FVB - 215

Chapter 215 Offended father-in-law

Jiang Jin hasn't gone out these days.
She is busy working on the company's operation plan.
Orange Entertainment is like a plate of loose sand, with weak connections between departments and little contact between the company and the outside world. It is an isolated island outside the entertainment industry.
That is to say, "Snow Without End" became popular, and Orange Entertainment gradually stepped into the entertainment industry.
Her operation plan mainly re-plans the responsibilities of the entire company's departments and plans the company's future development direction...
She thought a lot and wrote a lot.
Three days passed before she knew it.
When you set your mind to do something, time passes very quickly.
She printed out the planning book she had written, bound it, and put it in her handbag.
Today is the first live audition for "Snow Endless 2". She is considered a judge, so she has to go and check out the situation.
Jiang Jin walked to the living room with her bag on her back when she saw the bouquet of flowers.
He sent flowers for several days in a row, and every time he made an appointment to have dinner, but she didn't go every time.
On the first day, the man called her and sent her a message. After she blocked the call, the world became quiet.
She walked over, picked up the flowers and threw them into the trash can.
The movements are neat and elegant.
Mrs. Meng coughed and said, "Jinjin, are you hungry? Eat some fruit."

Jiang Jin turned around and said with a smile: "Grandma, I'm going to the company now and will come back later."
"Um..." Mrs. Meng asked tentatively, "Who is this man who sends you flowers every day?"
Mr. Meng quickly gave his old lady a hand: "What do you, an old woman, asking to the child?"
Jiang Jin didn't want to say it at first.
That man really has nothing to mention.
However, the grandparents are obviously very concerned about this matter, and there is no need for the two old people to worry about such meaningless things every day.
She held Mrs. Meng's arm and said with a smile: "Grandma, do you still remember Mr. Li who came to visit Meng's house before?"
Mrs. Meng was surprised: "It's actually him?"
She had a pretty good impression of Mr. Li, a gentleman who was polite and well-controlled.
"Which Mr. Li? Why didn't I know there was a Mr. Li?" Meng Shen suddenly opened the door and walked out.
He hadn't been out for three days. He had a sloppy beard, messy hair, and wrinkled clothes. He really looked like an old man in his fifties or sixties.

He held a few lyrics and music scores in his hand, and before even having time to share the results, he said angrily, "Which bitch named Li dares to covet my daughter?"
Mr. Meng glanced at him: "Mr. Li, a descendant of the overseas Li family, don't you know him?"
Meng Shen really didn’t know him.
He paid little attention to things in the entertainment industry, and he was even less bothered to inquire about things in the shopping mall.
But it was about his daughter, and he had to inquire!
He didn't have much affection for this girl he picked up for free.
But these days when he wrote lyrics and composed music, he had been moved to tears many times.
He suddenly felt that the relationship between father and daughter had reached a breaking point.
"Mr. Li, right? Let me find out which bastard dared to send flowers to my daughter every day after eating a leopard!"
He took out his phone and searched for keywords.
A photo appeared.

The man wearing a golden mask only showing his eyes and chin.
This face!
Damn, it looks so familiar!
He had nightmares about it!
Hold on!
"Jinjin, give me his address, I'm going to beat him up!"
Meng Shen was going crazy.
That night, this bitch suddenly knocked on his door. He opened the door unsuspectingly and was beaten.
Both his left and right eyes were beaten, turning into panda eyes.
At the press conference the next day, hundreds of millions of netizens complained about his panda eyes and did not give him any face.
After beating him up, he still wanted to pursue his daughter!
Go ahead and dream!
"You unreliable brat!" Mrs. Meng said angrily, "Didn't you write a song for Jinjin? Have you finished it? Sing it to Jinjin quickly. If it doesn't sound good, don't publish it and make it look embarrassing. ”
Meng Shen is still very confident in his musical talent.
He took out the guitar in the room and started singing while playing it.
"I woke up from a dream and God gave me a daughter."
"I looked out the window. The scenery was charming, but nothing special."
"My daughter is twenty-eight years old. She is a big girl."
"She was so beautiful when I first met her."
"I became a father for the first time and she became a daughter for the first time."
"I would like to turn into a breeze to protect her, and I hope she will have no more troubles in this life."
Soft tune.
Emotional lyrics.

The four people of the Meng family, old and young, listened to the whole song in silence.
The eyes of the two elders of the Meng family were moist.
Jiang Jin's heart felt warm.
This is the best gift Meng Shen gave her.
More touching than the crown.
More priceless than diamonds.
Meng Shen suddenly frowned: "The melody is still too slow and cannot express my joyful and passionate love for my daughter..."
Hearing this, Mrs. Meng laughed angrily: "You haven't done a single thing every day. In order to get Jinjin's hair, you even triggered an online violence. Jinjin was almost killed by you. You should save your time and stop posting songs, otherwise Jinjin will be criticized by your fans again."

"It's their business to complain, it's my business to release songs." Meng Shen scratched his chin, picked up the music sheet and went to the room to mess around again.
Perhaps it is his innocent heart that allowed him to ascend to the throne of the singing king in his early twenties and remain popular until now.
Jiang Jin was thoughtful.
If she wants to gain a strong foothold in the entertainment industry, she must maintain such passion.
"Grandpa, grandma, it's getting late. I'll go to the company first."
Jiang Jin took her bag and car keys and drove to Orange Entertainment Building.
As soon as her car got out, she felt a tail behind her.
She turned and the car turned. She slowed down and the car slowed down.
She narrowed her eyes and suddenly accelerated the car.
"Don't follow her!" Li Nanque said sullenly, "You are following too close, she has noticed it."
Wei Liu said speechlessly: "Master Que, weren't we originally going to Orange Entertainment with Ms. Jiang?"

This afternoon, the first public audition for "Snow Without End 2" was held.
Mr. Que has signed up a long time ago and has been waiting for the opportunity to get in Ms. Jiang's car and go there with Ms. Jiang today.
They waited for an hour in the parking lot across the road from Meng's house... There was originally an interview, and an interview cost more than one million, but Mr. Que just turned it down and sat in the car waiting dryly...
Finally, Ms. Jiang went out, and Mr. Que did not dare to go up and talk to her.
He really doesn’t know how Mr. Que, who has always been so arrogant, became so cowardly...
He had no choice but to drive behind Ms. Jiang.
As a result, he got closer and was complained by Mr. Que.

It's really difficult for him to be an assistant.
Li Nanque lowered the cap on his head.

He hadn't seen that woman for three days, and he had to admit that he really missed her.
He came over for the audition just hoping to meet her openly...
