FVB - 078

Chapter 78 I don’t mind sharing a bed with you

Jiang Jin thought about it for a moment.

After the eldest son was six or seven years old, he started working in the Li Group, and then moved out of the villa as a matter of course, and has been living in the company for the past few years.
The second child entered the entertainment industry at the age of five or six. After earning a salary from his first movie, he bought an apartment and never came back.
The two children avoided her like snakes and scorpions, and would not even set foot in her residence.
Why did you suddenly propose to move back?
Jiang Jin noticed something unusual, but didn't know what was wrong.
"You should have moved back a long time ago." Mr. Li said happily, "You are a family and you should have lived together."
Li Beixiao looked at the old man and then at his two brothers.
His eyes narrowed and his lips tightened into a straight line...
Li Xichen said lazily: "Big brother and second brother, I have long regarded your room as a toy room. It's better not to move it back."
"I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you."
Li Nanque curled his lips, and the corners of his gracefully curved lips raised into a smile.
Li Dongjing said quietly: "There are still rooms on the third floor. I can stay in the guest room on the third floor."
Li Beixiao's eyes shone sharply and he said word by word: "Eldest brother, second brother, why do you want to move back suddenly?"

Jiang Jin mentally gave Xiaobei a thumbs up.
This was exactly the question she wanted to ask, but her status was not suitable for her to ask it. It would be best if Xiaobei could ask it on her behalf.
Li Dongjing's voice was deep: "Big brother will protect you from now on."
Li Xichen sneered: "When Xiaobei and I were two or three years old, why didn't the eldest and second brothers come to protect us?"
As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the dinner table became dull.
Li Dongjing tightened his lips.
The year after Xiaoxi and Xiaobei were born, their nominal mother became even more crazy and seemed to be diagnosed with postpartum depression.
He and A'que couldn't avoid this woman, and as soon as they got a foothold, they couldn't wait to move away.
At that time, they only wanted to escape from this devil's cave, and how could they care about the life and death of their two younger brothers...
Later, as the two younger brothers grew up, they also thought about moving out with them.
But every time she goes home, this woman will humiliate them as much as possible.
So, they never came back.
Sometimes they even think that they grew up like this, so they grew up to be proud, and that's why they were able to support themselves at the age of six or seven.
They selfishly believe that Xiaoxi and Xiaobei can find their own path in the mud.
But now--

Li Dongjing looked at the bottom of Li Beixiao's bowl. There were two peeled shrimps. He saw with his own eyes that the woman peeled them for Xiao Bei.
At the bottom of Li Xichen's bowl, there was a piece of white and tender fish meat, and the fish bones were picked out by the woman herself.
The woman who once tortured him and Ah Que took such meticulous care of Xiao Bei and Xiao Xi...
"Big brother and second brother, if you are moving back to protect me and third brother, then I can only say that it is not necessary." Li Beixiao said softly, "Mom is very good to us. Not only will she not hurt us, but she will also protect us." 
"Xiao Bei!" Li Nanque looked in disbelief, "What did you call this woman?"
"Mom." Li Beixiao opened his clear eyes, "She is our mother, isn't she?"
Actually called mom.
Xiaobei actually called this woman mother.
Li Nanque felt that his whole world had been turned upside down.
"Xiao Bei is right." Mr. Li said, "Jiang Jin is your biological mother. When she gave birth to you, she was only less than ten years older than you are now. At that time, she did not understand what a mother is. Due to the responsibilities and obligations of my identity, I did some inappropriate actions, but now..."
Mr. Li looked at his two chubby little grandsons and said with great satisfaction, "She has learned how to be a good mother, so you should also learn how to be a good son."
Li Nanque pushed the dining chair away with disdain on his face.
Let him be a good son and go to the next life!
Li Dongjing glanced at Jiang Jin, pursed his lips and said, "I hope we will have a pleasant time together in the future."

Jiang Jin nodded disinterestedly: "If you are not happy living there, you can move out at any time."
It took her a lot of effort to deal with the two brats Xiaoxi and Xiaobei.
She didn't want to spend too much time with Li Dongjing and Li Nanque, her two more asshole sons.
After dinner, Mr. Li left with satisfaction.
Chen Feng and Wei Liu also sent luggage.
The two bedrooms on the third floor were packed out, and Li Dongjing and Li Nanque moved in that night.
The whole villa lights up.
Jiang Jin was sitting on the sofa in the living room downstairs, feeling very complicated.
She guessed that Li Yunting was about to wake up, and the eldest and second eldest brother were worried that something might happen to him, so they moved back to keep an eye on her.
In other words, from then on there were two more hidden whistles in the house.
This feeling is really bad.
Jiang Jin sighed, stood up, picked up the medicine bowl and walked to the master bedroom.
As soon as she reached the door, Ye Tang blocked her way: "Madam, I have already given this medicine tonight."
Seeing that Jiang Jin had no intention of leaving, Ye Tang continued, "I have just finished scrubbing Mr. Madam, please rest early."

Jiang Jin scratched her chin.

She found that she didn't have a legitimate reason to go in and take a look at Li Yunting.
Forget it, what's so good about a vegetative person.
She put the medicine bowl in Ye Tang's hand, turned back to her room, and kicked the door shut.
Ye Tang breathed a sigh of relief.
He washed the medicine bowl and put it away, then gently opened the door to the master bedroom.
Li Yunting was half lying on the bed, his dark eyes filled with light, reflecting the crystal lamp in the room.
Ye Tang walked over and spoke in a low voice: "Sir, it will take another month to close the trap we set. In other words, you will have to pretend to be a vegetative state for at least another month. Why not move out as soon as possible?"
Li Yunting said calmly: "What are you moving out for?"

"The young lady is a time bomb. If the young lady catches you awake, something big may happen."
Ye Tang paused for a moment and then explained in a superfluous manner, "Young Madam often comes to your room in the middle of the night. I'm afraid... I'm afraid you won't be able to control it."
Li Yunting glanced at him: "Do you need me to prove it to you?"
"No, it's not necessary." Ye Tang stammered, "I just feel that if you live together under the same roof, sooner or later you will get involved with her..."
Li Yunting suddenly raised his lips, showing an expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.
"She doesn't have the IQ."

"Ah sneeze!"

Jiang Jin sneezed loudly.

Someone must be talking bad about her, that's why she kept sneezing.

She knew that nothing good happened after those two naughty children moved in, and her happy days seemed to be coming to an end...
