The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 17

☆⁠Chapter 17 Speed ​​of Life and Death☆⁠

Gambling on stones can be regarded as a kind of risky investment.

There are people like Zhao Tian who are losing money, and there are people like Lin Jianqing who are making small profits, and there is another kind of people who are worried about what to eat one moment, but the next second, because of a small stone, their whole life is changed.

The huge wealth is coming like a tidal wave, almost drowning people.

The piece of stone that Lin Ran bought for three hundred yuan gradually revealed its true colors in the hands of the master and the operation of the stone cutter. It is indeed a pure green, like the top-notch green on the tips of the green leaves that are about to fall off in the spring. It is shiny and oily, making people fall in love with it at the first sight.

The quality is fine, the crystal particles are very dense, and the water head is excellent.

The master's hands were shaking. He held the small ball of jade and said excitedly in Mandarin: "Imperial green comes from glass. Imperial green comes from glass!"

Lin Ran didn't understand. The bodyguards around Zhao Tian had already taken it upon themselves to translate for everyone and said, "It's said to be imperial green made of glass." They have been traveling to China and Seine City all the time, and they have also done a little research on jade and jade. Imperial Green, made of glass, That is the king of jade.

Everyone onlookers, including the person in charge of the market, were in an uproar when they saw the piece of green jade. No one could have imagined that such an inconspicuous little broken stone with no pine flowers could actually bloom green, and it was the best green!

Qian San carefully educated them in their ears, feeling that his heart was about to jump out of his chest: "At a recent auction in China, a glass imperial green piece smaller than the current piece of jade was auctioned for 90 million. "

Ninety million!

Zhao Tian, ​​who was as calm as this, also reacted. He snatched the imperial green from the master's hand and stuffed it into Lin Ran's hand. He patted the bodyguard beside him on the shoulder and said, "Now that we're done shopping, let's go."

The three bodyguards understood and shouted in unison: "Yes, Master!"

It had to be said that this time, the momentum is still there.

They quickly grabbed their things and were about to leave. Not to mention, there were more than ten people in this group, plus the team led by Zhao Tian. They walked out in high spirits and no one came to stop them. As a result, they quickly left. At that time, the market person in charge chased him out. He watched Lin Ran chattering and the accompanying bodyguard translated it. The general meaning was that he wanted to buy this piece of imperial green and offered a price of 30 million.

Fuck, are you fooling them into thinking they are fools?

Zhao Tian became angry when he heard this, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to do it, but Lin Jianqing reacted quickly, grabbed Zhao Tian's hand and said, "Don't be impulsive, a strong dragon will not suppress a local snake."

After all, this is a stone gambling market. It is definitely impossible for them to rob customers of their goods. Once they do it, the reputation of this place will be ruined. But if the people on their side take the initiative to cause trouble, and something happens while taking advantage of the chaos, it's hard to tell.

Only then did Zhao Tian calm down, let his bodyguards reject them, and then left the stone gambling market.

After leaving the market, Zhao Tian glanced at Lin Ran and found that the child had been stunned since just now. He patted him on the back of the head: "Hey, you're not stunned stupid, are you?"

Lin Ran was shocked when he saw this. Zhao Tian really didn't want his life. How could he be so disrespectful to the future boss?

As if the future boss didn't notice, he raised his head and looked at Zhao Tian stupidly and said, "What's wrong, brother?"

Zhao Tiantian rolled his eyes. He helped Lin Ran in the market just now because they were both Chinese, but after all, they were strangers. He couldn't follow this little kid all the time, so he said: "Be careful yourself. It's best to go to the airport and return home immediately. Do you understand?"

The little kid was confused and still immersed in the time when he was cutting stones, as if he didn't understand what his worth was now. Zhao Tian became anxious when he saw him like that. He rubbed his hair and said, "Please wake up!" He then asked Li Kui, who had been following Lin Ran step by step since just now, and said, "Are you this kid's uncle?"

Li Kui's honest face did not change. He looked down at Lin Ran and said, "Yes. Don't worry, we will take good care of him here."

Silent Hill suddenly said: "It's not good, there are people coming out of the market."

Lin Jianqing had a headache: "How many?"

This is really a sudden disaster. People in the market here will probably take action as soon as they leave. And there is Mr. Huo behind Lin Xian. He has a gem worth more than 100 million, and it is really a troublesome thing to be guilty of possessing it.

And this stingy Rules of Silence gave her a peashooter that only she could see. It was something that only she could see. She didn't dare to use it in front of others, otherwise she would be arrested as a monster, OK!

The last time she did task one, Lin Jianqing was still strolling around. This time Lin Ran was not so calm about this task. After all, this involved a human life, and her opponent was none other than a gangster.

