FVB - 134

Chapter 134 Mu Yingxuan’s Daughter

"Miss Mu, as expected, you still have a way."
Wang Lu saw that the child abuse incident was becoming more and more popular, and a proud smile appeared on his lips.
He clicked on the real-time box office of the movie and took a look, and laughed again, "Hahaha, the netizens really did what they said. The movie "Snow Without End" didn't even sell a single movie ticket within half an hour.”
Mu Yingxuan twitched the hair beside her ears: "This matter continues to ferment. After attracting the attention of the higher-ups, the movie may have to be removed from the shelves."
"Haha, doesn't Lao Zhao insist on competing with me? I'll let him have a taste of what it's like to have a movie removed from the shelves!" Wang Lu snorted coldly, "I'll contact the marketing accounts of other platforms. This matter must be made known to the entire Internet..."
"Buzz buzz!"
Mu Yingxuan's cell phone vibrated suddenly.
She glanced at the caller ID and saw the word A Jing written on it.
The pride on her face quickly disappeared, replaced by distress and sadness...
"Hey, Ah Jing, I saw the news, are you okay now..."
Mu Yingxuan's voice was as gentle as water, filled with care and worry.
"I'm Jiang Jin."

On the other end of the phone, a cold voice came.
Mu Yingxuan's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Why are you holding Ah Jing's cell phone? Where is Ah Jing?"

"What Miss Mu said is interesting. Is there any problem with me holding my son's mobile phone? Do I need to explain it to you?" Jiang Jin said coldly, "I called Miss Mu today just to ask Mu. Does the lady know a child named Alice?"

It was like a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and struck Mu Yingxuan on the head.
All the color drained from her face in an instant, and her whole body was a little shaky. If Wang Lu hadn't come over in time to support her, she might have collapsed directly to the ground.
With trembling fingers, she picked up the glass of water on the side and drank a big gulp, then she felt a little calmer.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Really?" Jiang Jin sneered, "This child named Alice is really pitiful. She was born with congenital heart disease and has been in a hospital bed since she was a child...
When she was five or six years old, her father had an affair and her mother threatened her father with her life to divorce her... But the little girl's mother made a mistake and the little girl lost her sight..."
"Shut up! Shut up!"
Mu Yingxuan yelled crazily at the phone.
She could no longer control her emotions and threw the phone away.
The phone hit the wall and fell apart instantly

"Miss Mu, are you okay?" Wang Lu came over and asked worriedly.
Mu Yingxuan pressed her head, her face confused.
The little girl's desperate pleas and shouts appeared in her mind... That scene was deeply imprinted in her memory, and she couldn't get rid of it...
"I didn't mean it... I really didn't mean it..." Mu Yingxuan cried softly and painfully, "Alice, forgive me, I really didn't do it on purpose..."
Forget it, that man cheated on her during marriage. Every time he came home after drinking, he would domestically assault her, and she would be beaten black and blue.
She wanted to get a divorce, and she had wanted to divorce for a long time, but she was unwilling to give in. She had given her best years to that man, so how could she be willing to leave and make way for other women...
At first she didn't want to leave, but later she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.
So, she threatened the man with the life of her daughter on the hospital bed...
She successfully divorced, but her favorite daughter, in addition to having a heart disease, also lost her sight...
"Miss Mu, let's have a cup of hot coffee."

Wang Lu helped her sit on the sofa, and she drank several sips of coffee before her despair and heart palpitations finally slowly dissipated.
She squeezed the coffee cup tightly, the coldness in her eyes getting deeper and deeper.
Jiang Jin, a bitch, actually investigated her affairs in the past ten years...
If her past events were made public, she would definitely become the biggest joke in Yunsheng...
She is the daughter of the Mu family. She must not become a divorced and abandoned woman in the eyes of everyone, and she must not be laughed at and ridiculed...
Mu Yingxuan raised her eyes: "Director Wang, lend me your mobile phone."
"Buzz buzz!"

Li Dongjing's cell phone vibrated on the hospital bed with an unfamiliar number.
Jiang Jin hung up the phone directly.
There was a laptop in front of her, which contained the trajectory of Mu Yingxuan's life in the past years...
She never thought that Mu Yingxuan, who looked glamorous, elegant and gentle, would almost kill her own daughter...
Although the little girl escaped death, she lost her light forever.

This experience was well hidden by Mu Yingxuan.
If it weren't for Xiaobei's hacking skills, he wouldn't be able to dig out such private things...
Jiang Jin sighed.
She didn't want to use this privacy to attack Mu Yingxuan.
But! This time, it was Mu Yingxuan who touched the most desperate memories of the children first. She was just treating the other person in the same way.
Jiang Jin raised her head and looked at the four children standing beside the hospital bed.
She said softly: "Do you think what I did is going too far?"
"It's not too much!" Li Beixiao said immediately, "Mom didn't disclose Mu A... Mu Yingxuan's privacy, how can it be called too much?"
Li Xichen said coldly: "Mu Yingxuan directly put our Li family's private affairs online for others to judge. Her behavior cannot be summed up in two words: too excessive."
"Mu Yingxuan can even kill her own daughter, so how can she sincerely protect us?"
Li Nanque sneered, "I finally understand. The four of us brothers are tools that she can use at any time."
Li Dongjing pursed his lips.
In the entire Li family, he and Mu Yingxuan were the closest.
And he seemed to have become Mu Yingxuan's tool to attack Jiang Jin invisibly...
He thought of Jiang Jin's disappointed eyes several times when he and Mu Yingxuan were together...
Just as he was about to speak, his phone vibrated again with the same unfamiliar number.

Jiang Jin picked up the phone and pressed the connect button.
"I'm Mu Yingxuan."
Sure enough, Mu Yingxuan's voice came from the other end of the phone, slightly hoarse, and she had obviously cried.
Jiang Jin leaned on the hospital bed and said calmly: "Mu Yingxuan, I don't want to check your privacy, nor do I intend to disclose your past experiences, but the premise is that you must quell all the news about the Li family on the Internet...
Within an hour, if the news has not been pressed, I will have to ask the most beautiful woman in Yuncheng to be on the trending search to help me block the attack of netizens. "
Mu Yingxuan's eyes turned cold: "Are you threatening me?"
"It's not a threat." Jiang Jin said lightly, "I just put the choice in your hands. How you choose is entirely up to you."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and threw the phone back into Li Dongjing's hand.

"Okay, you four go back." Jiang Jin narrowed her eyes, "I'm tired, I'll take a nap."
