FVB - 187

Chapter 187 Why don’t you call me mom?

The soft night light fell on Li Yunting's face.
His chin was smooth and sharp, and his collar was neat and clean without a trace of stain.

No matter how smart and mature two five-year-old children are, they will never be able to feed the medicine without missing a drop.

Jiang Jin sat on the edge of the big bed, picked up the warm water at hand, and roughly opened Li Yunting's mouth.
She glanced coldly, and there was no trace of concoction in his mouth.
Xiaoxi and Xiaobei also lied to her.
Jiang Jinran smiled and drank half the glass of water to Li Yunting as if to vent her anger.

Doesn't he like to pretend?
Doesn't he like to lie?
See how he still pretends and deceives!!
Li Yunting was caught off guard and choked on the water, and couldn't help coughing.
Even though he choked like this, his eyes did not open, and his body did not rise and fall much...
No wonder Li Nanque became the best actor, his acting skills are inherited in the family.
She wanted to see how long he could keep pretending!
"Let me pour a basin of water and give you a scrub."
Jiang Jin got up and went to the bathroom to pour a basin of cold water.

When she was still half a meter away from the big bed, she suddenly stumbled.

A large basin of water was just poured on the big bed!
Although it is summer, the water temperature just coming out of the tap late at night is still very low.
Just like that, a large pot of water was poured on the man, but he didn't even twitch his eyebrows.
The whole person was calm and composed, as motionless as a mountain.
If she hadn't seen the tooth marks on his shoulders. Perhaps, at this moment, she believed that he was a vegetable.
Jiang Jin slowly got up from the ground, her voice very self-reproaching: "I'm sorry, I tripped suddenly, are you okay..."

She walked over and wiped the man's face casually with a towel.
The big bed was soaked with water, and the man seemed to be soaking in a water bed. His pajamas were wet and clinging to his body, making him look miserable.
But his face is still beautiful and eye-catching.
Jiang Jin's heart suddenly became angry.
He would rather lie in the cold water and risk catching a cold and fever than wake up, right?
Just to guard against her!
So distrustful of her!
Is he so afraid that she will ruin his plan?!
Then sleep on the water bed for a night!
Jiang Jin walked out of the master bedroom angrily, entered the side bed where she originally slept, and then began to take a slow bath.
Li Yunting slowly opened his eyes.
He was soaked all over, the cold water soaked into his bones and was very cold.
He had been lying down for ten years and his health was not good. If he caught a cold, his physical condition would return to before he woke up.
But he didn't dare to move. If the woman knew that he was awake, the divorce would be put on the agenda. He didn't know how to deal with it yet...

However, that woman has been protecting him since he became conscious.
Therefore, she probably wouldn't let him soak in the water overnight.
Li Yunting closed his eyes again.
When Jiang Jin came out of the shower, twenty minutes had passed.
If that man wasn't a fool, he would have crawled out of the water bed by now.
In short, that man would never be willing to lie on the water bed all night.
Jiang Jin pursed her lips coldly and sat in front of the mirror applying night cream.
After she finished applying it, she lay down on the bed and went to sleep.
She tossed and turned, but couldn't fall asleep.
That thoughtful man should not leave any loopholes for her.
Could he still be lying on the water bed?
"I must have owed the Li family in my previous life!"
Jiang Jin opened the quilt, put on her slippers and went out, opening the door of the master bedroom next door.
On the wet bed, the 1.86-meter man lay. The quilt was wet with water and pressed heavily on the man. His face was cold and he seemed to have no feeling at all...
Jiang Jin walked in without saying a word.
She lifted the quilt, then grabbed the man's arm and pulled him hard.

She had learned Taekwondo and was a little stronger than the average girl. With Li Yunting secretly cooperating with her strength, she easily pulled the man off and threw him directly on the carpet.
Li Yunting collapsed on the ground in a strange posture, his hands and feet arranged randomly.
Jiang Jin looked at him coldly, then deliberately stepped on his wrist and crushed it hard.
She stared coldly at the man's brows and eyes. The less he responded, the harder she pressed, and in the end she almost exhausted all her strength...
Li Yunting remained expressionless, his eyelashes not even trembling.
"I was still wondering what I stepped on, and it turned out to be your wrist."
Jiang Jin said something deliberately before taking her foot away.
Then, she saw that the man's wrist was red. If nothing else happened, his wrist should be swollen tomorrow.
Suddenly, her enthusiasm waned.
Jiang Jin laughed to herself and began to make the bed without saying a word.
Since he wants to pretend, then continue pretending. Why test it?
Too many temptations will only make her feel uncomfortable.
And this kind of discomfort is not only uncomfortable, but also suffocating and breathless...
Jiang Jin made the bed, and with difficulty lifted the man up and threw him on the bed. After covering him with a quilt, she left the master bedroom directly.
She slept on the small bed in the second bedroom. As soon as she closed her eyes, many scenes from the past two months appeared in her mind.

All kinds of complicated pictures are played back over and over in her mind.

All kinds of complicated emotions quietly creep into her heart in the silent night.
Jiang Jin covered herself with a quilt and fell asleep lightly.
The night passed quietly.
Jiang Jin woke up before the sun rose.
She habitually looked to her side, and when she didn't see Li Yunting, the memory of last night came back to her in an instant.
She sat up blankly. She hadn't slept well at night, and her head was dizzy and a little painful.

She picked up her phone casually, and countless news popped up on the screen, all about the banquet last night.
Her name as the eldest lady of the Meng family resounded throughout Yuncheng.
She became the most enviable person on the Internet.
However, she was not happy at all.
She saw the notebook on the dressing table, which she usually used to record her daily routine and arrangements.
Turning the first page, she saw the movie's dividend arrangement.
The first payment was made by investing in Li’s family.
The second payment was to buy back Li’s shares.

The third payment was invested in the Li family.
The fourth payment...
All the money comes around the Li family.
In fact, Li didn't need her money at all.
Jiang Jin tore out the first page of the notebook, tore it into pieces, and threw it directly into the trash can.
After she finished washing, she opened the door and walked out.
Standing on the edge of the railing, she saw four children having breakfast in the dining room, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.
She coughed slightly, and the four children looked up at the same time.
"Good morning, Mom."
Li Beixiao's soft and waxy voice sounded, with a sweet smile on his face.
Li Xichen cleared his throat and said, "Good morning."

Not to be outdone, Li Nanque followed up: "Good morning, how did you sleep last night?"

Li Dongjing put down his chopsticks and asked in a gentle voice, "What do you want for breakfast? I'll have it delivered right now."

Jiang Jin put her chin on her hand and said casually: "Only Xiaobei calls me mother. Why, am I not the mother of the other three of you?"
