ADMKSF - 019.1

There was a bustle outside the window, and a small world of silence began to form around Pei Ye in the private room. Looking at gez's explanation, the boy didn't know whether to lament that he shot himself in the foot, or to wonder whether his dad was surfing 5G and mock him by drawing inferences.

He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the man with narrowed eyes and a faint smile on his lips. Pei Henan's appearance at this moment was just as frail as he was in front of others, and he looked non-aggressive. But as the gaze fell on him for longer, the man's dark eyes stared at him with a half-smile, and Pei Ye shuddered involuntarily.

He was naive.

Pei Ye quickly shrank his head and planned to continue working to resist his father's eyes. However, a new message popped up in the dialog box again. His father asked: Do children usually post to Moments to show off when they are praised?

Pei Ye: "..."

No one knows better than him the implication of his father’s words: post on Moments and tell everyone you are gez.

Pei Ye closed his eyes with pain on his face and typed: You are right, I will go right away.

Pei Henan: Be good.

Pei Ye bravely took a screenshot of the chat history and sent it to his circle of friends with the following message: My dad praised me.

Pei Ye's relationship with his classmates is average, so most of his WeChat friends are seniors under the same boxing coach. The seniors are in their twenties to forties.

The forty-year-old senior brother gave him a thumbs up and said: Aye is awesome! Make persistent efforts.

The twenty-year-old senior brother sent a lot of questions and asked thoughtfully: Are you okay?

Pei Ye: "..."

If you don’t want to talk, just destroy it quickly.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, several topics climbed up Weibo's hot search list.

Among them, #Miki Live Broadcasting Nanjianglou was bought by Chen Yi with money. The video only retains Miki’s praise of Nanjianglou’s one fish and three meals.

Seeing this hot search, netizens didn't have much fluctuation in their hearts. At first glance, this hot search was bought, but after reading the comments, they felt that things were not that simple.

"I also went to Nanjiang Restaurant for free one fish and three meals at noon. It tasted really good, especially the fish head with chopped pepper, which was amazing. The pickled fish is also good, but there are more spines."

"What? Is Miki here too? Why didn't I see you!"

"Miki is not only here, he even went to the Songzhu Restaurant next door to eat melon."

"It's so funny. I originally planned to eat at Songzhu Hotel, but then what happened happened, so I decided to go to Nanjiang Tower. Nanjiang Tower really did not disappoint. I will take my wife and children there tomorrow."

"What kind of melon?"

"Guide the way @Bagua is a circle, the latest video on Weibo is melon."

Miki himself was told that he was on the hot search list when he was taking a break from work. When he checked on Weibo, he knew that Nanjianglou bought it for him. But he didn't mind. Anyway, he had no private dealings with Nanjiang Tower. As long as they didn't make him a bad person, they could talk about anything.

Miki's colleague is also browsing Weibo, and he has already found the latest video released by the marketing account [Gossip is a circle] from Miki's Weibo comments. The video clearly shows someone questioning the fake lottery at Songzhu Hotel and confronting Manager Li and others.

The colleague glanced at the comment.

"I laughed so hard. I didn't like Nanjiang Tower because of what happened before, but now I realize that the really disgusting one is Songzhu Hotel."

"If you can't afford it, don't play at Songzhu Hotel. Okay? Nanjiang Tower says that one fish and three meals are free, so it's really free. If you have the ability, you really give it away."

"Are you anxious when you see the hot search for an event in Nanjiang Tower in the middle of the night?"

“Songzhu Hotel is so shameless!!”

"They also use lottery tricks to deceive customers. It's a bit humiliating for you dirty-minded guys to open a restaurant no matter how you look at it."

The colleague raised his head curiously and looked at Miki: "Asen, are those things on the Internet true? Can't you afford the Songzhu Hotel?"

Miki didn't raise his eyebrows: "If they could afford it, they wouldn't hold events on the same day as Nanjiang Tower."

Colleague: "Then are you going to Songzhu Hotel tonight?"

Miki: "Let's go, together?"

The colleague quickly responded. He usually doesn’t like to eat in restaurants outside, but occasionally he hears people mention that the food at Songzhu Restaurant is cheap and delicious. The most important thing is that the manager of Songzhu Restaurant appeared in "Pastoral Life" a while ago. During the filming, he got an advertising space for free, and several fans of the program team from their company went to the Songzhu Hotel to say that they wanted to eat fish from the same fish pond as the guests.

