FVB - 063

Chapter 63: Miss Jiang changed her partner again?

A sneer appeared on Jiang Jin's lips.
That Mr. Li doesn't think that just because he is the CEO of the most powerful multinational company, he can do whatever he wants in Yuncheng.
Whatever the man did to her last night, she would definitely pay it back without mercy.
Jiang Jin said quietly: "The Gou family can contact Mr. Li, why can't our Li family?"
Mr. Li shook his head: "Gou's current project coincides with the project that Mr. Li is expected to do, so they can successfully reach a cooperation. Our Li family is deeply involved in the last project, how can we still have the energy to do new projects. Jiang Jin, I can understand your mood, but this matter is not something you can solve, so go back."
"Have you checked Mr. Li's information?" Jiang Jin continued to ask.
"After checking, I can't even find out his real name, let alone where he lives. It's difficult to meet him in person."
Jiang Jin's eyes flashed.
This man hid himself so well, so he thought there was nothing she could do about it?
"Dad, take a good rest after your work. I'll go back first."
After Jiang Jin said hello to Mr. Li, she turned and walked out of the office.
The suspicion in Mr. Li's eyes still hasn't dissipated.
Why is this woman suddenly concerned about the group's affairs?
How weird!
Jiang Jin drove directly to the gate of Gou Group.
Today, the Gou family has become the largest group in Yuncheng. People are coming and going at the door of the building, and white-collar workers in suits and ties are in a hurry.
She walked in calmly on high heels and sat directly in the lounge area.
She was wearing luxury goods worth at least five figures. As soon as she sat down, a waiter brought hot coffee and respectfully asked her what she wanted.

"I'm waiting for someone, don't worry about me."
Jiang Jin waved her hand and drank coffee calmly.
The two children were in school, and Director Zhao was keeping an eye on the crew, so she had plenty of time to sit back and wait.
She leaned back on the chair, with a faint smile on her lips.
"Hey, isn't this Miss Jiang?"
A voice came from behind her, and then Gou Feng appeared in front of her.
Jiang Jin only felt unlucky.
The way this little dog looked at her really made her panic.
But this is the Gou Group, the Gou family's territory, and it's hard for her to give Gou Feng a hard time.
She opened her lips and said softly: "It turns out to be Mr. Gou, what a coincidence."
"Why did Miss Jiang come to Gou's Group? Did she come to me specifically?"
Gou Feng took the opportunity to sit opposite her, his eyes shining behind his lenses, "The secretary gave me a pot of good tea today. Miss Jiang, would you like to come and sit in my office?"
Jiang Jin smiled but said, "Mr. Gou must be very busy, but he still has the time to drink tea."
Gou Feng suddenly moved his chair, getting closer to Jiang Jin.
He took a gentle breath and smelled the unique feminine fragrance of Jiang Jin.
Today, she was wearing a pink lace long-sleeved dress with a bow tied at the neckline, and a white inner layer.
Wearing a pair of white tights, her slender waist looked unbearable.
Gou Feng became a little restless.
He lowered his voice and said: "Miss Jiang, you are so beautiful today, you smell so good..."
Jiang Jin felt nauseated.

She hid to the side, with a smile on her lips: "I heard that Mr. Gou has contacted a large overseas customer. Shouldn't Mr. Gou go to accompany the customer? Why do you still have time to chat with me here?"
"Mr. Li has my grandfather to receive him, so where can I get his turn?"
Gou Feng reached out and hooked Jiang Jin's hair with a hoarse voice, "Miss Jiang, I know you have always wanted a divorce. Why don't you come with me after the divorce? If I marry you, you will still be the young lady of the first family in Yuncheng..."
Jiang Jin wished she could slap him away.
But the news hasn't been found out yet, so telling Gou Feng to get out at this time is obviously a huge loss.

She sighed deeply and said pitifully: "Mr. Gou, to tell you the truth, I was forced to come here by Mr. Li. He asked me to come here to inquire about Mr. Li. , if I can’t find out anything, the old man will definitely punish me... Mr. Gou, please help me..."
At this time--
"Ding dong!"
The supreme elevator on the first floor opened, and a man wearing a dark gold mask walked out of the elevator.
As soon as he took a step forward, he saw a dazzling scene in the corner of the lobby seating area...
The woman who kicked her away last night actually spoke to Gou Feng with a smile on her face. Her brows and eyes were filled with smiles, which stung his eyes like needles.
The temperature around him suddenly dropped several degrees.

A group of people who came out around him didn't know why, and they all shrank their necks.
Li Yunting spread his long legs and walked towards the rest area over there.
In the rest area, Jiang Jin and Gou Feng were still talking.
Her pitiful look instantly aroused Gou Feng's protective desire.
"I have Mr. Li's information there." Gou Feng said with a high voice, "Ms. Jiang, it's still early. Come with me to the office for a cup of tea. I'll tell you slowly about Mr. Li. "
Jiang Jin gritted her teeth.
She had already acted to this extent, and Gou Feng was unwilling to reveal even a single word.
She had every reason to suspect that Gou Feng might not have information about Mr. Li either.
She was about to speak when suddenly, a very cold shadow enveloped her.
She slowly raised her head and met a pair of cold eyes with no warmth at all.

The fear of being dominated by nightmares last night came over instantly.
"Li, Mr. Li!"

Gou Feng was also frightened. He pushed away his chair and stood up, saying hello very respectfully.
His grandfather, Mr. Gou, had to be polite in front of Mr. Li. He did not dare to offend Mr. Li in any way...
"Ms. Jiang, is she hooking up with someone else again?"
Li Yunting's voice was extremely cold, and his thin lips raised a sarcastic arc.
These words made Jiang Jin feel extremely angry.
Thinking about what happened last night again, her anger surged through her head...
Without thinking, she raised her hand to pick up the coffee cup on the table and threw it towards Li Yunting's face.
The sound of coffee dripping on the ground was clearly audible, and the surroundings were silent.
The people of the Gou Group were so frightened that they all stopped breathing.
The Gou family is the number one family in Yuncheng. They must be extremely respectful in front of Mr. Li and think twice about what they say.
But this woman actually poured a cup of coffee on Mr. Li's head.
A low pressure suddenly enveloped the area, and everyone was a little frightened.

"Jiang, Jiang Jin! You are crazy!" Gou Feng was in disbelief, "Why don't you apologize to Mr. Li quickly!"
Immediately, he realized that this matter could not be solved by an apology at all.

He made a quick decision, "Mr. Li, I'm not familiar with her, and what she did has nothing to do with me..."
