FVB - 136

Chapter 136 I have a 28-year-old daughter?

Mrs. Meng lay on the sofa and kept sighing.
The eight girls who were sent to the Red Sun Orphanage in March twenty-eight years ago had all undergone paternity tests and found that they were not of Meng family blood.

So they decided to expand the scope and continue the appraisal...
It’s just that twenty-eight years have passed, and many girls have married far away and can no longer be contacted. She is really afraid that the granddaughter of the Meng family will lose contact like this...
"Lao Meng, twenty-eight years...the baby girl who was born has become a graceful girl and is about to enter her thirties..."
Mrs. Meng's eyes turned red uncontrollably, "I really hope she lives happily and healthily somewhere in the world. I don't care if she is a single woman, nor do I care if she is already a mother. I just hope she returns home. Go to the Meng family and enjoy the time of being a girl with the love of her elders..."
Mr. Meng hugged her into his arms and coaxed softly: "Don't we already have news? We will find it sooner or later. Don't cry..."
Meng Shen, who was standing at the door, was already petrified.

He finally accepted that his son had become a daughter... but then he suddenly heard that she was twenty-eight years old...
His estranged daughter is twenty-eight years old?!
But he always felt that he was not yet thirty years old...
This world is so magical!

Meng Shen was holding on to the wall, his legs a little weak.
"When did you bastard come back?"

As soon as Mr. Meng turned around, he saw his own son leaning against the wall, and the tenderness on his face instantly turned into a fierce look.
Meng Shen: "..."
For the thousandth time, he wondered if he had been picked up from the trash can...
He walked over with soft steps and sat opposite the second elder of the Meng family.
"Well..." Meng Shen said carefully, "I heard everything you just said..."
Mrs. Meng sat upright coldly: "Even if you heard it, it has nothing to do with you. She is the granddaughter of our Meng family and has nothing to do with you. Please stop asking."
Meng Shen: "..."
Why does his daughter have nothing to do with him?
He took a deep breath and continued calmly: "Twenty-eight years ago, I was only twenty-two years old. It was the period when my career was on the rise. It was impossible for me to have an illegitimate daughter outside. You two must have been cheated by someone."
Mr. Meng took out a piece of letter paper from his pocket and threw it over.
"I knew you, the bastard, would deny it. I have all the evidence with me!"
Meng Shen took the letter suspiciously—
"Mr. Meng, Mrs. Meng, hello. I am Meng Shen's girlfriend 28 years ago. I am writing to you to tell you a secret that has been hidden for many years..."

"Back then, Meng Shen and I broke up after three months of dating. After the breakup, I found out that I was pregnant. After making a difficult decision, I finally gave birth to the child. However, the day after the child was born, she was stolen by human traffickers……"
"I was only nineteen years old back then, which is the best age for a woman in her life. After my child was stolen, I thought I could start my life over again, so I never looked for the child...
But when I reach middle age, every time I dream about my poor daughter at midnight, I always dream about my poor daughter, and I begin to regret it..."
"I looked for the child, but couldn't find it... so I can only ask the two elders of the Meng family to help find the child. Please..."
Meng Shen was stunned.
Twenty-eight years ago, he had many girlfriends, sometimes one every week.
He couldn't even remember who the woman he had been in love with for three months was...
"In addition to this letter, there are two tokens."
Mr. Meng took out two more things from his pocket.
One is a broken jade pendant, the edges and corners have been smoothed, it is obvious that someone is holding it and caressing it every day.
The other thing was an old man's bracelet. Meng Shen recognized it at a glance. It was a prize given to him by the company when he first debuted, but he lost it later and didn't care anymore.
Unexpectedly, this bracelet was taken away by one of his ex-girlfriends.
Mr. Meng snorted coldly: "Now, do you have anything else to say?"
Meng Shen was speechless.

No matter how weird and unbelievable this thing is, he must accept this fact...
Because it is absolutely impossible for someone to take something that belongs to him and make such a big joke with his elderly parents...
"Damn old man, why are you telling him this!" Mrs. Meng said coldly, "Whether he is willing to accept it or not, what does it have to do with us? That is our granddaughter, a direct bloodline of our Meng family, even if he doesn't admit it, we must recognize her, and our Meng family’s huge family fortune must also be handed over to our granddaughter to inherit..."
"Madam, you are right..." Mr. Meng quickly took back the letter and token and put it into his pocket, "Then let's stop talking nonsense to this bastard and let's go back to the room."
The two elders of the Meng family got up and went back to the room, slamming the door shut.
Meng Shen sat blankly in the living room of the suite, his eyes unfocused.
He always thought that his illegitimate child was living outside the home, so he went to find that woman Jiang Jin again and again...
He even said some unintelligible words...
It turns out to be a daughter!
He, Meng Shen, actually has a twenty-eight-year-old daughter!
The phone suddenly vibrated on the table, Meng Shen was startled, and then he got out of the panic.

He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was his agent, Lao Hei, and then calmly answered the call.
"Mr. Meng, there is a movie camera over in Hollywood. It will be in the morning the day after tomorrow. We have to rush to the United States to prepare tomorrow..."
"We'll talk about work later." Meng Shen held his forehead and said, "Old Hei, let me tell you something. Don't get excited yet..."
Manager Lao Hei has been with Meng Shen for so many years and has never seen anything big in the world. He said calmly: "Mr. Meng, I'm listening."
"I... I may really have a child living outside..."
"I know about this, aren't they the twins? Master Meng, have you already done a paternity test?" Lao Hei had long accepted this fact and continued calmly, "You are fifty years old this year, and you have two children in their fifth year. Isn’t it normal to have an older son? Do your fans want you to cut off your descendants..."

Meng Shen's voice was dry and hoarse: "It's not a son, it's a daughter... Moreover, my daughter is already twenty-eight years old this year..."
"What?!" Lao Hei exclaimed, "Mr. Meng, what kind of international joke are you making? You can't just make this kind of joke casually, okay? Twenty-eight years ago, you were only in your early twenties, a high-spirited young man, why? This is not true, it must not be true! I had auditory hallucinations, I must have heard wrongly..."
"Stop chirping."
Seeing that Lao Hei was even more flustered and incoherent than himself, Meng Shen somehow calmed down.
He said coldly, "Stop working first and think about how to make fans and the public accept that I have a 28-year-old daughter."

"It's not Master Meng, do you want to make it public?" Lao Hei swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty, "It's better not to make such a big thing public yet."
Meng Shen was stunned for a moment.

He has never thought about disclosing that he has a child, but why is he preparing for it in his words?
