DSHSN - 39

Forgetting the gift, Gu Heng also gave her a luxury travel voucher for a two-person trip, which lasted for half a month. The itinerary included some coastal cities in China and some developed cities abroad.

Well... Yan Li threw the travel coupon aside.

She didn't want to travel recently. Although the traveling process was quite happy, she felt a headache after being alone with her baby for more than a month.

A beautiful trip is wonderful, but if a child gets sick, it will be a headache.

So‌—— don’t go.

But she still accepted the gift from Gu Heng.

After all, she is a woman who loves money. If she didn't love money, she would not have married Gu Heng. Gu Heng was willing to spend money to coax her. She felt very happy, and suddenly she felt that this marriage still have some value. Anyway, Gu Heng also said that she didn't need to take care of this brat Gu Yiyi, so of course she cooperated and ignored him.

Yan Li thought for a while and decided to call Gu Heng to inform him of her decision.

But Gu Heng was on the phone.

Gu Heng and Gu Yiyi were on the phone.

"Your stepmother wants to divorce me."

Gu Yiyi's first reaction was: "Just leave..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized the seriousness.

Yan Li wants to divorce his father? Just because he wanted her to come to the hospital to see him?

This woman is really stingy. Gu Yiyi sneered in his heart, and said to Gu Heng: "Why is she so pretentious? I just asked her to come to the doctor. If I'm in the hospital and looks for her, she will divorce you. Gu Heng, you can't keep your wife. "

Gu Yiyi's words made Gu Heng frown fiercely. He said in a cold tone: "Is this the word you use to describe an elder, Gu Yiyi?"

"The reason why she wants a divorce is because she is in charge of it herself. She is already very tired taking care of your sister. Don't look for her when you have nothing to do in the future."

Gu Yiyi said without hesitation: "Then why don't you take care of me? It's normal that you run away every day and can't keep your wife. You see, she doesn't even want to take wedding photos with you. Gu Heng, I think you should reflect on your problem."

Gu Heng was a little angry when Gu Yiyi said: "Gu Yiyi, did I teach you to call your father by his name?"

Gu Yiyi looked lazy: "Please, you haven't taught me anything, okay."

Gu Yiyi was simply letting himself go when facing Gu Heng now. He was abroad and there was no way he would come back just to beat him up.

He was in the hospital, couldn't go out to play or go back to school, and had nowhere to spend his money. Gu Heng couldn't let people deny him food and drink just because he was angry, right? The most he can do is scold him on the phone.

Gu Yiyi is naturally the one who says whatever nonsense someone says.

The person on the other end was silent.

Gu Yiyi was too lazy to care about him and hung up the phone directly.

"I'm going to bed, hang up."

Of course, he didn't hang up the phone directly, but called Yan Li. His attitude was not as arrogant as when he faced his dad.

His tone was even coaxing unconsciously, and he said: "Hey, I heard that you filed for divorce with my dad. Hey, you said, if you divorced him, Yan Beibei would be quite pitiful. Besides, at my father's age, it's not easy to find a wife... If it doesn't work, I won't come to you if something happens in the future. Can't I come to him instead?"

Yan Li didn't expect that this guy would call her specifically to persuade her.

Yan Li didn't know what to say.

She didn't answer directly, but said quietly: "I have to think about it carefully."

She is willing to consider it, which means there is room for maneuver. Of course, Gu Yiyi is happy to see the result, and said hurriedly: "Okay, okay, then you can think about it slowly, I won't disturb you recently."

Yan Li couldn't hold back and burst into laughter when she hung up the phone.

Gu Yiyi is actually not that annoying.

After she yawned and rubbed her eyes, she felt a little sleepy and planned to lie down and sleep.

Gu Heng called her and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Yan Li thought, since he had given away all the things, he wasn't so stingy that he wanted to go back. She didn't need to be so anxious to express her thoughts, so she pretended that nothing happened: "Nothing."

However, Gu Heng already roughly knew the purpose of her call and asked directly: "Have you thought about it?"

After a pause, he added, "He won't bother you casually in the future, don't worry."

Probably because this kid's attitude of apologizing was quite good, Yan Li suddenly didn't find it so annoying and said: "Well... it's actually not bad, but I think, since you chose to keep him by your side, I think you should still shoulder your responsibilities as a father. Gu Yiyi is just a minor child, I think you should pay more attention to him and understand what he needs in his heart."

Yan Li was suddenly moved by her words. She felt that she was so kind that she even worried about Gu Yiyi's study problems. But it is true that Gu Heng was really lacking in Gu Yiyi's education.

"I know you are very busy at work, but since you have chosen to be responsible for this child's future life, I think you should still take your own responsibility, otherwise his mother will see how her son become like this, he should be heartbreaking to look at."

As Yan Li talked, she felt that she talked a bit too much, but Gu Heng still respected her. If she didn't say it now, she might not have the chance to say it later, and she might not be in the mood to say it again. After all, she is not someone who likes to care about these things when she has nothing to do.

After Gu Heng was silent for a moment, he answered her.

"I know."

Yan Li said: "Just saying you know is of no use. Whether you can do it or not is actually the most important thing."

Gu Heng never thought that one day she would teach him a lesson here.

But this feeling is not bad.

Gu Heng said: "Thank you."

Gu Heng actually said thank you?

This was something Yan Li didn't expect. She was stunned for a moment, and then said after a while: "Um... Actually, you don't need to thank me, because these words are what someone close to you will tell you."

Will people close to him tell him?

Of course not.

Many people would not tell Gu Heng this. After all, it is normal for families like theirs to neglect their children. Moreover, there were even fewer people who had the courage to say these words in front of him.

Yan Li is very courageous.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily mean that she has courage, but that she is sure that he can't do anything to her.

Not only could he not do anything, he even had to coax her.

Why is he coaxing? Maybe it's because Gu Yiyi gets along well with her, or maybe she's really a pretty good person.

Gu Heng did not go into details.

Anyway, he thinks this state is good.

He told Yan Li about his recent itinerary: "I will go back in about half a month. There won't be so much work that requires traveling. I can spend time with you at home."

Yan Li was a little depressed. She doesn't need his company at all. Why does this person think that she means this?
