FVB - 121

Chapter 121 Mom doesn’t like to talk when she’s angry

Li Dongjing stood in front of Mu Yingxuan, raising his head slightly, and the two looked at each other.
The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the shoulders of the two of them. This scene made Jiang Jin feel very dazzling, and she began to feel uncomfortable all over her body.
She took a step forward and wanted to go in, but she stopped dead in her tracks.
She wanted to see what Mu Yingxuan, the green tea, wanted to do with Li Dongjing this time...
"Ah Jing, are you free tomorrow afternoon? I want to treat you to a movie." Mu Yingxuan said in a soft voice, "Mushi started trying to enter the film and television industry last year. This is the first movie Mu invested. Aunt Mu hopes you can come to the premiere of this movie."

She took out a stack of movie tickets from her bag and handed them to Li Dongjing's hand, "Aque, Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, if you have time, you can come to the cinema together to support Aunt Mu."
Li Dongjing took the movie ticket calmly: "Okay, I'll go if I have time."
The smile on Mu Yingxuan's face became more sincere: "I'll see you at the cinema tomorrow. I'll go back first."
She waved, turned and got into her convertible.
Jiang Jin sneered.
Tomorrow afternoon is also the premiere of "Snow Without End". Mu Yingxuan is declaring war on her.
She glanced at Li Dongjing and walked into the villa.

"Brother, if you want to go, you can go by yourself. I won't go." Li Beixiao said softly, "Aunt Mu wants to be our stepmother. If brother wants a stepmother, just go."
Li Xichen sneered and said, "That woman is always petty. Brother, you are finished."
"Brother, I think it's good for you to do this." Li Nanque came over and said, "Aunt Mu has always been very good to you. It's only right for you to support you. What's the point? Brother, I support you!"
Li Dongjing: "..."
Why did he feel that this kid was a little bit gloating about his misfortune?
Four children walked into the dining room one after another.
Jiang Jin was sitting at the dining table with a cold face, not knowing what she was thinking.
Li Beixiao came closer and said in a soft and waxy voice: "Mom, are you unhappy?"
His soft words of mother melted Jiang Jin's heart.
She picked up the little guy hard and put it on her knees, and said with a smile: "How did Xiaobei see that I was angry?"

"My mother doesn't like to talk when she's angry, and her brows frown tightly."
Li Beixiao stretched out his little paw and gently smoothed the crease between Jiang Jin's eyebrows.
All the annoyance in her heart suddenly disappeared.
After all, that kid Li Dongjing is old enough and has his own ideas, so it's normal not to turn towards her.
And if you think about it from another angle, no matter what dark thoughts Mu Yingxuan has, at least on the bright side, Mu Yingxuan is indeed very good to Li Dongjing.
It is really difficult for a nine-year-old child to discern people's hearts.
"Drink a glass of water to calm down."
Li Xichen poured a glass of water and placed it in front of Jiang Jin.
Jiang Jin smiled and shook her head: "Finally, I'm not loving you two little bastards in vain."
Li Nanque pulled away another dining chair and sat down, and said coldly: "I know that the movie you invested in will also premiere tomorrow."
Jiang Jin glanced at him: "You know quite a lot."
Li Nanque snorted.
After he last attended the movie's press conference, fans were counting down the days until the premiere in his Weibo comments every day, and it was difficult for him not to know.
"Ahem!" He clenched his fist against his thin lips, "If you invite me sincerely, I can put down all my work and go over to help you with mercy."
Jiang Jin: "..."
This kid, do you want to be so proud?

After what happened last time, how could she dare to ask him to give up his job to support her?
The boy's one-time appearance fee was too expensive, and she didn't want to owe any more favors.
"No need." Jiang Jin said calmly, "You can do whatever you need to do. I don't need you to worry about it."
Li Nanque frowned depressedly.
Could it be that his attitude was too arrogant, so this woman gave up automatically?
Then try lowering your stature a little bit more?
Just as he was about to speak, Li Dongjing came over and said, "I'll invite all the Li employees to book a movie tomorrow. What do you think?"
Jiang Jin glanced at him.
This kid still held the movie ticket given by Mu Yingxuan in his hand.
He went to watch "Destined to Meet You" by himself, and then sent his employees to her place to watch "Snow Without End"...

Why did this operation make her so uncomfortable...
"The Li family's capital chain has been broken recently. It's better not to spend unnecessary money." Jiang Jin pursed her lips and said, "Just take care of the affairs of the Li family group. Don't worry about me."
"Mom, I want to go to a movie." Li Beixiao blinked his watery eyes, "Can I go with you?"
Jiang Jin tapped his little nose and joked: "The movie lasts two hours. Can a little kid like you sit still for so long?"
"It's okay to be at home anyway." Li Beixiao said softly, "I would rather sit in the cinema and sleep than stay at home alone."
"Okay, then mom will take you with me tomorrow." Jiang Jin turned to look at Li Xichen, "Xiaoxi, what about you, do you want to stay at home, or go to the movies together?"

Li Xichen shrugged: "Since you asked, it seems that I won't give you face if I refuse, so go ahead."
Jiang Jin: "..."
This damn kid has been with her for so long, how come he still acts like he means what he says?
If she didn't know what this kid was thinking, she would really want to beat him to death...
Seeing the three of them enjoying themselves, Li Dongjing and Li Nanque had the same dark look on their faces.
After returning to the room after eating, Li Dongjing put the movie tickets directly into the drawer.
He didn't plan to watch the movie invested by Mu Yingxuan.
It's just that Mu Yingxuan's love for him over the years prevented him from doing the rude thing of refusing in person.
Li Nanque in the next room is on the phone.
"Turn away all work tomorrow afternoon..."
"Wei Liu, you actually arranged so much work behind my back. Do you want to be fired?"
"I don't care, there will be at most one task tomorrow afternoon, and everything else will be postponed!"
"I have no control over the compensation, you can figure it out yourself!"
He ignored the tearful Wei Liu on the other end of the phone and hung up the phone directly.
Yuncheng has the custom of celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival.

When they got up in the morning, the house is filled with the fragrance of rice dumpling leaves and glutinous rice.
Zhang Ma made rice dumplings early in the morning, with various flavors available, and set up a large table full of them.
When Jiang Jin came down from upstairs, she saw Li Xichen and Li Beixiao having breakfast, but did not see the two older ones.
"The eldest brother and the second brother have gone to deal with work." Li Beixiao explained.
Jiang Jin sighed.

During this big holiday, two nine-year-old children actually had to work.
If Li Yunting had not turned into a vegetative state, the two of them would have grown up like normal children.
However, if Li Yunting was not a vegetative state, then the two boys might not have been born...
