ADMKSF - 022.2

As soon as Pei Ye left, Lin You planned to put the lid back on the pot, but the next second she heard a muffled cough. She turned around and saw Pei Henan leaning against the kitchen door, covering his lips and bending slightly. His shirt followed his movements and outlined the graceful lines of his back shoulders. After a while, the man slowly straightened up, relieved his physical discomfort, and smiled at Lin You, "I saw that you and A Ye were in the kitchen. I was a little worried, so I came over to take a look."

"Aye thought the beef bone soup was too fragrant and refused to leave, so I filled him a bowl." As she spoke, she glanced at the pot next to her and asked subconsciously, "Do you want it?"

"Thank you, Youyou."

When Lin You turned around to serve Pei Henan soup, a strange thought came to her mind - why did she feel like Pei Henan was waiting for her to ask this question.

Pei Henan seemed to have a good appetite. Although he didn't eat much for dinner, he drank two small bowls of beef bone soup. Lin You stood aside and watched him wash the dishes contentedly, and couldn't help thinking - this was also an affirmation of her cooking skills.

"Go to bed early." The man put the bowl in the kitchen cabinet and wiped his wet hands. His slender fingers glowed jade-like white under the light. The finger bones were very long and not thick. Every inch seemed to be carefully carved.

Lin You looked away and said oh, and returned to the bedroom obediently.

Before falling asleep, Lin You received a WeChat message from Pei Henan. Since returning to Xiaoyanglou, the two of them rarely communicated on WeChat. The last time was when the man coughed non-stop at night and she heard him.

Lin You lowered her head and opened the screen. There were only a few simple blog posts on it.

[The harm caused by teenagers not liking to eat vegetables. ]

[Teens eat vegetables, starting with breakfast. ]

[How much nutrition should a sixteen-year-old child take in a day. ]

[What vegetables should teenagers eat more of? ]

Lin You's eyes moved from the first title to the last title, and then he saw Pei Henan's new post: I just thought about it seriously. It is not good for Aye's health if he doesn't like vegetables. For the sake of his health, You can't spoil him like this anymore.

As if he guessed what Lin You was thinking, Pei Henan directly blocked all Pei Ye's escape routes: There was nothing he couldn't adapt to.

Seeing this sentence, Lin You was stunned.

That's right too.

Pei Henan is still a young man, and now he has to work part-time jobs to make a living, even working as a cemetery caretaker.

While Lin You was thinking about it, she opened a blog post describing the harm caused by not eating vegetables. At a glance, she saw the words marked in red: Not eating vegetables will affect the pH balance of the human body, leading to the emergence of a weakly acidic constitution, and can cause cancer.


Doesn’t that mean a dog leash is required?

Lin You took a deep breath, and after being stunned for three seconds, he decisively raised her hand and started flying on the keyboard: Adapt, we must let him adapt. I must let him eat vegetables, and even if he doesn't eat, they will be forced into his mouth!

Lin You brainstormed and immediately decided on three meals for tomorrow and sent it to Pei Henan: Do you think this menu is okay?

Pei Henan glanced at the broccoli that Pei Ye hated most, and chuckled: "Okay."


Late at night, when most people have fallen into a deep sleep, night owl netizens are out again. While the popularity of Lin You's family of three has not subsided, a blogger secretly posted a photo and said: Many people seem to be curious about Lin You's husband. In fact, I was also in the cinema that day and saw the three of them. I took a photo at that time. It was a photo of a family of three. Let me show you the beauty of Lin You's husband in his prime.

The photos posted by netizens were much better than those taken secretly by paparazzi. In the photos, there was already a different person next to Lin You. The man is tall and has long legs. Although his body under the snow-white shirt is thin, he is not exaggeratedly sick. Lin You seemed to be talking to him, so he turned his face half sideways, revealing his tall nose and thin lips in front of the camera. There was a faint smile in his eyes, which made his whole person gentler.

[Fuck! ! ]

[Is this Lin You’s husband who is in poor health? Please bring me ten and I will feed them. ]

[If my husband were this good-looking, I would be willing to support him! ! ! Every day when I eat, I can eat two more bowls just by looking at it. It’s so pleasing to the eye. ]

[The looks of Lin You’s family are somewhat exaggerated...]

