DSHSN - 30

This time the teacher will inform parents of the results of the monthly exam, so Gu Yiyi did not tell his family about his results. He had a weird idea in his heart and wanted to scare them.

Yan Li told his father, then he wouldn't need to speak on his own.

Gu Yiyi acquiesced to her behavior.

Sitting next to him, his back straight and his serious look, Yan Li felt that he was a little nervous. The question was, what was there to be nervous about?

Edit, send.

When the teacher came, Yan Li put away her phone and began to listen to the teacher attentively.

What he said is nothing more than how important it is to choose subjects, and how the subjects will be divided into classes, what subjects to choose, and the scope of majors in the future will be wider.

Yan Li used to study science, but the subjects they choose now are more like the new college entrance examination model. She has not understood it in detail, so she is confused. Gu Yiyi is next to her. He seemed to be listening very seriously.

Yan Li thinks that when the time comes, it will be enough for Gu Heng, his father, to discuss it with him.

After thinking about it, she took out her phone and turned on the recording, planning to record the voice directly. Even if she didn't convey it properly, Gu Heng couldn't blame her.

So, she recorded the whole process of the teacher's speech with her mobile phone.

After talking about the division of subjects, the teacher began to praise some students with good grades and asked their parents to speak up and talk about how they raised their children.

Yan Li always had an attitude that it had nothing to do with her. She never expected that after talking about it, their class teacher would suddenly cue her.

The head teacher, Mr. Chen, was wearing a white shirt, with a somewhat serious face, but now he was smiling kindly.

"Gu Yiyi's Mom, Gu Yiyi is the most improved student in our class this time. You can tell the class how you encourage him to study hard."

Yan Li: Haha!

She is a stepmother. How does he study? Is this something she can control?

But she can't say this in front of so many parents. She could only show a hypocritical face and said with a smile: "Why does Gu Yiyi work so hard... It must be because he suddenly wants to work hard. The child's own driving force is the best motivation method. Maybe now that he is in his second year of high school, he suddenly has a sense of crisis. What we parents can do is to provide our children with adequate nutrition..."

Yan Li wheeled a lot of nonsense, and finally ended it all with "I've finished talking."

Then the head teacher asked Gu Yiyi to get up and talk about the reasons why he had made such great progress and how he made rapid progress.

Gu Yiyi glanced at Yan Li next to him and began to say that his learning method was similar to what Shen Yang said before. After all, the learning method was learned from Shen Yang. As for why he suddenly worked hard.

Gu Yiyi glanced at Yan Li and said, "I just suddenly felt that I shouldn't waste my time."

After the parents shared their knowledge about parenting and learning with their classmates, the teacher began to answer questions for the parents.

Yan Li sat in her seat, feeling that she had nothing to talk about with the children's parents, so she looked out the window idly, calculating when she could leave.

At this time, a group of parents came over and praised Yan Li.

"Mother Gu, your Gu Yiyi is really amazing. He has improved so quickly in just three months. Can you tell me how you supervise his studies at home?" Yan Li wants to say that she is a stepmother. But a group of parents who want to improve their children's grades don't care whether she is a biological mother or a stepmother, they want her to hand over her parenting methods.

Yan Li, who had just said a lot of nonsense, continued to talk a lot of nonsense.

Even she herself despised the hypocrisy.

What kind of parenting method?

She has no biological son.

Forget it, she also added a bunch of WeChat messages from mothers and fathers. They said very nice things and wanted to discuss their children's studies with her. Of course, it may actually be about children's learning.

Gu Yiyi went to a public school, and the level of the Gu family was beyond the reach of many ordinary families. Apart from envying Gu Heng for being rich, he couldn't think too much about it. Of course, there are also a small number of people who want to have a relationship.

Forget it, the teacher also organized a Q&A group for each subject, and Yan Li was also included.

Anyway, this parent-teacher meeting made her feel a little complicated.

She felt that she was a stepmother and assumed the role of a biological mother. This is not a good thing.

Yan Li told the teacher that she was usually busy with work and might not be able to take care of it, so she wanted to bring the child's father in.

