FVB - 154

Chapter 154 Successfully obtained Jiang Jin’s hair

After all, Meng Shen had age and experience. When he unleashed all his energy, Jiang Jin was unable to resist.
She couldn't help but take a step back.

She found that Meng Shen was a little weird today, and his eyes showed an emotion that she couldn't understand.

Judging from their previous interactions, Meng Shen should be more interested in her sons than her...
Then why would he give her a crown in public today?
He is a big star that attracts everyone's attention. Isn't he afraid that doing this will cause an uproar in public opinion?
"Miss Jiang, I took this crown specially for you."
Meng Shen finished speaking.
The auction house immediately became excited.
"Damn it! I guessed it!"
"Why did Meng Shen give a crown to a married woman!"
"Meng Shen has been single for so many years, and he fell into the hands of a married woman!"
"Even if I have an affair with a married woman, there is no need to make it known to everyone. Why do I feel like Meng Shen has been lowered?"
Not only everyone, but also the two elders of the Meng family were shocked.
"Is this bastard crazy?" Mrs. Meng's eyes widened, "He will kill girl Jinjin if he does this. He is really seriously ill!"
Mr. Meng frowned: "This bastard is gnashing his teeth. I can't tell at all that he likes girl Jinjin. Is there some other purpose?"
"No matter what the purpose is, he shouldn't do such a thing!" Mrs. Meng said angrily, "He gives gifts in public. If Jinjin refuses, she will be criticized by his fans. If she accepts, she will be criticized by the public even more. Fans will call her a dog!
Didn't he deliberately kidnap Jin Jin morally? This kid is simply tired of living. Old man, please think of a way! "
Mr. Meng's brain was working rapidly.

Meng Shen on the stage was still approaching Jiang Jin step by step.
He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make Jiang Jin unable to refuse his gift in public.
In this way, he can successfully get what he wants...
"Mr. Meng!" Jiang Jin said coldly, "If you invite me to the stage to give me a crown, then I can only regret to tell you that I have children and a husband, and I will not accept any gifts from strange men. Please respect yourself.”
She looked calm and advanced and retreated in a measured manner.
After finishing speaking, she turned around and stepped off the stage without any sloppiness in her movements.

The audience was in uproar again!
"She actually rejected Meng Shen!"
"How dare she reject brother Meng Shen? Where does she have the face!"
"It must be a combination of wanting to welcome but rejecting. This woman is too scheming!"
He didn't wait for Jiang Jin to step down.
Meng Shen grabbed her.
One billion has been spent, and today he must get the most critical thing.
"Miss Jiang, this crown suits you very well. I gave it to you just because I thought it suited you. There is no other intention!" Meng Shen pulled her and said, "Come on, try wearing the crown on your head first. I feel like you will definitely like this crown..."
He couldn't help but force the crown onto Jiang Jin's head.

Jiang Jin's hairstyle today was specially done. Her long, slightly curly hair was draped over her shoulders, complementing her pink dress.
The small diamonds on the crown were connected into the shape of thin ears of wheat. As soon as it was pressed up, it caught her hair, and she was unable to move for an instant.
"Meng Shen!"
Jiang Jin was really pissed off.
She didn't understand what this person was going to do...
Her hair got tangled in the crown's diamonds and she couldn't pull them away even if she wanted to.
"Don't move, I'll help you put the crown on."
A proud smile appeared on Meng Shen's lips.
He is such a genius that he could come up with such a perfect solution.
He lowered his head slightly and gently adjusted the position of the crown...
There was a smile on his lips, his eyes were focused on untying his hair, and Jiang Jin looked like a "little bird clinging to someone"...
In the eyes of everyone, it has another meaning.
"Damn it, why do I feel that this picture is so harmonious?"
"No, brother Meng Shen really wants to be with a woman who has been married and had children?"
"Such an expensive crown has been given away, what do you think?"

Right now!

"Meng! Shen!"
Jiang Jin screamed like a slaughtered pig.
She raised her leg and kicked Meng Shen away. "It hurts too much. Did you do it on purpose?"
Meng Shen immediately hid his hands behind his back: "I, I didn't mean to do it, forget it, I won't be an eyesore here anymore, I'll leave first..."
He turned around and quickly rushed off the stage.
Before anyone could react, Meng Shen had already disappeared into the banquet hall.
"Why did Meng Shen run away?"
"What kind of weird plot is this?"
"I can't understand it at all..."
At this time, Jiang Jin's messy hair was still hanging on the crown.
The radiant crown on her head made her look more elegant, and her whole person exuded an indescribable nobility and luxury.
"Mom, are you okay?"
"I'll help you take off the crown!"
Li Xichen and Li Beixiao rushed onto the stage in one stride.
Mrs. Meng was stunned.
She had felt that these two children looked familiar before, especially the boy with fair skin...
Only then did she realize that this child was exactly the same as her bastard son when he was a child...
Jiang Jin squatted down slightly, and the two children carefully helped her untie her hair. Finally, the crown was finally taken off.
She calmly returned the crown to the host.
"Ms. Jiang!" The host waved his hand quickly, "This is a gift from Mr. Meng. You should take it with you."

Jiang Jin said coldly: "I have already rejected this gift. You can contact Meng Shen directly to return it to him."
How could the host dare to contact Meng Shen? He directly put the crown into Li Beixiao's arms: "Hold it for your mother, don't drop it."
Li Beixiao wanted to throw the thing on the ground with his backhand.
Li Xichen took it directly, with a sneer on his lips: "A crown worth one billion, it should be particularly painful if it hits your head."
Li Beixiao gave a thumbs up: "Third brother, I support you."
Jiang Jin just wanted to get out of everyone's sight quickly.
It felt really bad to have so many people in the audience looking at her and commenting on Xiaoxi and Xiaobei.
If the time went back to ten minutes ago, she would definitely smash the crown on Meng Shen's forehead without hesitation...
Jiang Jin took the two children, quickly stepped off the stage, and went directly to the lounge at the back.

It took the host a while to come to his senses and stammered: "Let's continue the bidding. The third item is a large vase from the Ming Dynasty..."

Where Mrs. Meng still had the time to stay, she stood up directly: "Old man, let's go and apologize to Jinjin on behalf of your bastard son."

Mr. Meng supported Mrs. Meng and walked towards the rest area together.
Jiang Jin was arranging her hair in front of the mirror in the rest area. Her smooth hair was messed up by the crown. She was so angry that she wanted to grab Meng Shen and give him a good beating...
