high in the sky, and the summer sun is so hot that people dare not mess with it. Although it was already afternoon, Lin You and the Pei family's father and son were still resting in the private room of Nanjiang Tower. The private room prepared by Chen Yi was the most upscale in the entire Nanjiang Building. It even had a lounge, so Lin You asked the father and son to take a lunch break.

Lin You herself was leaning against the window, paying attention to the passenger flow in the afternoon from time to time.

After Chen Yi finished giving instructions, he opened the door and walked in. He learned that Pei Henan and his son were resting. Even though he knew that the sound insulation effect of the private room was very good, he deliberately lowered his voice: "Ms. Lin, I just checked with the manager about the passenger flow at noon today. It’s very high, and some customers even asked if they could come back in the evening after lunch.”

Chen Yi paused and looked at Lin You: "I also read the comments on the Internet. Miki's live broadcast is very effective. Judging from the current situation, Nanjiang Tower's turnaround is just around the corner. But after thinking about it carefully, I guess today Nanjiang Tower is expected to receive a large number of guests in the evening, and they all come here for one fish and three dish. How much fish Nanjiang Tower uses next will be calculated based on the original price, and Nanjiang Tower will pay you the corresponding price."

Chen Yi meant not to take advantage of Lin You, and their cooperation could be completely confirmed.

This was the best thing for Lin You, and she nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

Chen Yi was relieved when he saw this.

He and Lin You talked for a while, and received a call in the middle. Just before he was about to stand up and leave, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked Lin You: "Ms. Lin, do you still plan to develop in the entertainment industry?"

Lin You was a little surprised at the starting point of this question, but she still nodded truthfully: "As long as I can make money, I shouldn't quit the industry."

Chen Yi thought to himself that she was really honest, and then said: "If you encounter any problems, you can always come to me."

Lin You agreed, but she was even more surprised in her heart.

This Chen Yi... is a little too considerate.

Before three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin You heard the door of the lounge being opened gently, and then the man's low coughing sound was close to her ears. She held her head with one hand and looked. Pei Henan's pale face was slightly flushed due to coughing. The snow-white shirt on his body seemed a bit messy at the moment. The loose collar caused the sexy Adam's apple and collarbone to fall into Lin You's eyes.

Lin You couldn't help but think that if the original owner didn't dislike Pei Henan for having a weak kidney but believed that Pei Henan could do whatever he wanted, Pei Henan's innocence could not be guaranteed at this moment. Thinking like this, she blurted out the words without thinking: "You must protect yourself when you go out to find a job in the future."

Pei Henan: "...?"

It was not that Pei Henan didn't notice Lin You's eyes falling on him, but there was no annoying emotion in her eyes, as if they were just pure admiration. He didn't care, but he didn't expect Lin You to say such a sentence out of nowhere.

He slowly walked to the chair opposite Lin You and sat down, poured a glass of water and took a sip, moistening his throat before asking softly: "Why did you say that?"

Lin You: "It's nothing, just a normal worry."

Pei Henan knew that she was not telling the truth, so he didn't think too much about it. He took another sip of water, and the already slightly cold water fell into his throat, causing him to frown unconsciously. After a moment, he asked, "When do you plan to go back?"

"In the evening." Lin You explained, "I also want to check the passenger flow during dinner time. Do you want to go back to rest? Why don't you let Aye go home with you first? Aye's hand is injured, and your body is weak. When the time comes, I’ll just pack some Nanjianglou dishes and take them home for dinner. How about that?”

"I've had a rest, I'm not tired." Pei Henan smiled gently, "I'll just wait here with you."

While talking, Pei Ye also walked out of the lounge. The young man looked more bohemian than his father, with messy black hair and some red marks on his face. He rubbed his eyes, yawned, and sat down. There was a banging sound when he got off, and his body fell weakly against the back of the chair.

Lin You looked at him and then at Pei Henan, and suddenly more thoughts came to her mind. The girl's eyes lit up, as if there were tiny stars hidden in her pupils, "How about I take you to a movie and buy clothes? I just saw a newly released movie on Weibo, which is perfect for a family of three!"

