FVB - 065

Chapter 65 He actually humiliated me

Jiang Jin touched her chin, wondering whether to let Li Beixiao use hacking methods to check Mr. Li's information.
Just then, the phone vibrated.
She glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Mr. Li calling.
"Have Xiaoxi and Xiaobei finished school? You can bring them to the old house to have a meal together."
"Okay, we'll go right away."
Jiang Jin hung up the phone and turned around to ask the two children: "What kind of fruit does your grandpa usually like to eat?"
Li Xichen glanced at her: "Why do you ask this?"
"Aren't we going to have dinner with the old man? It's embarrassing to show up empty-handed. It doesn't matter if you really don't know. I'll just buy some tea."
Jiang Jin held the steering wheel and the car drove slowly on the road.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao looked at each other.

In the past, when mentioning grandpa, this woman would angrily scold him as an old man or a stubborn old man.
And every time grandpa asked this woman to take them back to the old house for dinner, she would refuse without mercy.
But today, she responded readily and even planned to buy gifts and visit.
She has become more and more thorough... Everything she does now is not her usual style...
Jiang Jin bought tea and fruits at a roadside store, and then slowly parked the car in front of the Li family's old house.

The old house is located in the center of Yuncheng City. It is a feng shui treasured place to find tranquility in the bustle. It has carved beams and painted buildings in the Republic of China style, lush green trees and blooming flowers.
Mr. Li and a few servants lived in the huge house, which seemed empty and quiet.
The dinner was served in the flower hall.
The round Chinese dining table is filled with all kinds of food that children love to eat.
Mr. Li is sitting on the Taishi chair, his white hair is particularly eye-catching.
The old man only had a son, Li Yunting, when he was nearly fifty. After Li Yunting's accident, the old man's head turned gray overnight.
Now the old man is eighty years old, and his only son is still lying in the hospital bed.
That face full of ravines is filled with the vicissitudes of time.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao each shouted and sat down next to the old man.
Jiang Jin curled her lips and asked with a smile: "Dad, why did you suddenly call us to come here for dinner?"
Mr. Li handed over a newspaper: "Is that you the person above?"
Jiang Jin glanced at it. The headline of today's Yuncheng Evening News was about her angrily slapping Mr. Li. The photo alone took up half of the page.
The outline of her facial features is slightly blurred, but people who know her can definitely see it at a glance.
No, he actually called her here specifically for this matter.
After she had a conflict with Mr. Li, wouldn't Mr. Li target the Li family?
The Li family is already in a state of turmoil. It's not because of her behavior that she won't be able to wait until Li Yunting wakes up...
Jiang Jin said anxiously: "It was me. I was really desperate, so I attacked him..."
"Very good." Mr. Li looked at her with admiration, "This Mr. Li and the Gou family are collaborating together, digging a bigger hole for our Li Group. I have been so angry for three days because of this and could not sleep well.

Today I saw you slapped him and poured coffee all over him. I felt so happy. I was able to eat three big bowls of rice today! "
The old man picked up the wine glass and drank more than half of the glass, feeling very happy.
Jiang Jin: "..."
She was just impulsive. Why didn't this old man consider the consequences?
If the Li family really takes action against the Li family, the Li family may be disintegrated within three days...
Mr. Li continued to ask her: "How come you have the courage to go to trouble Mr. Li? Have you had any conflicts before?"
Jiang Jin choked.
How dare she tell what happened last night.
She smiled dryly: "If Mr. Li hadn't interfered with it, Mrs. Gou would not have succeeded so easily. I was really angry, so I argued with Mr. Li for a few words. I didn't expect that he would humiliate me. He also humiliated Yun Ting as a living dead, so I gave him a slap in the face in anger..."
This lie becomes smoother and smoother the more it is told, and the more it sounded like this.
Mr. Li looked a little touched: "When our Li family was in the most difficult time, you did not leave, but chose to fight side by side with us. Jiang Jin, I misunderstood you before, and I solemnly say I'm sorry to you.”
Jiang Jin stood up quickly and said with a guilty conscience: "Dad, I don't dare to take this apology seriously, and there is no need for you to apologize to me. We are a family, and these are what I should do..."
After a set of formal ceremonies, dinner officially began.
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao were very well-behaved at the old man's place. They always adhered to the rule of not saying anything when eating and ate elegantly.

Halfway through the meal, the servant hurriedly walked in from the door: "Old man, Miss Mu is here."
Mr. Li paused with his chopsticks: "Why is she here again?"
Hearing this, Jiang Jin couldn't help but wonder: "Is Miss Mu you say Mu Yingxuan? She comes here often during this time?"
The servant glanced at Mr. Li and saw that he had no objection, so he said truthfully: "In the past month, Miss Mu has been coming to see me every few days, but the old man has never allowed her in."
"Dad, why don't you see her?" Jiang Jin asked curiously, "Aren't Miss Mu's father and you former comrades in arms?"
Mr. Li said quietly: "The Li family and the Mu family have no friendship since their engagement was broken off ten years ago. We have not contacted each other for ten years. Now she suddenly visits here every day. What do you think she is thinking?"
Jiang Jin couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Dad, you are so wise and sharp. You can even guess Mu Yingxuan's secret thoughts. I will pick up some food for you."
"What are her secret thoughts?" Mr. Li glanced at her, "I refused the Mu family's capital injection because I didn't want the Li family to be inferior to the Mu family. For such a simple reason, where did you think of it?"
Jiang Jin: "..."
She really thought that the old man knew that Mu Yingxuan came here for Li Yunting.

She just said that the old man is very old, how could he think of such a romantic...
She smiled dryly: "Our Li family has been standing in Yuncheng for half a century. Even if we are imprisoned, we will never accept food from outside. I support dad's decision!"
"Uncle Li, our Mu family has no intention of giving charity."
A cold voice came.
Mu Yingxuan walked into the flower hall at some point and stood at the entrance with a gift in her hand.
She looked humble and kept her attitude very low, "Uncle Li, my parents and brothers really want to help the Li family. I hope Uncle Li will not refuse the Mu family's help because of some inexplicable emotions."
She said, giving Jiang Jin a pointed look.

If she hadn't just forced her way in, she wouldn't have known that a woman like Jiang Jin could interfere in such an important matter as the Li family.