The head teacher agreed, his eyes under the black-framed glasses carrying a somewhat penetrating light. After the parent-teacher meeting was over, Yan Li followed Gu Yiyi to have lunch in the school cafeteria.

She had to say that the cafeteria during my student days was still very delicious and full of memories of youth.

Yan Beibei was eating rice with a spoon nearby. Her cute look was noticed by many students around her. Some of the bolder girls even came over and touched the little guy's face.

Gu Yiyi took a nap at school at noon. When Yan Li left, he sent them to the school gate. When getting in the car, Yan Li glanced outside the car and saw a girl standing not far behind Gu Yiyi in a white dress. It was Shen Ruyue.

She looked a lot thinner. Standing under the ginkgo tree, she looked like a weak willow supporting the wind, looking pitiful.

At this moment, Yan Li was inexplicably worried about Gu Yiyi.

She didn't know how long the boy's current state would last, and whether this girl, who might change the trajectory of his life, would still affect him.

Everyone has his own destiny, and what Gu Yiyi chooses is his own business. Fortunately, Gu Yiyi was not her biological son. After all, if her biological son was so "mentally retarded", she might be angry to death.

After Yan Li left, Gu Yiyi turned around and saw Shen Ruyue. They haven't seen each other for a while, and she seems to have lost a lot of weight.

But what she is like has nothing to do with him.

He ignored her and tried to walk right past her.

At this moment, Shen Ruyue suddenly called him. The girl's voice was a bit weak, and she looked very thin.

Her voice was very low: "Gu Yiyi, congratulations, you have made great progress this time." Gu Yiyi said nothing and walked away.

Then he heard her sound falling into the wind. She said: "I have to work hard too."

Shen Ruyue's family background is not very good. Unlike Gu Yiyi, who spent money to get in, she got in by herself. Why did she become like this later? Shen Ruyue felt a little confused when she thought about it.

After Yan Li left school, she took her daughter to dinner. While eating, she immediately left the group.

Gu Yiyi's affairs were Gu Heng's responsibility, and she didn't want to have to worry about it that much. She just needs to take good care of her Yan Beibei.

In the afternoon, they went shopping.

Since Gu Heng gave the money, it would be in vain if they didn't spend it.

Then, she bought a bunch of clothes and shoes for herself and Yan Beibei.

They had finished shopping for themselves, and Yan Li didn't know if she wanted to buy something for the other two people.

After all, you are soft on others.

When she was undecided, she asked Yan Beibei: "Baby, you said we have bought so many things, do you want to buy something for dad and brother?"

Of course Yan Beibei said: "I want it! I want to buy it for my brother and dad!"

The child's excited voice sounded like she was buying it for herself. Yan Li pulled her lips helplessly and suddenly realized that Yan Beibei gave her some candy and she was so kind to others. How could she not buy it for both father and son?

Alas, after asking all the questions, she went to buy things for the father and son.

After shopping around, Yan Li finally bought a white shirt for Gu Heng and a pair of sneakers for Gu Yiyi.

Both father and son use the best things. What Yan Li bought for them is not cheap, and the quality is okay, but she doesn't know whether they are considerate or not.

It doesn't matter, if they don't like it, she can be honest and won't buy it for them in the future.

After shopping, they went back. When she got home and put her things in the cloakroom, Yan Li began to reflect on herself and felt that her spending in the past two days seemed a bit outrageous.

Is the total of the things she bought yesterday and today too much?

But when she thought that the money she spent on shopping today was the result of her own labor, she felt confident again.

When Gu Yiyi came home at night, he saw the sneakers placed in his room.

This is a brand that he would never look at normally. Although the price is not cheap, the style is definitely not what he likes. The black sneakers, green laces and trimmings, to Gu Yiyi's eyes, were not ordinary ugly.

But it was strange, he knew who bought it, and even looked at it and felt that it was still a bit attractive. Moreover, he took it out, put it on, tried it on, stamped his feet, and... It fits well and is very comfortable to wear.


  1. Poor boy I feel a little bad for him, you can tell that the only thing he wants is the attention of his parents or in this case his stepmother 😩

    Thanks for the update


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