ADMKSF - 032.2

The delicate white soles of her feet slipped into the light pink slippers that Lin You brought. She quickly walked to the door and opened it. She raised a smile on her face and was about to ask Pei Ye if he could adapt. When she raised her eyes, she saw someone completely different from who she had initially thought.

It's a man.

He looks to be in his twenties and has a particularly delicate appearance, a bit like a young celebrity named Fei Ziheng in the industry. The young man in front of him smiled and glanced shyly at the girl in front of him. Although the girl was wearing short-sleeved pajamas and trousers, her slender figure could not be covered at all. The loose neckline reveals a large area of ​​fair and delicate collarbones, making people want to add some color to it.

The young man looked away and said in a very gentle voice: "Ms. Lin."

A question mark appeared on Lin You's head: "Do we know each other?"

When the young man heard this rhetorical question, he also showed doubts on his face: "Didn't Miss Lin come to me? The message you sent to our store asked our boss to choose a cleaner and more handsome MB. Don't worry, I will comply with your request. It can be achieved. Just let me in."

Lin You: "???"


Lin You was stunned for a moment, but the young man reached out to push Lin You away and get into the room. Just when his fingers were about to touch Lin You, the girl suddenly pushed the door forward. The young man seemed to be on guard. Most of his body was instantly stuck in the crack of the door, blocking Lin You's behavior with his body.

This neat movement seemed to have predicted that she would stop him from entering.

A sneer immediately appeared in Lin You's heart, and she suddenly let out a sigh, successfully gaining the young man's attention: "Who asked you to come here?"

The young man still smiled: "Isn't it Miss Lin? I know Miss Lin may be a little shy, but it doesn't matter. I am very professional and will definitely keep it confidential."

Lin You squinted her eyes, but out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the person sneaking up to her at the end of the corridor. He had a mobile phone in his hand, and he was obviously interested in the situation here. Lin You thought of Ji Sisi's sudden arrival today, the young man in front of him who claimed to be MB, and the person who wanted to take secret photos—

What else don’t you understand?

Ji Sisi is a woman who is truly worthy of her mother's training, and her methods are not even a little bit better. No wonder she laughed at her and Pei Henan's love for each other when she saw them today. It turns out they were waiting for her here.

After thinking about it, Lin You changed her previous expression. Her eyebrows seemed to be suddenly coated with a gentle light. The raised red lips and the slightest smile in her eyes immediately caught the young man's attention. The young man realized that his promise of confidentiality might have had an effect on Lin You, and he immediately sneered in his heart—

After reading the reports on the Internet, he really thought that Lin You and her husband were deeply in love, but as a result, the originally arduous task of getting five stars suddenly became easy.

The woman also gave him 200,000 yuan.

It's like lying down to collect money.

With a proud smile on his lips, the young man added: "I promised you that I would definitely keep it a secret. No one will know that you and I are together tonight."


Lin You asked softly, and when the young man nodded, she lowered her voice lower, "So, if I beat you to the point of paralysis, you shouldn't tell others, right?"


The young man suddenly heard such a sentence, and before his mind could clear up, he saw Lin You clenching her fists. The next second, the arm that looked like it could be broken suddenly exerted force and suddenly dropped to the young man's abdomen. The completely overwhelming pain made the young man groan and his body bent over unconsciously.

He opened his mouth wide and gasped, looking at Lin You with eyes full of disbelief and shock, as if he didn't expect that Lin You would suddenly hit someone.

And why is this woman so cruel?!

The young man held his lower abdomen and took a few deep breaths to relieve the terrible pain. However, before he could feel completely comfortable, Lin You in front of him suddenly raised her foot and kicked his shoulder. The young man felt the pain coming back again, and his body was violent. He staggered to the ground, and rushed out of the room as if he was flying. He put his hands on the ground and lay down on the carpeted floor with a serious face.

The paparazzi on the side had already raised his mobile phone and was actively taking pictures: "?"

Their studio suddenly received a call this evening, saying that they were going to break the news that Lin You and her husband were not as loving as reported. The last time the paparazzi secretly photographed Lin You's sixteen-year-old son was purely an accident, but if they went to take the picture today, , you can definitely get different results.

After speaking, the other party specially left a house number for them, saying that it was Lin You's room.

The paparazzi in the studio were not fools. As soon as they heard this mysterious phone call, they knew that someone was preparing to deal with Lin You. But that's the only good thing about their studio. It doesn't matter who you want to mess with, as long as it allows them to capture big news.

Following others to the hotel, the paparazzi saw Lin You pushing and shoving an unfamiliar but good-looking young man and realized the intention of the whistleblower—

This is going to kill Lin You.

As soon as it was reported that Lin You and her husband had a very good relationship, Lin You entered the room with a strange man.

Lin You is not an actor, so there is no excuse to discuss the script.

The paparazzi took a deep breath and quickly took out his cell phone.

It's just that the imagined picture didn't appear.

He thought that Lin You and this young man would close the door and spend the whole night in a warm mood, but in fact it was Lin You who kicked the man away. At this moment, Lin You stood expressionlessly beside the young man and sneered: "You have a lot of professional ethics, right?"

She bent down to pick up the slippers on the ground and threw them at the young man's face.

The poor young man just had the strength to get up from the ground, but as soon as he raised his head, he was slapped hard by the sole of the pink slipper. Lifting his chin with a snap, he groaned and sat down on the ground again.

There is also a slipper mark on his face.

Lin You looked at him coldly, took out her mobile phone and made a call in front of him. When the voice from the other side rang, she immediately said: "Anti-pornography office? I want to report it."

While talking, the elevator on the fifteenth floor suddenly dinged, the door opened, and Pei Henan stepped out. The man raised his eyes slightly and saw Lin You holding the phone to his ear. She was talking angrily while staring at the young man on the ground. When she saw the young man getting up and running away, she quickly stepped on his left foot with her right foot and picked up the only remaining slipper, hitting the opponent hard on the back of the head.

Pei Henan slowly raised his long eyebrows and walked over calmly.

The sole of his shoe stepped on the young man's finger, and when he heard a cry of pain escape from the young man's throat, he casually said: "Sorry, I didn't pay attention."
