FVB - 035

Chapter 35 You kiss the back of my husband’s hand

The moonlight tonight is as gentle as water.

Mu Yingxuan sat beside the hospital bed and gently held Li Yunting's hand.
Tears appeared in her eyes, filled with feelings of self-blame, regret, and guilt.

"A Ting, I'm sorry..."
"A Ting, as long as you wake up, I will compensate you a thousand times..."
She slowly lowered her head, and her red lips came closer to the back of the man's hand little by little...

"What are you doing?"

A cold and angry voice suddenly came.

Mu Yingxuan was suddenly startled and looked up to see Jiang Jin standing coldly in front of her.
Her movements paused, and her whole body seemed a little stiff.
"Miss Mu, did you ask for my permission when you kiss the back of my husband's hand?"
Jiang Jin crossed her arms over her chest, with a deep sarcasm on her lips, "I have to say, Miss Mu's taste is really unique. She even condescended to seduce a vegetable."
Mu Yingxuan has never been so embarrassed.
She had already found out clearly before she came that this woman was having an affair with other men outside and had been getting divorced.
In other words, this woman has no feelings for Ating.
Then why have she been hostile to this woman since she appeared?
"Mother Zhang, see the guest off!"
Jiang Jin didn't give Mu Yingxuan any face, and opened her lips to give instructions coldly.
Zhang Ma didn't dare to confront Jiang Jin head-on. She sighed and said, "Miss Mu, let me take you out."
Mu Yingxuan stood up with tears in her eyes and looked at the man lying on the hospital bed with great reluctance: "Ating, I'll see you again in a few days."

She kept saying "A Ting", which made Jiang Jin feel very harsh.
This sudden emotion made her a little confused.
She curled her lips and walked out of the master bedroom.
"Miss Mu, the young lady has such a temper..." Zhang Ma explained in a low voice, "The doctor said that your husband will wake up in about three months. When he wakes up, everything should be back to how it was ten years ago. …”
Mu Yingxuan pursed her red lips.
Ten years, more than three thousand days and nights, many things are different from before...
Jiang Jin went directly to the study.
As soon as the door opened, she saw two little brats hurriedly closing the laptop and then quickly hiding in the gap of the cabinet.
She curled her lips coldly: "Didn't I ask you to do your homework? You are really very good at doing this trick."
Li Beixiao raised his head and blinked: "What does it mean to be doing a trick?"
"How can such a profound idiom be understood by you two scumbags?"
Jiang Jin walked in, bent down and took out two laptops from the gap in the bookcase.
She sneered and said, "You play games every day in kindergarten, I will confiscate your things. When you get 100% on the exam, then you can redeem them."

Li Xichen glared at her angrily: "This is a birthday gift from grandpa. You have no right to confiscate it."

"I am your biological mother. When I educate my children, your grandfather has to take a step back!" Jiang Jin said confidently, "If you don't want your things to be confiscated, then answer me a few questions honestly and satisfy me. I'll give you another chance to change your ways."
Li Beixiao nodded obediently: "You can ask."
Jiang Jin sat down on the swivel chair and asked casually, "Who is that woman named Mu?"
"Aunt Mu's father and our grandfather were comrades in arms." Li Beixiao said, "Aunt Mu comes to visit us probably every few months."
Jiang Jin shook her head: "This answer is too general and I am not satisfied."

"You might as well just say it. You want to know the relationship between Aunt Mu and Dad, right?" Li Xichen twitched the corners of his lips and said coldly.
Jiang Jin was a little angry after being exposed by a little kid.
She leaned back in her chair and said coldly: "I want to know everything about Mu Yingxuan."
That woman, in her home, kissed the back of Li Yunting's hand without hesitation.

She was really curious about what was going on between Mu Yingxuan and Li Yunting...
Yes, she was just curious.
"Aunt Mu and Dad had a baby engagement." Li Beixiao covered the emotion in his eyes, "Ten years ago, Aunt Mu and Dad had just held their engagement party, and Dad had a car accident and became a vegetative state. Grandpa believed that Aunt Mu shouldn't wait, So the engagement was cancelled, and Aunt Mu was heartbroken and left for another country... Aunt Mu only returned to China in recent years."

Jiang Jin was a little stunned.
In other words, Mu Yingxuan and Li Yunting were childhood sweethearts, and they almost became husband and wife back then.
If Li Yunting hadn't suddenly been in a car accident and became a vegetative state, they would have gotten married smoothly, Mu Yingxuan would have become the young lady of the Li family, and the brats in the family would have called Mu Yingxuan mother...
Thinking of this, Jiang Jin felt inexplicably uncomfortable.
She glanced at the two children standing in front of her and asked quietly, "What do you think of Aunt Mu?"
"Aunt Mu is very good to us." Li Beixiao looked at her and said, "Every year on our birthday, Aunt Mu gives us many gifts."
Li Xichen leaned against the desk: "What do you want to do by asking these questions?"
He didn't think this woman was just asking casually.

Jiang Jin was speechless.
She didn't know why she was asking this, so she asked out of nowhere.
She put the laptop on the desk, cleared her throat and said, "I don't think I've ever told you a story, right?"

Li Xichen frowned.

Weren't you still talking about Aunt Mu just now? Why are you suddenly telling a story?
There was a hint of surprise in Li Beixiao's eyes.
When he was two or three years old, what he looked forward to most was that his mother would tell him a bedtime story.
But never once.
He took a step forward obediently: "I want to hear it."

"Then I will tell you a story about Snow White."
Li Xichen: "..."
Snow White and all that, shouldn't it be something to be told to little girls?
These two men are talking about princesses and princes!
Don't want to hear it at all!
He curled his lips and started to walk away.

However, Jiang Jin's gentle voice sounded in the study, like the sound of clear spring water falling in the heart.

His steps paused, and he leaned against the desk and listened quietly.
"After Snow White's biological mother left, there was a stepmother in the palace. This stepmother was particularly vicious... She didn't feed Snow White every day, locked her in a small dark room every day, and even secretly threw her away..."
Jiang Jin spoke slowly. After she finished speaking, she said earnestly, "So, stepmother is the most vicious person in the world. You must cherish the days when you have your biological mother..."
Li Xichen: "..."

Li Beixiao: "..."

The two looked at each other speechlessly.

Can't she be more direct as a person? She had to go through such a big circle to tell them that Aunt Mu is vicious...