Ever since the guests at Songzhu Hotel questioned the shady nature of the lottery, Manager Li's face had always been dark. He took the cashier who messed up the matter to the back kitchen and scolded her. He pointed at the cashier's nose with a cold face and said: "Calculate the salary and leave immediately."

After that, he pretended to be full of anger and went to the private room on the second floor.

Li Xingzhi had a deep dislike for Nanjiang Tower. When he was in Nanjiang Tower before, he worked hard for Nanjiang Tower and spent a lot of thought on it. But what did Nanjiang Tower do to him? It was just a slight profit difference, so they dismissed him mercilessly regardless of his hard work.

The lobby manager who was later promoted by Nanjiang Tower was once his subordinate, and he was also scolded by him like a pig or a dog. As a result, he was fired, but the other party was promoted step by step.

When the two met occasionally, Li Xingzhi thought that each other's smile was a mockery and provocation to him. But fortunately, he also caused Nanjiang Tower to suffer a big loss. After he joined Songzhu Hotel, he spent a lot of money to recruit an experienced chef, and by the way, he brought Nanjiang Tower's special dishes to Songzhu Hotel.

After a few operations, Nanjiang Tower finally suffered. He thought that if this trend continued, it wouldn't be long before Nanjiang Tower would go bankrupt like many losers in the catering industry. But he didn't expect that Nanjiang Tower would jump up and down again without giving up.

He had a sullen face, and his face became even more ugly when he learned that today's incident at Songzhu Hotel was a hot search topic. Before he had time to do anything, the deputy manager hurriedly opened the door and walked in. The other person's face was full of anxiety, and his eyes looked at Li Xingzhi in confusion. When his eyes touched the other person's face, his expression became a little... subtle.

Finally, Li Xingzhi asked urgently: "What's the matter?"

The deputy manager said awkwardly: "You have become a hot search topic."

Li Xingzhi: "?"

It is no accident that Li Xingzhi is on the hot search. After all, Chen Yi is the boss of an entertainment company and knows how to manipulate public opinion. Originally, he planned to amplify the fake lottery at Songzhu Hotel and make it a hot topic, but he didn't expect that someone would move faster than him. Chen Yi then moved his gaze to Li Xingzhi.

He will never forget the fact that Li Xingzhi poached the cook and teamed up with Mr. Pei to trick him. So, under the topic of #Songzhu Hotel false lottery, he found some trolls and brought out Li Xingzhi’s name.

[It’s not surprising that Songzhu Hotel would engage in such a naughty operation. As long as you know how Manager Li appears in "Pastoral Life", you will know. ]

[For popular science, Li Xingzhi used to be the manager of Nanjiang Tower, but was later fired after he was caught making profit from the price difference. Li Xingzhi held a grudge. When he took refuge in Songzhu Hotel, he poached the old chef of Nanjiang Tower and spread rumors about Nanjiang Tower. ]

[Yes, yes, Li Xingzhi is ridiculously bad. ]

[I heard this from my uncle. My uncle is also in the catering business. By the way, my uncle also said that the Songzhu Hotel once caused seven or eight guests food poisoning, and in the end each of them was given 200,000 yuan in private. Is this true? ]

[What? Is this still a thing? ]


Seeing the netizens' opinions gradually spreading, Li Xingzhi was so angry that he smashed his phone on the ground. He turned to stare at the deputy manager, his cheeks twitching slightly because he was too angry, and his eyes were even more fierce, making him look terrifying at first glance.

"No matter how much money is spent, we must remove the trending search."

The deputy manager did not dare to hesitate at all. Everyone who worked at Songzhu Hotel knew what kind of person Li Xingzhi was. When he was at Nanjiang Tower, he was a little restrained, but when he arrived at Songzhu Hotel, his true personality was revealed. He was irritable and unscrupulous. Anyone who made him unhappy would be scolded by him.

However, Li Xingzhi was very popular with the people on the Pei side. It can be said that there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king.

The deputy manager couldn't help but shudder when he thought of such a scene. He was about to run out the door, but was stopped by Li Xingzhi in the next second. He looked back and saw Li Xingzhi's cold eyes: "Come here, I will tell you one more thing."

The deputy manager thought with his toes and knew it was definitely not a good thing, but he didn't dare to refuse and hurried back.

Ten minutes later, the deputy manager left the Songzhu Hotel.

