FVB - 145

Chapter 145 Always a good boy

Jiang Jin rubbed her hair.
Could it be that she was having an erotic dream?
And the object of her estrus turned out to be her husband who was in a vegetative state and had been lying in bed for ten years...
She has been single for twenty-eight years, and she is definitely in love with him.
Jiang Jin got up from the hospital bed, and before the four children came over, she quickly put on her shoes and went to find the attending doctor.

She is leaving the hospital!!
"Ms. Jiang, your injury has indeed almost recovered. You can be discharged from the hospital after paying the medical fees."
Jiang Jin frowned: "Didn't you say I have a concussion?"
The doctor looked surprised: "Who said that? I never said it!"
Jiang Jin: "..."

Okay, those brats actually cursed her with a concussion in order to trick her into staying in the hospital!
What good can she do to them if she stays in the hospital every day?
Jiang Jin angrily went to pay the fee. When she returned to the ward after completing the procedures, the four children were already waiting obediently.
The table in the ward is filled with all kinds of breakfasts, as well as a bowl of steaming chicken soup. Zhang's mother must have stayed up all night and asked the children to bring it...
Jiang Jin snorted coldly, walked to the bed and started to pack her things.
The four children looked at each other with questions on their faces.
Wasn't she fine when she left last night? Who provoked her again?
"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Li Beixiao walked over, grabbed the hem of Jiang Jin's clothes, and asked softly.
Jiang Jin was only a little bit angry. When Xiao Bei acted coquettishly, she immediately surrendered.
She turned around and looked at the four children: "Who said I had a concussion yesterday?"

"It's eldest brother!" Li Xichen said decisively, "I definitely never said that."
"Yes, that's eldest brother!" Li Nanque nodded, "It has nothing to do with us."
Li Dongjing: "..."
Isn't this the result of their discussion together? Why is he always the one who takes the blame?
He clearly remembered that Xiaobei said that his mother who was hospitalized was more dependent on them and wanted her to stay in the hospital for a few more days.
Xiaoxi also said that women in the hospital are more fragile and will be more likely to remember their kindness to her...
Aque said that if dad comes to take care of this woman at night, it can help the parents develop a relationship.
So as soon as they put it all together, they decided to keep her in the hospital.
"I'm just worried that you'll be discharged from the hospital too early and your body won't recover properly, and it's easy to have sequelae." Li Dongjing said calmly, "Since you're fine, let's go and get discharged now."
Jiang Jin walked over and gently raised her hand to rub his hair.
Li Dongjing looked up in surprise, Jiang Jin's figure reflected in his dark eyes.
"You." Jiang Jin sighed, "Although you are the eldest brother, you are only a child under ten years old. You don't need to shoulder many responsibilities alone. Do you understand?"

At this moment, it seemed like something fell into his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became sour.
Li Dongjing quickly lowered his head, blinked his eyes gently, and forced back the sudden tears.
He is the eldest grandson of the Li family. Ever since he was young, he has had many heavy responsibilities on his shoulders. His grandfather always told him time and time again that the future prosperity of the Li family all depends on him...
He always forces himself to grow up with the highest requirements, wishing he could grow up overnight...
This was the first time someone touched his head gently and told him gently that he was just a child...
"Mom, I was wrong." Li Beixiao walked over with his head lowered, "I am also responsible for this matter, and I should not let my eldest brother bear it alone."
Li Nanque lowered his head and said dullly, "I was wrong too."
"I was wrong too..." Li Xichen admitted his mistake honestly, "I was the first to bring up the concussion. If you want to punish me, just punish me."
Seeing the four children standing obediently in front of her with their heads bowed and admitting their mistakes, the little anger in Jiang Jin's heart had long since disappeared.
She touched the children's heads one by one and said with a gentle smile: "If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, there is no greater good. You are still young, and it is inevitable that you will go the wrong way in the future, but as long as you have the courage to admit your mistakes and correct them, then always be a good kid.”

The four children looked up at the same time.
Four pairs of dark, ink-stained eyes looked at Jiang Jin.
Jiang Jin saw many complex emotions in these four pairs of eyes. She lacked words and could not describe what kind of emotion it was...
"Okay, stop standing there and pack these things for me. I'm leaving the hospital!"
The four children helped and things were packed quickly.

After eating breakfast, Jiang Jin was officially discharged from the hospital.
Chen Feng drove a stretched black luxury car, with mother and son sitting in the back, and Jiang Jin was surrounded in the middle.
She looked out the window at the passing street scene.
It had only been two days and two nights since she had gone back. Why did she feel like she had been away from home for a long time?
The house she thought was a temporary residence for a few days before, has become her cherished home from unknown time...
The car quickly got on the winding mountain road, and after a while, it stopped at the door of the villa.
Li Nanque was the first to jump out of the car and helped Jiang Jin down in a very gentlemanly manner.
"I haven't been back for so many days. I really miss the flowers and plants at home!"
Jiang Jin took a deliberately exaggerated breath.
She heard a man's voice coming from the living room.

She narrowed her eyes and said, "There is a stranger at home."
The four children became nervous at the same time.
They even forgot to tell Dad that she was going to be discharged from the hospital today. Dad should be talking about work with Uncle Ye in the living room now...

Li Dongjing made a quick decision and lowered his voice: "Aque, contact Uncle Ye."
"Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, hold her steady!"
After saying that, Li Dongjing quickly entered the house.
Jiang Jin was about to follow when she was blocked by Li Xichen: "You have just been discharged from the hospital due to illness. Can you walk slower so that you are not afraid of fainting?"
"Xiaoxi, don't drag me."
Jiang Jin heard the sound disappear in the room and quickly walked to the living room for fear that someone had escaped.
Li Xichen couldn't hold her back and quickly winked at Li Beixiao: "Xiaobei, don't just stand there!"
Li Beixiao pursed his lips.
He didn't want to continue this lie anymore, and he didn't want to keep his mother in the dark anymore.
If it is destined to be discovered, let mother discover it earlier.
He followed Jiang Jin without saying a word.
Li Xichen didn't know what was wrong with him. He gritted his teeth and deliberately tripped himself: "Ah, it hurts so much. My knees are bleeding..."
Jiang Jin's steps immediately stopped.
The little guy was wearing jeans. He knocked his knee on the stone in the yard, and the skin was torn and bled a little.
She didn't care about anything else and quickly picked up Li Xichen: "It's okay, it's okay. Just put some medicine on it and it'll be fine. Don't cry..."
Li Xichen hugged Jiang Jin's neck tightly, deliberately preventing her from getting up, and said in a muffled voice: "It hurts so much, can you give me a blow first..."

Jiang Jin blew on his knees.

Li Xichen saw his eldest brother walking out of the living room out of the corner of his eye, and then he let go of Jiang Jin's neck: "I don't feel any pain anymore. I can walk by myself."
