ADMKSF - 027.1

In just a few seconds, Lin You's mind already had thoughts such as "Killing children's dreams will cause extremely serious harm", "Children losing their dreams are like birds without wings", "Parents should work hard to support their children's dreams", etc. Wait for related posts.

Finally, gritting her teeth and being cruel, she decisively found Sister Zhang's WeChat account and pushed it to Pei Ye.

The young man stared at his mother's hurried operations with dull eyes, and he didn't even have time to refute. On the other hand, Pei Henan leaned his slender body lazily against the wall on one side, glanced at Lin You's movements, and smiled at Pei Ye: "Aye, you must study seriously from Sister Xiao Zhang. Don't waste your mother's hard work."

After a pause, he looked at Pei Ye's confused eyes and said, "I will help you make a study plan later. If you follow this plan every day, I believe you will succeed in your studies."

He doesn't know if it was an illusion, but Pei Ye always felt that the words "successful in learning" were quite meaningful when they came out of his father's mouth. Every word was bitten very clearly, but the ending sound contained a hint of smile, which sent a chill down his back. 

Facing the loving and expectant gaze of his mother and the gentle and smiling gaze of his father, Pei Ye scratched his back, cold sweat stuck to his fingers, and he finally said in a hoarse voice: "Okay."

Lin You nodded, patted the boy on the head, and said with a smile: "Then come and eat the cake. Senior Zhao said this cake tastes very good and is not too sweet. You should all like it."

The taste of chocolate mousse is just as Zhao Ziqi said. Rich chocolate rolls on the tip of the tongue, and the light bitterness is mixed with sweetness. Lin You likes it especially. She turned her head and glanced at the two people beside her.

Pei Henan's movements and appearance when eating the cake were particularly elegant. Those noble feelings seemed to be engraved in his bones, exuding a different atmosphere from the inside out. The man narrowed his eyes slightly, holding the transparent spoon with his slender fingers, and his eyelashes as pure black as crow feathers trembled slightly. Lin You subconsciously thought that he was going to raise his head, so she quickly retracted her unscrupulous gaze.

As a result, her eyes turned quietly, and she saw that the man had his head half raised, his free left hand was on the back of his neck, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

Like a subconscious action, Lin You couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with you?"

Pei Henan reacted for a moment before he realized that Lin You was asking him. The fingers on the back of his neck paused, and a slightly helpless smile appeared on the man's Qingjun face: "It seems to be twisted."

Twist, twist it?

How could something so good be twisted? Obviously she didn't have this problem before.

Lin You opened her mouth to ask, but a flash of light quickly flashed in her mind. She hesitated for a few seconds, then suddenly pursed her lips. She vaguely felt that Pei Henan's twisting of his neck seemed to have something to do with her. But she still asked without giving up: "Was it that time in the car?"

Pei Henan was also very sincere: "Probably so."

After he finished speaking, he noticed that the girl's expression was getting serious, and her bright pupils were stained with a hint of guilt, and he added: "It's not a big problem, just rest for a while."

Lin You pouted.

There was no need to comfort her.

It's been an afternoon and it still hasn't healed, which shows that the problem is not small.

Lin You quickly put down the cake in her hand and stood up from the sofa. She looked at Pei Henan and suggested, "Let me press it for you."

While Pei Ye scooped up the cake and put it into his mouth, he quietly raised his eyes to observe the interaction between his parents. He couldn't help but think about how his father had asked mockingly if he wanted his mother to come over and help rub it, but what happened? He's really going to get his neck pressed by her.

However, although his mother is very proactive, she just doesn't know if his father is willing.

Mostly unwilling.

Pei Ye has never seen anyone dare to touch the back of his father's neck. The back of the neck is a sensitive area for some people, like a tiger's beard. You can only stare at it, and you will pay the price if you touch it. He lowered his eyes and took another bite of the cake. The next second, a man's clear and gentle voice sounded in his ears: "That's hard work for you."


Pei Ye almost choked to death with this bite of cake.

He raised his eyes in shock, but found that Pei Henan's eyes did not fall on him at all. The man didn't seem to notice his startled and incredible gaze at all. He only looked at Lin You's face with a smile. When he saw Lin You excitedly ran into the bathroom and soaked up a hot towel, he looked back and looked over lightly, asking: "What's the matter now? Aye wants to rub it for me too?"