No matter what, Zhao Tian, ​​Lin Jianqing and his party separated from Lin Ran first.

At least on the surface, Lin Jianqing and Lin Ran have nothing to do with each other.

After saying goodbye to Lin Ran, Lin Jianqing randomly found an excuse to separate from Zhao Tian, ​​then opened her geographical connection with Lin Ran and rushed over as quickly as possible.

Seine City is a small city. The architectural style here is also very different from that in mainland China. Most of them are dome houses and there are very few apartments. The alleys between the houses are intricate and complicated, and it is easy for outsiders to get around them. faint. Fortunately, Lin Jianqing has an international version of the map.

Lin Ran was in an alley not far from the Stone Betting Market. Lin Jianqing ran over with all her strength, and then suddenly braked at the entrance of the alley. She found that Lin Ran and Li Kui had separated. The little kid looked pale and was about to stop. He was blocked deep in an alley by seven or eight people.

Lin Jianqing took a look at the terrain, took a breath, and her palms were so nervous that they became sweaty. She first took the peashooter out of her pocket, adjusted the mode to "disable the enemy's combat effectiveness", and then threw the toy gun-like shooter to the ground.

She stared at the people in the alley and marked them all as zombies. There were a total of eight people in the alley. The shooter she planted was in good condition and had a total of two hundred rounds of ammunition, which must be enough.

After placing Mr. Shooter away, Lin Jianqing followed the map and walked around to the wall behind the alley, jumped onto the trash can, and stretched out her head to look over there.

The seven-year-old future villain in the alley put his right hand tightly in his schoolbag, as if holding something, which should be the deadly piece of imperial green jade. His face was pale, and his breathing gradually became heavier. 

Lin Ran trembled and clenched the things in his arms with even more fear. He stared at the leading man, but suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air, and saw the man's pupils suddenly widened, and he fell to his knees in front of him, holding his thighs crazily and howling!

The sudden change shocked everyone, including Lin Ran. The man lying on the ground looked pale and hugged his thigh, but there were obviously no wounds on his thigh! The few remaining burly men looked at each other in horror, thinking of the mysterious Chinese Kung Fu.

No way? It must be a lie, right?

With this thought in mind, several people moved forward again, but just when they were about to come into contact with Lin Ran, their thighs suddenly seemed to have been hit by a bullet. A burst of pain hit them, almost making people faint!

Lin Ran was stunned at the situation in front of him. He didn't understand what was happening at all. He was still in a daze when he suddenly heard a voice above his head: "Lin Ran!"

Lin Ran paused, then looked up and saw Lin Jianqing.

Lin Jianqing stretched out her head and tried her best to pass her hand to Lin Ran: "Grab me and I will pull you over!"

"Sister? Why are you here?" He looked at the people lying on the ground again: "Did you do it?"

Lin Jianqing denied it: "How could it be me? Am I so capable? Maybe they had a sudden mental illness." She casually found a reason and urged: "Hurry up, if you don't come up, reinforcements will come! "

Lin Ran hesitated for a few seconds, and finally handed his hand to Lin Jianqing.

He was neither tall nor heavy. Lin Jianqing easily pulled him to the opposite side of the wall. Then she jumped out of the trash can first and opened her arms to the little kid: "Hurry up!"

Lin Ran jumped down from a deep squat, just in time to jump into Lin Jianqing's arms.

The two of them didn't have time to say much. They hurried out of the alley and were about to run. Unexpectedly, several men wearing vests on the street saw their expressions change and glanced at their phones suspiciously. Lin Jianqing secretly said something was wrong and said with a smile. Lin Ran ran away, and when the few people behind her saw this, they even started chasing her.

At this speed of life and death, Lin Jianqing, a woman with Lin Ran and a child, could not run very far. Fortunately, Silent Hill has been helping to read the map and give real-time instructions: "Turn right, turn left, and enter the door on the right!"

Lin Jianqing felt that she didn't have enough brain power. She pushed Lin Ran, who was about to run forward, to turn right and left. Then she found a door on the right, opened it, and then closed the door with a bang. She covered his mouth with one hand and waited for a few seconds. Afterwards, they heard a gust of wind and footsteps.

Lin Ran took a breath.

Lin Jianqing looked over and saw the child running with red face and sweating profusely on his head, as if he had been abused by someone, and he was extremely embarrassed.

When the boss grows up in the future, this will be a black history. Lin Jianqing couldn't help but feel itchy hands and wanted to take a photo. In the end, she was lucky and stretched out her hand to rub Lin Ran's head restrainedly.

Lin Ran: "..."
