ADMKSF - 020.2

"There haven't been so many people here since noon."

Back in the private room, dinner was served, but Lin You's mind was not on it. She greeted the other two people to eat more and opened Miki's live broadcast room. Sure enough, Miki and his colleagues were already sitting in the lobby of the Songzhu Hotel, and several dishes were placed on their table.

Miki's voice quickly reached Lin You's ears: "Although I had fish for lunch, I still ordered a fish head with chopped pepper in the evening. I didn't have any special ideas. I just wanted to compare it with Nanjianglou's."

Miki used the fish head with chopped pepper first, and after only one taste, he put down his chopsticks. He frowned slightly, without any euphemism in his words: "The fish has a little taste, I don't know if other guests tasted it. Anyway, I have a big mouth, so I won’t miss the fishy and earthy smell. As for this chili... it’s really worthless and tasteless, so why don’t I just steam the fish head.”

After speaking, he decisively moved his chopsticks to another plate.

[...Although the chopped pepper fish head of Songzhu Restaurant is reduced to nothing, I feel that the real Miki is back. ]

[Hahaha, if I hadn’t gone to Nanjiang Tower at noon, I would have thought you had changed your gender or were getting paid]

[The food at Songzhu Restaurant is indeed average. The best thing about theirs is that they are cheap. I think the anchor should at least notice this, right? The prices of the two restaurants are different, so why should the taste be the same? Then you are too strict with Songzhu Hotel. ]

[That makes sense. ]

Miki happened to catch a glimpse of this barrage from the corner of his eye. The hand holding the chopsticks paused slightly, and then he raised his eyebrows, with a hint of unexplained ridicule in his eyes: "That's not even close. That's it. Fish head with chopped pepper, no matter how much cheaper it is at Songzhu Restaurant, I won’t eat it at 20 yuan. If it doesn’t taste good, it’s just not good. No matter what you say, it’s useless.”

He waved his hand again: "I'm just telling you my feelings. If you don't believe in evil, I won't stop you from coming over to consume. Next, I'll try this spicy fried crab."

However, as soon as the crab meat was put into his mouth, Miki's eyebrows frowned even more tightly. After a moment, he said in a calm voice: "The crab meat is loose and soft. I don't recommend it for everyone to eat."

The colleague next to him glanced at him. He had just tasted it, thinking that Miki had given him face.

High EQ: Not recommended for everyone to eat.

Low EQ: This is a dead crab.

He and Miki are both from coastal cities. They grew up eating seafood since they were young. The taste of crabs can be tasted in just one bite. However, it is one thing to taste it, and another thing to say it or not. They had no direct evidence to prove that the crab was a dead crab. If Songzhu Hotel targeted it, it would not be that simple.

Lin You held her chin and stared at the crabs on the screen, and suddenly she had some thoughts in her mind. If she remembered correctly, there were a large number of rice fields used to raise crabs near the highway from Beijing City to Tong City. She could go there and inspect them when she had time.

While pondering, Lin You suddenly noticed a hand patting her arm gently. She raised her head and saw that the young man had put down his chopsticks, with a shy smile on his clean and handsome face, and a bit of expectation in his clear eyes: "One of my junior high school classmates is also in Haishi, and he asked me to come over and meet him, can I go?"

"Now?" Lin You tilted her head and looked through the slightly open window. The night was already shrouded outside the window. The street lights were shining with white light, illuminating the nearby area as if it were daytime, but it still could not hide the fact that it was getting late... 

"Is it far? Isn't it safe for you to go alone?"

Lin You frowned. No wonder she was cautious, she had to ensure Pei Ye's absolute safety. Although the security in Haishi was very good at night, it was late at night, so the worry would not go away.

Pei Ye pursed his lips and looked at his father hesitantly.

Pei Henan was drinking tea. His slender, white fingers had clear joints and looked like fine white jade under the light. He raised his eyelids and guessed Pei Ye's intention just by looking at each other. He raised his lips in a half-smile, and whispered amid Lin You's hesitation: "I'll accompany Aye there."

Lin You blinked and heard Pei Henan smile gently: "I'll take him there and be back soon."

"That's okay. Please be safe on the road. It doesn't matter if it's a little later. It doesn't matter if you stay in Haishi today."

Pei Henan responded and took Pei Ye away. Lin You didn't pay much attention, and her eyes quickly fell on Miki's live broadcast again. Li Xingzhi probably got the news from the staff temporarily, and hurriedly came to Miki's table and chatted with him for a few seconds with a smile on his face, and said that he would give him some new dishes for him to try and provide some suggestions.

