ADMKSF - 012.4

Around six or seven o'clock that night, Pei Henan took the initiative to contact Lin You for the first time. At this time, Lin You was making the pickled fish that Zhao Ziqi and others had longed for. Today's fish was caught by Lin You in her fish pond in the afternoon. Now almost all the fish ponds in Daxian Village belong to her. Even if she wants to swim in the pond, the program team can't do anything to her.

The fish is grass carp. She cut the fish into slices as she did when making black fish soup, marinate it, boil it in water and set it aside. White and tender fish fillets are included in the shot. The fish meat has been blanched in the Lingquan water, giving it a faint jade-like translucency.

Lin You fried the sauerkraut and fish bones, added millet chili and a series of seasonings. After a while, the pungent aroma evaporated unbridledly to the surroundings, attracting the attention of several guests. When the stir-frying was almost done, Lin You poured the Lingquan water into the pot and covered the pot.

"It smells so good." Zhao Ziqi lightly sniffed the tip of her nose, smelling the aroma of pickled cabbage and fish, which was simply intoxicating.

The annoying person is gone, and there is still the pickled fish that she misses so much. Who can look at this little day and say nothing wonderful?

When Lin You saw her look, he couldn't help but smile, "I saw there are noodles in the cabinet. After eating the fish later, I can put in some noodles. They taste good too."

"Noodles are good. I love noodles the most." Qi Yu took a sip from the tea cup and said with a smile.

After a while, Lin You lifted the lid of the pot again, and the spiritual spring water was bubbling, completely incorporating the flavors of pickled vegetables and fish bones into it. She put the separated fish back into the pot and cooked it for a while before turning off the heat. The fish meat was spread layer by layer in a huge bowl, and then a layer of scalding hot oil was poured over it. Ziqi's voice was accompanied by a richer aroma that swept through the entire kitchen.

Lin You looked left and right with satisfaction, took out her mobile phone and took two photos. She asked Bai Hang to take the pickled fish away and then decisively opened WeChat and sent the photos to the group chat of "A Loving Family". It was also at this time that she saw that Pei Henan had sent her a message twenty minutes ago.

Lin You walked to the corner and looked down.

Pei Henan: Dad called me today.

Lin You raised her eyebrows, guessing that Lin Chengkang had failed to contact her, so he took the next best option and went to Pei Henan.

She then quickly said: Ignore him, the living will not fight with the dead.

It took Pei Henan a long time to receive the reply, but when he saw the content, he felt silent again.

The next second, another brand new message jumped out:

What we can do for him is to choose a suitable cemetery for him in advance. I think the Beiyangshan cemetery where you work is pretty good. Please pay more attention to it if you have nothing to do.

After a pause, she said again:

The location doesn't have to be very good, we don't have the money.

Pei Henan: "..."

Pei Henan looked at this filial speech thoughtfully, and after a moment, he swiped his finger on the screen to save it. He thought that if there was a chance in the future, he could show it to Lin Chengkang.

The man's thin lips curled up slightly and he said "Okay".

Then he clicked on the group chat of "A Loving Family", his eyes fell on the appetizing pickled fish, and he praised: "It looks very delicious."

Lin You: I made it. When I get home, I'll cook it for you too.

Pei Henan: My wife is so awesome [thumbs up]

Lin You: too many prizes, too many prizes [shy]

Lin You was in a good mood after being praised by her cheap husband. She put away his cell phone and walked to the living room. Qi Yu and others have already prepared all the bowls and chopsticks. In addition to a large bowl of pickled fish, there is also a bowl of crucian carp soup on the table. There is no doubt that the latter belongs to Bai Hang. Bai Hang stared at the pickled fish, and the sweet crucian carp soup in his mouth became tasteless.

He sighed.

Qi Yu and Zhao Ziqi looked at him with smiles, and there was a hint of joking in every word: "You first study the recipe from Lin You, and after you learn how to cook it, you can cook it for yourself."

Lin You also laughed when she heard this. She took a sip of the sour pickled fish soup. The fish in her mouth was firm and chewy, and it tasted particularly good. She also added some sour radish to the sauerkraut. The sour radish was pickled by the villagers of Daxian Village themselves. After learning that she contracted the fish pond, several families specially sent some local products, and pickled radish was one of them.

Lin You motioned to several other guests: "Try this sour radish, it tastes very good."

Naturally, the others did not refuse. This time, even Du Enqing sat down next to Qi Yu and took a piece of fish into her mouth.

When Ji Sisi came today, when Du Enqing met her on the second floor, she learned from the other person's mouth who the person behind Su Yueling was. She thought that Ji Sisi's appearance would make Lin You suffer a big loss, but she didn't expect that the person who ended up being so embarrassed and looked like a street rat turned out to be Ji Sisi.

Du Enqing felt shocked and incredible at the same time, and her eyes changed when she looked at Lin You.

With her biggest supporter gone, Du Enqing finally decided to remain unknown and be a useless person, eating and drinking when she should. Anyway, she quit Lin You's job.

Even if she wants to do it... it's not now.

She lowered her eyes and ate quietly.

Overall, apart from Bai Hang's occasional sighs, this dinner was the most harmonious meal in recent times. After dinner, several guests gathered to play cards for a while. Because Lin You lost so miserably, Zhao Ziqi drew several patterns on her face with lipstick.

After returning to the bathroom, Lin You washed her face and soaked in the tub. The bathtub was a foldable bathtub brought by the original owner. The warm spring water continuously stretched the pores of her skin. She leaned on the edge of the bathtub, picked up her phone and started browsing at will.

The turmoil related to the mother and daughter Ji Yalan and Ji Sisi on Weibo has not yet subsided, but the hot search has dropped several times. Now the one who has been sent to Hot 1 is - Lin You personally admitted that she is married and has a child.

Lin You didn't care about netizens' comments and opened WeChat Moments instead.

She doesn't have many WeChat friends, only a few college classmates and Pei Henan. At this moment, in the circle of friends, Pei Henan forwarded several posts in succession.

Pei Henan: [What should I do if my child is rebellious and disobedient? Just give it a good beating! ]

Pei Henan: [When adolescent boys are disobedient, parents must not shirk their responsibilities. The right choice is to care for their children at all times! ]

Pei Henan: [A clever way to punish disobedient children, please click in and take a look! ]

Lin You: "...?"

In Lin You's impression, Pei Henan and Pei Ye have a pretty good relationship. Pei Henan is so sick that he can't even lose his temper. It's rare to see him have such an exciting moment—

What bad thing did this kid Pei Ye do to make his father so angry that he posted three messages on WeChat Moments in a row?

Lin You was worried about Pei Ye and the second life she had finally won. She quickly chatted with Pei Henan privately: What's wrong? Did Aye make you angry? What bad thing has he done?

Pei Henan replied slowly: It may be the rebellious stage, don't worry.

Lin You: I am his mother, how can I not worry? Tell me what happened to him.

Pei Henan showed a somewhat unclear smile in his eyes before typing slowly: I only found out today that he actually gave a female anchor a gift.

Lin You:...?


Damn it, your mother has worked hard to make money, but you use the money to reward female anchors? !
