FVB - 050

Chapter 50 Do you want to go to jail?

Jiang Jin and Director Zhao sat in the rest area and chatted for more than ten minutes.

As they chatted, she suddenly felt that something was missing...
"By the way, Miss Jiang, didn't you say you would bring your sons over to the banquet? The award ceremony will start soon. Where are your sons? Why didn't they come over?"
Jiang Jin stood up suddenly.
It turned out that she had forgotten those two brats.
It's impossible to go to the toilet for almost half an hour and still not come out. Could it be that they are lost?
She lifted her skirt and walked towards the bathroom.
The Starlight Party Banquet Hall was well-dressed and well-dressed, but the rest area at the back was a little deserted.
"What are you two doing here?"
Li Nanque's legs were crossed on the coffee table, his chin resting on his hand, his eyes extremely cold.
Li Xichen leaned on the sofa and said in a lazy voice: "That woman brought us here, we can't refuse."
Li Nanque's eyes narrowed instantly.
He touched his chin with his hand and suddenly sneered: "She suddenly appeared at the Starlight Conference. Could it be that she wanted to take this opportunity to reveal my identity?"
"Probably not." Li Beixiao pursed his lips, "She is not such a person."
"Xiao Bei, you actually spoke for that woman?" Li Nanque's voice was full of disbelief, "You didn't suffer from Stockholm Syndrome due to her abuse, did you?"
The corners of Li Beixiao's lips twitched: "Second brother, you haven't been home for so long. You don't know that she has actually changed."
"All I know is that a dog can't change its habit of eating shit." Li Nanque's eyes darkened, "She would never appear on such an occasion without any reason."
At tonight's Starlight Conference, he will take the stage to receive the award, and everyone's spotlight will fall on him.

At such a moment, if the woman suddenly comes on stage and exposes his identity. Then, all his efforts will be ruined.
That woman can do such a thing.
Ever since he entered the entertainment industry, that woman has been trying to control him again and again.
After he became a superstar, she called him countless times with only one purpose, which was to ask for money.
She even threatened him with his father's life.
Such a despicable and vicious villain, he would not believe her even if she said she had gotten better.
"You two stay well in the lounge and are not allowed to go out." Li Nanque said coldly, "I will take you home when I'm done."
His manager Wei Liu brought two laptops and said respectfully: "You two young masters, just play games here. The awards party will be over in about an hour."
As long as they have computers, it doesn't matter where Li Xichen and Li Beixiao are.
The two opened their laptops, teamed up face to face and started playing games...
Jiang Jin walked around the bathroom and didn't see the two brats. She was about to take out her mobile phone and make a call.
Behind her, slight footsteps suddenly sounded.
She was startled and turned back sharply.
She saw a figure slowly approaching her at the end of the empty corridor.
Seeing that she was aware of it, the figure's pace became faster and faster, appearing in front of her in less than a second, and then grabbed her arm.
"Lin Yichi, how did you get in?"
Jiang Jin raised her hand and shook him off, her eyes filled with anger.
"You can sneak in, why can't I?"
Lin Yichi's gloomy eyes seemed to be dripping with water, "Jiang Jin, who are you trying to seduce when you dress up so beautifully? You cheated me of 30 million and want to start a new life again. Do you think I will agree?"
"Do you want face?"

Jiang Jin almost laughed out of anger.

Why is this scumbag so thick-skinned?
She was about to speak when suddenly, a strange fragrance came from the tip of her nose. Before she could react, her wrist was squeezed tightly again.
"Stinky girl, you have been with me for half a year and you still refuse to go to bed. Unfortunately, I really think you are some kind of chaste and fierce woman! A slut like you deserves to be ridden by a man. Get out of here!"
Lin Yichi grabbed her wrist and pulled her into an empty lounge.
After Jiang Jin smelled the strange fragrance, her hands and feet suddenly lost all strength...
This should be an anesthetic that can make people temporarily lose consciousness...
She bit the tip of her tongue hard and said word by word: "There are people outside, do you want to go to jail?"
"Don't worry, I won't leave any evidence."
Lin Yichi smiled evilly, threw her hard on the sofa, and pressed her down.
Jiang Jin opened her mouth and bit Lin Yichi's shoulder.
Lin Yichi slapped her hard.
Jiang Jin had long expected that he would make a move, and rolled to the side with all her strength to avoid the slap.
However, her head hit the coffee table and became swollen instantly.
"How dare you bite me, you stinky bitch, watch how I kill you!"
Lin Yichi stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Jin's collar.
The high-end dress and hand-made embroidery were torn apart in an instant when he pulled it with such force, revealing smooth and delicate skin.

Jiang Jin covered her chest and was extremely angry: "As long as you dare to touch me, I will retaliate tenfold and a hundredfold!"
Lin Yichi could no longer hear what she was saying.
His eyes stared at Jiang Jin's exposed body, and a lustful light suddenly appeared.
He has missed this body for a long, long time. Even if he wants to break up, he must let himself feel comfortable first.
He stepped forward again, put his arms around Jiang Jin's slender waist, and kissed her neck without any explanation...
Jiang Jin was so exhausted that she couldn't even lift her arms. Her desperate struggle was like a fist hitting cotton in Lin Yichi's eyes, which added a lot of interest.
"Da da--"
The sound of leather shoes being buckled on the ground reached Jiang Jin's eardrums from far to near.
As if she had grasped the last straw, she shouted at the top of her lungs: "Help, help me - ugh!"
Her lips were suddenly covered.

Lin Yichi stared at her with his eyes: "You are my girlfriend. It is only natural that I make love with you. Who dares to say anything?"
Jiang Jin opened her mouth and wanted to bite his hand, but Lin Yichi held it tightly, and she couldn't make any sound—
The footsteps outside the door seemed to be getting farther and farther away.
Her heart instantly fell to the bottom.

If she was taken over by a scumbag like Lin Yichi, she would despise this body...
"The people outside are gone, and no one can save you."
Lin Yichi smiled successfully and pulled off his belt mercilessly.
Jiang Jin's hands were groping behind her back. She would definitely be able to find a vase or a pair of scissors...
Let's see if she doesn't stab this rapist to death...

Right now!

The door to the lounge was suddenly pushed open.

The crystal light in the corridor shines through the crack of the door, just like the sky that has been hazy for a long time. The dark clouds are blown away by the wind, and the light pours down from the clouds.

A man in a black suit slowly walked in from the door.

As soon as he entered, the temperature in the lounge dropped several degrees in vain, and Jiang Jin couldn't help but shiver violently.
Lin Yichi's movements suddenly stopped.

He turned back bit by bit...