Miki didn't refuse, but the expression on his face was indifferent, obviously he didn't have much interest.

Pei Henan and Pei Ye left Nanjiang Tower together. Pei Henan did not ask him anything, nor did he leave with him. He just said: "I will wait for you here, and we will go up together after you finish handling the matter."

Pei Ye nodded and ran away quickly.

Pei Henan was leaning against the street lamp in the darkness. This was the alley behind Nanjiang Tower, separated by a road from Nanjiang Tower. Compared with the bustling Nanjiang Tower in front of the door, this place seemed particularly quiet.

The light stretched the man's figure, and Pei Henan lowered his eyelids lazily, not caring what Pei Ye was doing. He watched Pei Ye grow up and knew Pei Ye's character best, so there was no need to worry at all.

After waiting for more than half an hour, several sounds seemed to come from not far away.

"I've been complaining until now. If I arrive later, there will be no one in Nanjiang Tower. What a mess."

"It's not too late now. I've seen it. There are a lot of people in Nanjiang Tower right now. It's a good time for us to go and cause trouble."

Just two sentences fell into Pei Henan's ears, and he immediately guessed what was going on.

He raised his eyes and used the light to see clearly the two people walking towards them. They were in their twenties or thirties, with arrogant hair and toothpicks in their mouths. Their slobbery looks silently announced their identities - street gangsters... 

The two of them didn't seem to notice Pei Henan, or even if they did, they didn't take Pei Henan seriously. When the two of them passed by Pei Henan, Pei Henan asked in a low voice: "Where are you going?"

The sudden sound stopped the two of them from moving forward. The young man with yellow hair tilted his head, stepped back a few steps and walked in front of Pei Henan. He seemed to have looked at him seriously for a long time, and saw that the man looked thin and sickly. He twitched his lips and said, "How about you call me daddy?"

Pei Henan looked lazy: "Going to Nanjiang Tower to find trouble?"

Huang Mao immediately smiled: "Hey, have you heard all this?"

As he spoke, he threw away the toothpick, calmed down the expression on his face, and spread his hands helplessly: "It's very important to be heard by you. In this way, if you call us brother twice and swear not to tell anyone, we won't care... How about it?"

"What if I refuse?"


Huang Mao and his companion looked at each other, and the latter took two steps forward with a smile, "Then we're not welcome."

The gangster's code of conduct has always been to give him a good beating if he disobeys. Pei Henan in front of him didn't look aggressive. Huang Mao immediately stepped forward and tightened the man's collar. He raised a fist with one hand and pressed it against Pei Henan's side. He threatened: "I'll give you one last chance. If you... If it doesn't happen, we will pretend we haven't seen you. But you have to remember that you have to keep your mouth shut. If we find you... we will find your home."

Pei Henan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Really?"

He raised his slender fingers to touch Huang Mao's fist. His five fingers clenched his fist and he suddenly exerted force. The young man's scream suddenly rang in his ears. Without raising his eyes, Pei Henan raised his foot and kicked the opponent in the heart. The kick came so unexpectedly that Huang Mao felt a strong force on his chest. He also pulled Pei Henan's collar tightly.

With such force, he ripped off the button on the opponent's collar, and then slammed his body to the ground. His back hurt from the fall, and he couldn't get up from the ground for a while.

Pei Henan turned his head to look at his yellow-haired companion, arranging his clothes with his fingers, and said in a voice softer than the wind, "You want to try it too?"

His companion turned pale, looked at Huang Mao, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

Ten minutes later, the two of them rolled out of the alley and almost hit someone while crossing the road.

Pei Ye glanced at the two of them with disgust, fearing that his father would be impatient and run under the streetlight. At a glance, he saw his father looking for something on the ground with his eyes lowered. When he walked over, the man happened to bend down and a button lay in his palm.


Pei Henan raised his eyes: "Back?"

Pei Ye nodded and thought about it before telling him about the fight with Liao Cong. Pei Henan didn't say anything after hearing this, and just asked: "Did you win?"

"Of course. Are you...?"

Pei Henan said casually: "Fight."

Pei Ye suddenly thought of the two people he bumped into just now. Before he could open his mouth to speak, he heard Pei Henan say: "I won, I'm better than you, one against two."

Pei Ye: "..."
