FVB - 049

Chapter 49 Nine-year-old Superstar Boy

The appearance of Li Nanque pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

The nine-year-old boy already has countless auras about him, lighting up every corner of the venue.
He is a rising star, and his shining points make every fan love and admire him, but his character has always made him controversial.
"There are many reporters at the venue tonight. He won't impulsively conflict with reporters again."

"A person like him, who became famous at a young age and has an impetuous mind, will inevitably be arrogant and I pity the reporters who were beaten by him."
"He named himself Master Que after he debuted. You can imagine how arrogant he is. We should stay away from him..."
Jiang Jin looked up at the entrance of the venue.

Among the flowers, under countless flashing lights, the boy's facial features became more distinct, his eyes were darker, and a very cold aura spread around him.
His hair was dyed with colorful highlights, and the colorful colors shone in the light.
This son entered the entertainment industry and left the Li family at the age of four, and has never come back since.
In the memory of the original owner, there is basically no scene of getting along with this son. It is conceivable how alienated the mother and son are.

"I want to go to the bathroom." Li Beixiao suddenly let go of her hand and said in a calm voice.
Li Xichen lazily said, "I want to pee too."
"Okay." Jiang Jin paused, "The venue is very big and the bathroom is hard to find. I'll go with you."
Li Xichen twitched the corner of his lips: "We are not two or three-year-old children anymore, okay? Where do I need you to accompany me? Xiaobei, let's go."
The two children walked towards the back one after the other and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Jiang Jin had no doubts about the abilities of these two guys. She held up her wine glass and looked for Director Zhao at the venue.
Director Zhao happened to be looking for her too. When he saw her, his eyes were full of surprise: "I didn't realize that Miss Jiang is so beautiful. She is no worse than the heroine of our drama."
Jiang Jin pursed her lips and smiled: "It's good that I didn't embarrass Director Zhao."
"Ms. Jiang, let me first take you to meet several famous directors and directors in the industry, as well as several investors..."
Director Zhao led Jiang Jin towards a group of people, including investors in suits and leather shoes, elegant ladies, and several female celebrities. Seven or eight people gathered around and laughed.
Seeing the two of them coming, a group of people immediately stopped talking.
The lady in black dress suddenly covered her mouth and smiled: "Hey, isn't this Director Zhao? Last time I passed by the entrance of Orange Entertainment and saw Director Zhao being collected by a group of people for debt collection. Has this matter been resolved?"

The lady pierced Director Zhao's heart as soon as she opened her mouth. Director Zhao's whole face turned dark.
Ever since the fire broke out on the set, people have been separated from each other, and Director Zhao has heard all kinds of unpleasant words.
More than half a month had passed since the fire, and he thought the incident had been forgotten. Who would have thought that these people who flattered others and disdained others would make him a little embarrassed as soon as they opened their mouths.
"Mrs. Li, why are you still mentioning Lao Huangli? Director Zhao's crew has already received investment funds, and the film will be completed and released soon."
"I heard that we only raised an investment of 60 million. If it were me, I would rather not make a photo with such a small amount of money. No one would see it anyway."
"Director Zhao is still here, don't say such sarcastic things."

A smile spread across Jiang Jin's lips: "Why, do you still know that what you said was sarcastic?"

This group of people are used to watching the dishes being served. Seeing that Director Zhao seemed to be in trouble, they all stepped on him one after another.
It seems like this can make people who are against Director Zhao happy, and their status seems to be rising...
Even if Director Zhao only invests 10 million in this drama, it can still become a popular fairy tale movie. Not to mention that her investment of more than 60 million this time will definitely make this drama stand out in the history of domestic fairy tale movies.
"Does your little assistant have the right to interrupt when we are talking?" Mrs. Li gave Jiang Jin a cold look.

There are many beautiful women in the entertainment industry, but there are basically no people who are so beautiful but still unknown.
So she concluded that this woman was probably not a female star in the entertainment industry, but an assistant at most.
"Mrs. Li really thinks highly of Zhao. How can I afford such an assistant." Director Zhao said with a smile, "Let me introduce to you, this is the investor of our crew, Miss Jiang."
As soon as the words fell, everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised.
Such a beautiful woman is not a female star in the entertainment industry, but a capitalist in the entertainment food chain.
"Hello everyone, I am Jiang Jin, and I will be in this circle from now on. Please pay more attention to me."
Jiang Jin had a bright smile on her face and her voice was calm and indifferent, as if the unpleasantness had never happened.
Her bright facial features made several female stars present turn red with envy.
"Ms. Jiang doesn't look like she's short of money. Why did she invest 60 million in Director Zhao? How could she bury Director Zhao's talent?"
"Sixty million capitalists are not enough to enter this circle. Miss Jiang can only count as one foot in."
Mrs. Li said leisurely: "Miss Jiang doesn't seem to be short of money. Why did she change the male and female protagonists of Director Zhao's play to save money? I heard that two amateurs who had never acted before were hired to play the roles. I’m afraid it’s difficult to guarantee the quality, right?”

"You don't need to worry about this matter, Mrs. Li." Jiang Jin said calmly, "Mrs. Li doesn't look like she is short of money. Why can't she buy the heart of the ocean around her neck? It’s so troublesome to get up.”

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Li's breathing suddenly became tight.
The Heart of the Ocean around her neck is the treasure of the history museum. Every time she attends an important event, she will rent it and wear it for a day.
Everyone in Cloud City thought that the Heart of the Ocean was her private property. How could this woman know that she rented it?
Is it possible that this Miss Jiang has a great background?
But she had never heard of any big family named Jiang in Yuncheng...
"Director Zhao, let's go sit over there."
Jiang Jin lifted up her skirt and left.
Director Zhao followed her and couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Mrs. Li is an investor in Huazhang Entertainment. She has always walked sideways in the circle. This is the first time I have seen her looking deflated... But, Miss Jiang, you How do you know that the necklace around Mrs. Li’s neck is rented?”

"That necklace of Ocean Love was once worn by a foreign queen. After the country's demise, the necklace fell into the country and was donated to a museum by a wealthy businessman. It is the property of the country, how could it be sold to private individuals." Jiang Jin shook the red wine glass and said, "These people are just bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. When you see them in the future, Director Zhao should show no mercy and retaliate hard."
"It's right to bully the weak and fear the strong, but they are right about one thing." Director Zhao said in a serious tone.
Jiang Jin frowned: "Which sentence?"
"The investment of 60 million is indeed a bit low. Miss Jiang is not short of money anyway, so why not add another 20 million? It is about to enter the promotion period, and the promotion fee has not been paid yet."

Jiang Jin: "..."
Can you be a less clichéd person?