Pei Henan and Pei Ye, father and son, have never gone to the cinema to watch a movie. Pei Henan has been pretending to be ill in recent years and staying at home all day without going out. Although Pei Ye is young, his friends are all boys. Even if there are entertainment activities, they are all brothers in Internet cafes. Watching movies is a novel experience for them.

Of course, the same is true for Lin You.

Before the end of the world, she went to school and worked part-time at the same time, let alone after the end of the world.

She had only been to the cinema once in her life. It was organized by her class and the cinema provided a graduation season movie for free. Lin You followed the large group and sat in the last row.

Lin You bought a ticket for 3:20. The Nanjiang Building where they were located was more than ten minutes' drive from the nearest building, and the theater was on the eighth floor of the building. When getting into the taxi, Pei Ye seemed a little excited. Lin You looked at him like this and was in a daze—

She worked hard to make money to provide financial security for Pei Ye, the future male protagonist, and also took him to see movies and urged him to study. Is this considered double psychological and physical security? If this situation continues, Pei Ye should be able to reach adulthood safely, right?

It's just that his dad is a bit difficult to deal with.

Lin You's eyes fell on Pei Henan unconsciously again. Pei Henan turned his head and looked. Even if his eyes met hers directly, Lin You's thoughts were not changed. Pei Henan did not say anything and quickly lowered his eyes.

All the way to the cinema, thinking that Pei Henan was not in good health, Lin You asked him to sit on a chair nearby to rest, and she took Pei Ye to buy popcorn and Coke.

Pei Ye took the initiative to take the three cups of Coke handed over by the cashier and stuffed the popcorn into Lin You's arms. Lin You held a big bucket of popcorn, rubbed Pei Ye's head and said, "It's really mommy's gez."

Pei Ye immediately stopped and almost threw out all the Coke in his hand. He stumbled and asked, "W-what?"

Lin You glanced at him and blinked: "Didn't your father praise you like this? You two are quite in tune with the trend. It's popular to talk like this now?"

Pei Ye: "Do you know what gez means?"

Lin You: "Good son."

Pei Ye: "..."

This, this is acceptable.


Rejoining Pei Henan, the three of them soon arrived at the screening room. The position they picked was just right, the middle position did not require excessive raising or lowering of the head. Lin You sat between the father and son, put the popcorn on her lap, and said to them, "If you want to eat popcorn, take it yourself."

Although the father and son both agreed, they were not very interested in snacks like popcorn.

The movie started soon, and it started with a scene of a family of three getting up early in the morning. The husband saw his wife wearing an apron and making breakfast. He hugged her from behind and kissed her, and the wife responded enthusiastically. After a while, their son came out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes, sat at the dining table, and obediently called his parents good morning.

The sunshine outside the window was just right, the breeze was gentle, and everything seemed extraordinarily warm.

Fifteen minutes later, both parents went to work, and the young son sat at the desk in the bedroom and began to make a plan to kill his parents.

Lin You: "?"

The camera turned and landed on Dad at work. Dad changed his amiable demeanor in the morning, took out a gun from his briefcase, and discussed with his accomplices the detailed steps to rob the bank.

The camera turned again, and the wife, who was working in the intelligence department, received a notice, immediately drove to the bank, and changed into a black women's suit.

Lin You: "?"

Is there something not quite right?

Half an hour later, a family of three accidentally bumped into each other at the door of the bank. The husband calmly stuffed the gun back into his briefcase, and the wife gently found an excuse to explain: "I'm here to handle business."

The son looked innocent and cute: "I'm coming to see my parents for dinner!"

The family of three in the movie fell into a brief silence, and Lin You outside the movie couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "He is really good at pretending."

Better than her at pretending.

While sighing, she didn't notice that Pei Ye on the left put down his hand grabbing the popcorn rather uncomfortably.

Pei Henan on the right quietly moved his eyes away, remained silent for two seconds, and said: "Yes."
