FVB - 160

Chapter 160 How many men can a woman have at most?

Jiang Jin re-registered a Weibo account and finally saw the bloody turmoil on the Internet.
Just after the auction, news about her and Meng Shen dominated the top ten hot searches.
But at this moment, her name is all in the top 20 hot searches...
#Jiang Jin,Meng Shen#
#Jiang Jin, Li young madam#

#Jiang Jin、 Director Zhao#

#Jiang Jin、Gou Feng#
#Jiang Jin, Neptune#

#Jiang Jin's lover's voice#
#On the maximum number of men a woman can have#

The most popular one right now is the video of Lin Yichi speaking out.
He claimed to be Jiang Jin's lover and complained in tears against Jiang Jin's behavior...
"She pretended to be single and deceived my feelings. After I fell in love with her, I found out that I was being cheated on by a mistress..."
Lin Yichi looked pitiful in the camera, "She looks so beautiful and innocent. I never thought she was already the mother of four children... Even if she lied to me, how could she lie to King Master Meng…”
Not only that, he also released an intimate photo with Jiang Jin.

His remarks immediately aroused sympathy and anger among netizens.
"I never thought there would be someone like Jiang Jin in the world. She doesn't deserve to live on earth. She is simply polluting the air!"
"If a married woman is in love with six or seven men at the same time, will her vegetative husband jump out of bed so angry?"
"With that face, she was able to seduce so many rich people. To be honest, I kind of admire her!"
"The most pitiable thing is that our brother Meng Shen, a diamond king in the entertainment industry, an innocent male god who has been single for fifty years, was deceived by a woman who can do everything he wants. Oh my poor brother Meng Shen…”
"Our brother Meng has been ruined like this. My heart hurts so much. Why can't brother Meng Shen see me?"
"Brother Meng Shen was deceived! We fans must help him seek justice!"
"Jiang Jin's address has been found out. It's halfway up the mountain outside the east city of Yuncheng..."
"People who live in Yuncheng, please make an appointment tomorrow. I'm going to meet the vixen who deceived Brother Meng and tear her face apart!"
"Have you forgotten that when a fan wanted to teach her a lesson today, she was threatened by Mr. Li, a descendant of the Li family?"

"This bitch is good-looking and has a lot of guardians. Darlings in the past, please be careful!"
"As long as I can vent my anger on Brother Meng Shen, I'm not afraid of anything!"
"Take me one!"
"Take me with you!"
In just a few minutes, hundreds of fans signed up.
Seeing these hot search topics becoming more and more popular, Jiang Jin's heart ached.
However, one cannot blame netizens.
If you want to blame, blame Meng Shen!
If this guy hadn't insisted on giving her the crown, would she have been attacked by so many people?
Everything in her life has been picked up by netizens.
What a mess!
At this moment, Director Zhao called.
"Auntie, please think of a solution quickly!" Director Zhao cried, "My wife is about to divorce me, please help me!"
Jiang Jin: "..."
Just because Director Zhao was kind enough to take her out of the parking lot and was photographed and posted online, some people began to spread rumors that she and Director Zhao were having an affair.

Why did she take a fancy to Director Zhao's talent and invest 60 million when the crew was about to be disbanded?
Even the process, details, and what was said were all fabricated with nose and eyes.
If she was not a party involved, she might even believe it.
"Give sister-in-law the phone and I'll explain it to her in person." Jiang Jin said, touching her nose.
"She was so angry that she went back to her parents' house, took the children with her, and didn't listen to anything I said!"
Director Zhao was on the verge of crying, "I just saw that netizens started a new topic, boycotting our movie, and forcing the Radio, Film and Television Bureau to remove the movie! Each and every one of these netizens are so full that I am almost exhausted. I'm so angry!"
"Okay, okay, don't be angry, it's not a big deal."
Jiang Jin comforted him quietly.
Seeing someone who was more angry than herself made her feel less angry.
She looked up at the clock. It was already twelve o'clock in the night.
Although it is very late, this matter is getting bigger and bigger, and it must be resolved as soon as possible.
"Director Zhao, don't go out tomorrow. I'll ask you to come out and play mahjong after I've finalized the decision."

"At this time, do you still think about organizing a game of mahjong?"
Director Zhao slapped the table and said, "Auntie, please be more careful. For such a big matter, you must find a public relations officer to resolve it quickly, otherwise the consequences will be serious!"
Jiang Jin tapped her finger on the table and said calmly: "It will be solved tomorrow, don't worry."
She isn't afraid of fixing the matter with Lin Yichi and Gou Feng.
As long as Meng Shen, Mr. Li, and Director Zhao can sit down and play a game of mahjong together.
These scandals would collapse on their own.
It's too late now, let's solve this problem tomorrow.
Jiang Jin yawned, went upstairs to take a shower and went to bed.
The lights in the study next door were not turned off yet.
The four children gathered around the desk, looking very solemn.
"It still won't work." Li Beixiao shrugged his shoulders in frustration, "Unless I can break into the main Weibo server... But I don't have this ability now."
The news is too hot, and the snowballing public opinion cannot be controlled by him alone.
Li Dongjing pursed his lips: "I'll ask the company's technical department to work overtime overnight."
"Everyone in Li's technical department is working overtime, so it's impossible to solve the problem." Li Beixiao closed his notebook, "We can only ask Meng Shen to come forward to clarify in person."

Li Nanque sneered: "I just called him and he turned off his phone."
"He must be taking revenge on purpose!" Li Xichen's gloomy eyes said, "Just because I slapped him with a brick and made him squat for a long time, so he took it all out on our mother!"
"Then there is only one last solution." Li Beixiao stood up and looked up at the three brothers in front of him, "persuade dad to come forward."
Li Xichen nodded immediately: "Dad is many times more handsome than those men. As long as dad stands next to our mother, all rumors will be disproven."
"But-" Li Nanque frowned, "If this is the case, the matter of dad waking up will be exposed."
"Mr. Gou has just fallen into the trap. If we disclose the fact that dad woke up, all the hard work we have done for so long will be in vain." Li Dongjing slowly clenched his fists, "Dad may not agree to this."
Li Beixiao bit his lip in annoyance.
He is too weak!
He's really too weak, he can't even protect his mother!
Li Xichen punched the desk: "I really want to break the hands of those netizens who are typing on the keyboard and swearing!"
Li Dongjing looked out the window at the night: "I will talk to my father in person tomorrow morning and I must give it a try."

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Meng Shen stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out the window with dull eyes. He had maintained this posture for two hours.

The paternity test results came out two hours ago, and he has been thinking about why the results were like this...