Pei Ye quickly shook his head and said with a smile, "Just leave this job to my mother."

Lin You hurriedly came out of the bathroom with a hot towel on her palm. When she heard this, she nodded immediately: "One person does the work and the other takes responsibility."

Walking behind the man, Lin You said again: "Loosen your collar."

Pei Henan was wearing a shirt, which was easier to meet Lin You's requirements than some round-necked clothes. But as the man responded softly, he put his fingertips on the pure white buttons and unbuttoned them one by one. When the clothes fell in all directions, Lin You's eyes flashed, and she suddenly grabbed the clothes that were falling down, the fingertips pressed on the man's back shoulder through the cloth.

"No, you don't have to take it all off!"

The flush rising from her ears made Lin You feel a little confused, so she didn't even realize that the body in front of her was not as pale and feeble as she had imagined. Pei Henan lowered his eyes, curled his lips as if silently, took the initiative to push up his clothes, and gently bent his head forward, completely exposing the white back of his neck to Lin You's eyes.

Pei Henan has a thin body, with graceful curvature in the neck line, and the prominent cervical vertebrae.

Lin You didn't dare to turn her eyes around, let alone stare directly at the white jade-like color. She could only look away and pat the hot towel on it without hesitation. But before her fingers noticed the curvature under the towel, her eyes that moved over unexpectedly met Pei Ye's.

The young man's eyes were unblinking as he stared at the contact between the two of them. His serious and somewhat fiery gaze made Lin You suddenly fall into endless silence again—

Does this count as being seen by a son as an intimate contact between his parents?

Isn’t mental health education for children bad?

When Lin You was thinking about random things, the phone she put aside lit up. She pressed the back of Pei Henan's neck and leaned over to take a look. When she saw the contact name and content on it, her eyes suddenly lit up. She turned around and said quickly: "Aye, your little sister Zhang happens to be free at the moment. She wants you to come over and follow her. She chatted and said, oh, the room number is 1703."

Pei Ye: "..."

Pei Henan also raised his head slightly at the right time: "Go ahead, go early and come back early to rest."

Lin You: "Your father is right."

Feeling that he was not welcome at all and even a little suspicious, Pei Ye secretly curled his lips in his heart and opened the door with two pieces of cake. In fact, he didn't really want to stay here. After all, everything happening in this room was incredible.

Didn't his dad think there was anything wrong with asking his mom to apply heat to his neck?

Also, the speed of taking off clothes is a bit too fast.

Thinking of this, Pei Ye couldn't help but look back at the closed door of the room behind him. His thoughts were wandering, whether it was the last time Lin You fell and his father caught her, or this time Lin You offered to help press his neck, his father didn't seem to reject it.

Is it because his father changed his gender, or is it because Lin You is special?

He was puzzled, and when he came to his senses, he had already reached the door of 1703, and Sister Zhang, whom Lin You mentioned, was already standing by the door waiting. Seeing him coming over, the woman's young and delicate face suddenly showed a smile, and she hugged his shoulders very familiarly: "Aye is here? Your mother said that you are particularly interested in the screenwriting profession and like to write your own stories? What about you? What type of stories are you usually good at writing?”

Pei Ye's expression froze.

How should he answer this?

He was silent for two seconds and whispered under Sister Zhang's curious and encouraging gaze: "Science fiction story."

Pei Ye remembered the first encounter between Lin You and Pei Henan. That time was not in a coffee shop, but in the main house of the Pei family, which both he and Pei Henan were particularly disgusted with. Lin You was brought to Pei Henan by Lin Chengkang. When he saw Pei Henan's illness, she immediately said: "Who wants to marry a ghost who has one foot in the coffin and will die early?"

Pei Ye didn't really want to think about those dirty words afterwards, they just didn't sound very good.

Therefore, a tit-for-tat and malicious first meeting can be turned into love at first sight - isn't this a science fiction story?

Little Sister Zhang never expected Pei Ye to be so powerful, and her eyes were instantly filled with shock: "The science fiction story is great! You don't know that few science fiction films produced in the industry can beat it. You will be the rising star in the science fiction world from now on!"

Pei Ye didn't expect that Sister Zhang would be so excited. As cold sweat dripped from his forehead, he quickly added: "Science fiction love."

Little Sister Zhang: “That’s not bad, young people like to watch it!”

Pei Ye: "..."

No, he didn't feel good about it.