[I understand the truth, but should Lin You's son be mosaic removed? ]

[Damn it, I don’t want to be Lin You’s daughter-in-law anymore! ]

[Sisters in front. Then what else do you want to be? I tell you, your thoughts are dangerous! ]

[I’m not here to break them up, I’m here to join them! ! ]

[Thank you, I have expectations for men again. By the way, can someone help ask Lin You if there are any quality men around her? No matter what age, I can do it. ]

Early the next morning, the sunlight poured down on the big bed, finally waking up Lin You. She had been having nightmares last night. She dreamed that Pei Ye was unwilling to eat vegetables because of his life and death. As a result, during the physical examination, he was found to be ill and had only a few days to live. Lin You was shocked when she heard the news. He hugged Pei Henan and cried while scolding Pei Ye for being a little bastard.

When she opened her eyes now, she still looked a little weak.

She habitually took out her cell phone. Before she could see the time clearly, Lin You first noticed the private message sent by Zhao Ziqi: [The clown is still me.jpg]

Lin You sent a question mark and soon received a reply from Zhao Ziqi. Taking a closer look, the laziness and anxiety in her eyes disappeared instantly.

She quickly washed up and went to the living room with her mobile phone.

She went out in a hurry, and Lin You was still wearing her nightgown. It's not a very sexy dress, but it can't cover her slender shoulders and slender limbs at all. The snowy color condenses into her eyes, making it difficult to control herself. The moment Lin You appeared at the stairs, Pei Henan looked over. His crow-feathered eyelashes trembled slightly. He quickly looked away and said hello as usual: "Are you up?"

Lin You hummed and walked over to find that the man was making breakfast. Today's breakfast was also very simple, including eggs, milk, and boiled broccoli.

Seeing that Lin You's eyes seemed to be a bit surprised, Pei Henan smiled and explained: "I went out to buy it in the morning."

"So early?"

"Fortunately, I woke up early anyway. It's good for my health to go for a walk and smell the fresh air in the morning."

Lin You quite agreed with this statement.

Seeing that the topic was gradually getting sidetracked, Lin You quickly put her phone in front of Pei Henan and asked him to read the post: "Your photos have also been exposed by netizens."

Pei Henan only glanced at it, and there was no surprise on his face. He just said: "It doesn't matter. Don't pay attention. A Ye and I are different."

Of course Lin You knew this, but she was also afraid that Pei Henan would mind. After all, once his photos are exposed, the media will definitely focus on him in the future. But since he said it didn't matter, Lin You didn't want to trouble Chen Yi anymore.

"Okay, remember to be careful when you go out in the future." Lin You couldn't help but touch her face as she said, "Although I'm not that red, you still need to pay attention to your safety."


When Pei Ye went downstairs, stroking his messy hair, he noticed that the atmosphere between his father and his mother seemed to be particularly warm. He tried to open one eye and looked at the two of them, then lowered his head. When his eyes touched the broccoli on the plate, he suddenly woke up.

"Why do we start eating broccoli so early in the morning?"

When Lin You thought about her dream last night, she immediately became vigilant and said sternly: "Because it's good for your health."

Pei Ye: "..."

He can't, he can't accept it.

Pei Ye, who was completely resistant to broccoli, felt as if the chair under his butt was filled with nails and he would soon be unable to sit still. However, facing Lin You's loving and threatening gaze, he held the bowl, picked up the broccoli and put it to his mouth. At the same time, he quickly moved to Pei Henan's side and called out "Dad" in a low voice.

Trying to delay time by talking to Pei Henan.

Pei Henan raised his eyelids in dignity.

Pei Yi was overjoyed and threw the broccoli on his plate. He quickly walked over and asked, "Dad, what are you looking at?"

Pei Henan put the phone in front of him, and on the screen was a photo of a family of three taken by a netizen. When Pei Henan and Lin You stood side by side, lowering their eyes and then raising their heads to speak, the boy next to Pei Henan was covered with a mosaic.

Pei Henan: "I was thinking, it was obviously a movie watched by three people together, but at the end there was one person who didn't even deserve to show his face."

Pei Ye: "...?"
