FVB - 077

Chapter 77 We plan to move back

If Ye Tang was given another choice, he would definitely say that he couldn't cook.
But there is no chance to go back on the answer.
"Ye Tang, make the Coke chicken wings sweeter. Xiaobei likes sweet food."
A sweet smile appeared on Li Beixiao's lips.
He liked being called Xiaobei very much.
He also likes his preferences to be remembered.
"Ye Tang, make another sweet and sour fish. Xiaoxi seems to like fish."
Li Xichen: "..."
Which eye of this woman saw that he liked to eat fish?
Could it be that just because he ate up all the fish she loved last time like a revenge, she decided that he loved fish?
"The old man is here today. You can make another meatball."
Jiang Jin stood one meter away from the oil pan and gave instructions in an orderly manner.
The corners of Ye Tang's mouth twitched.
He is capable of both literary and military skills, and can be a bodyguard or an assistant. However, no one has ever used him as a cook.
If he wasn't worried that the young lady would suddenly rush upstairs, he would never be willing to cook here...
Jiang Jin looked at Ye Tang's cooking style and knew that this person's cooking skills must be very good, so there was no need for her to show her shame.
As soon as she came out of the kitchen, she saw Mr. Li walking out of the master bedroom with a glowing face.
Those old and turbid eyes seemed to have suddenly turned on a light, and the whole person was suddenly full of energy and completely different.
"Jiang Jin, call Ah Jing and Ah Que to come back."
The old man sat on the sofa and drank a cup of green tea.

Jiang Jin walked over and said slightly surprised: "Dad, has there been any change in Li's matter?"
Otherwise, how could you be so happy?
Mr. Li wished he could find someone to share it with.
But when he looked at Jiang Jin, he suddenly thought of the ridiculous things Jiang Jin had done a month ago.
Jiang Jin has indeed gotten better during this time, but who can guarantee that she will always be this good?
If she revealed such a big thing, it would not be a good thing for the Li family...
"There is indeed a turning point." Mr. Li quickly thought of an excuse, "Someone from the Meng family in the capital is coming. If we can get in touch with the Meng family, we should have a chance of survival."

"Someone from the Meng family is in the entertainment industry and knows Ah Que, so I asked you to call Ah Jing and Ah Que back so that we three can discuss how to reach a preliminary cooperation with the Meng family."
Jiang Jin nodded, took out her cell phone and made a call.
Li Dongjing's call was answered by his assistant Chen Feng, and Li Nanque's call was answered by his manager Wei Liu.
Jiang Jin was only responsible for conveying the old man's words. As for whether the two boys were willing to come back, that was not her decision.
Ye Tang prepared seven dishes and one soup. Before the food was served, two cars parked in front of the villa.
Li Dongjing and Li Nanque walked in one after the other.

The two of them had the same look in their eyes. They ignored Jiang Jin and walked quickly to the old man.

Li Dongjing said slowly: "Grandpa, why are you so anxious to have us come back?"
Mr. Li stood up, suppressed his trembling voice, and spoke slowly: "You two, come upstairs with me."
Li Nanque frowned: "What's the matter? It's so mysterious."
"You will find out when you go upstairs."
Mr. Li opened his legs and walked step by step towards the master bedroom on the second floor.
Li Dongjing's eyes narrowed and he quickly followed.
Li Nanque put his hands in his pockets, his colorful hair shining brightly under the crystal lamp, and the blue earring on his left ear was particularly eye-catching.
Jiang Jin's mouth couldn't help but twitch.
Even for a little girl, nine years old is really too early to get earrings.
But this kid was obviously disobedient to discipline. If she spoke at this time, it would only make the kid hate her even more.
Of these four villains, it was Li Beixiao who finally caused the catastrophe.
The other three boys stepped into the abyss step by step to avenge their younger brother, and eventually died miserably.

As long as Li Beixiao is guaranteed not to commit suicide, nothing will happen to these children in the future.
But now, the most well-behaved among the four children is obviously Xiaobei, who calls out to her mother every time, as soft and waxy as milk candy.
Li Beixiao was playing with the Rubik's Cube when he felt the eyes from Jiang Jin.
He was suddenly a little scared: "W-what are you looking at?"
"Xiao Bei, you are so cute." Jiang Jin pinched his face gently, "How could I give birth to such an obedient child like you?"
She couldn't help but hugged Li Beixiao and kissed him on the side of his face.
Li Beixiao's face suddenly turned red and he lowered his head in embarrassment.
"No. 1 in pretending to be cute and being cute."
Li Xichen sat on the edge and said these words coolly.
"You have to be good at pretending to be good. Xiao Xi, can you show me how to pretend?" Jiang Jin stared at him and said with a smile.
Li Xichen hummed: "What's the point of pretending to be good? If there are enough benefits, I can forcefully pretend."
"I can give you a kiss as a reward." Jiang Jin blinked, "If that's not enough, I can hug you again, how about that?"
Li Xichen's fingers paused.
Just as he was about to speak, the door to the master bedroom on the second floor opened.
Mr. Li led the two children downstairs.
Jiang Jin turned around and saw that the eyes of the young and old were all red.

What happened? Why does it feel like there was a fight?
But the old man was obviously very excited, and it didn't look like he had had a quarrel.
"Xiao Bei, go to the cellar and get a bottle of red wine." Mr. Li sat down at the dining table and said with a hearty smile, "Today is such a good day. Let's celebrate it as a family."
Li Beixiao's eyebrows frowned slightly: "What are you celebrating?"
"You just need to know that today is a day to be happy." Li Dongjing spoke in a hoarse voice. His voice was very hoarse, and you could tell that he had cried.
Nine-year-old boys generally don't cry in front of others easily.
Was he being scolded by the old man, or was he crying with joy?
Jiang Jin was full of suspicion, but didn't know how to ask it at the dinner table.
Ye Tang has already put the food on the table, seven dishes and one soup, all delicious and delicious, and also opened a bottle of red wine.
A large table of people sat down, and Mr. Li's face was filled with relief: "After tonight, our Li family will slowly get better."
After saying that, the old man drank most of the glass of red wine.

Jiang Jin smiled and said, "It's such a rare opportunity for the whole family to sit down and eat together. Let's all eat more."
She used her chopsticks to pick up a piece of fish for Li Xichen, and then picked up a piece of Coke chicken wing for Li Beixiao...
Li Dongjing looked at her and said slowly: "Aque and I have decided to move back."

"What?" Jiang Jin thought she heard wrongly and paused with her chopsticks, "Where are you moving back to?"

"Move back to the place where we grew up." Li Nanque lazily leaned on the chair, "Why, don't you welcome us home?"
