The Female Supporting Actress is Acting Again - 14

☆⁠Chapter 14 The hero saves the beauty☆⁠

The beauty is wearing shorts, her legs are long, straight and white, her hair is wavy in layers, her eyes are big, her lips are very red, and she is amazingly charming.

She is the kind of Chinese beauty that Zhao Tian likes most.

His eyes widened when he saw her, and he pushed away the girl from Country X who was feeding him a drink. He walked over in a few steps, but was suddenly bumped on the shoulder by a man in the middle of the journey. When he looked up again, the beauty was gone.

Zhao Tian looked around for her, and even mobilized several friends and bodyguards who came to drink with him, but he couldn't find her at all. The beauty disappeared like a fish in water.

Zhao Tian felt itchy, as if he had been scratched by ants! He was absent-minded for the next ten minutes, and in the end he was in a bad mood and left the show early.

When he came, he was followed by a large group of people. When he left, he only brought a few bodyguards who looked very untouchable in suits. When he arrived at the door, Zhao Tian lit up another cigarette.

Logically speaking, a woman, even if she is very beautiful, would not put him in such a bad mood. However, Zhao Tian felt that he was in a special situation now. He was in a foreign country and had no one close to him. How lonely he was. When he feels lonely, he feels a little emotional.

And that woman just now is really not ordinary beautiful. If she is really Chinese, she will definitely become popular in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Tian thought about it for a while, but in the end there was nothing he could do. If a person ran away, she would run away, and if she was gone, she was gone. He had money, but he couldn't change himself into a living person, so he had to get in the car depressed.

He looked out the window boredly, and when he passed by a dark alley outside the bar, his eyes turned inward—

Damn it! Zhao Tian blurted out: "Long legs!"

The bodyguard who was driving didn't hear clearly: "What?"

Zhao Tian hurriedly said: "Stop the car, stop the car quickly." There is no mistaking it. With such long and white legs, she is definitely the beauty just now. He was so anxious that he kept urging the driver to stop, because there were not only long-legged people in the alley, but also several foreign men wearing flowery shirts. Isn't this a God-given opportunity for a hero to save a beauty?

Zhao Tian did not dare to delay, so he got out of the car with three bodyguards. As soon as he ran to the alley, he saw the long-legged beauty blocked deep in the alley by several men.

Zhao Tian and his men rushed over in an instant, his dantian filled with anger: "Stop!"

He spoke in Mandarin Chinese, and those foreign men didn't understand them either. But when they turned around, they saw Zhao Tian and three burly men. Their faces changed, and they started jabbering something in another language. Zhao Tian didn't understand.

The bodyguard next to him translated to Zhao Tian: "They told us not to meddle in other people's business."

What? With his bodyguards in hand, Zhao Tian looked at the weak and helpless beauty in the corner through the gap between several men. The beauty immediately caught his eyes and said with tears in her eyes: "Save me!"

Zhao Tian's fighting power exploded in an instant. He rolled up his sleeves and gave a look to several bodyguards, and then rushed forward!

Although he rushed quickly, the three bodyguards could not put their employer in danger. They quickly stepped forward and started punching and kicking the foreign men. Zhao Tiankun had no use for it. He took the opportunity to sneak up next to the beautiful woman and asked with a smile: " Are you OK?"

The beauty was obviously frightened by these rude men, and she was quite frightened. She covered her chest and said to Zhao Tian, ​​"It's okay. Thank you. If it weren't for you tonight..."

Before she finished speaking, she was already choked up.

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Tian quickly said: "We are from the same country, and these are what we should do."

The beauty was extremely moved and looked at Zhao Tian with admiration.

The battle over there ended quickly. The bodyguards were all professionals after all. They quickly defeated a few foreign gangsters and won the victory.

It was obvious that the employer wanted to pick up girls, and the bodyguards understood it very well. They respectfully walked up to Zhao Tian and said, "Master, everything has been taken care of."

The beauty's eyes instantly became more adoring.

Zhao Tian smiled proudly, waved his hand casually, and then said: "My name is Zhao Tian, ​​and I came to Country X to do business. What about you, what are you doing here?"

The beauty smiled shyly: "My name is Lin Jianqing, and I came here to travel and relax."

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this is bullshit. Isn't it a joke to come to Seine City to relax in such chaos? But Zhao Tian was not a discerning person. He directly accepted Lin Jianqing's statement and offered to take Lin Jianqing back to the hotel.

On the way, Zhao Tian learned that the beauty was in a bad mood recently, so she packed up and went to the airport. Then she bought the nearest flight to Seine City. She heard that the taverns and gambling stones here are very famous, so she prepared to go and see it tomorrow.

Zhao Tian immediately said: "I came back to Sena City to do the stone gambling business. If you don't mind, I will take you to the stone gambling market tomorrow. How about it?"

"Okay, I didn't know it was so chaotic here before I came here. I'll definitely feel more at ease with you here."

After arriving at the hotel, Zhao Tian hesitated a little and hinted to the beauty: "Are you still scared? Or I will send you upstairs?"

The meaning hidden in these words was obvious, but the beauty seemed reluctant and said hesitantly: "I... no need, we have to go to the Stone Gambling Market tomorrow, so we just have a good night's rest, how about it?"

Then she looked at Zhao Tian with a stern gaze that made it impossible to refuse. Zhao Tian immediately forgot what he had just said and nodded desperately: "No problem, no problem!" Then he watched the beauty enter the hotel.

After a while, Zhao Tian couldn't see anyone anymore, and then he looked away and said deeply to the bodyguard next to him: "I think I have fallen in love with this woman."


Bodyguard: "I have something to say, Mr. Zhao, I don't know whether to say it or not."

"Speak!" Zhao Tian was in a good mood and waved his hand boldly.

Bodyguard: "This Miss Lin Jianqing... seems to be married."



After returning to the hotel, Lin Jianqing immediately let herself go.

She kicked off her shoes and checked the distance between her and Lin Ran out of habit. It was night now, and Lin Ran should also be in the hotel, only 1 kilometer away from Lin Jianqing.

"This little brat..." Lin Jianqing muttered, "It's really hurting me."

Silent Hill hehe: "Really? I see you are having a lot of fun."

When it comes to acting, you have to be serious, and you can go straight to get the Best Actress Award without any problems.

Lin Jianqing refused to admit it. She tried hard to defend herself, and felt aggrieved, with tears streaming down her face: "Who am I doing this for? It's not for you. In the end, you treated my efforts like this, wuwuwu, how could I have you, an ungrateful bastard!"

Silent Hill: "!" He said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, who is your son?"

Lin Jianqing: "Without me, would you be there? That's it. You are not my cub, whose cub are you?"

Although this is said, the relationship cannot be discussed in this way, okay? Silent Hill will never admit that he is himself, unique, how could he be Lin Jianqing's cub? But there was nothing wrong with Lin Jianqing's logic. He couldn't find a place to refute, so he had to immediately change the subject: "What... tomorrow..."

Lin Jianqing asked deliberately: "What about tomorrow?"

Silent Hill gritted his teeth: "Even if you have been following Zhao Tian during this period, you can't guarantee that you can always take care of Lin Ran, right?"

Lin Jianqing said: "It doesn't matter all the time." She analyzed: "If you think about Lin Ran, a seven-year-old child, why did Mr. Huo take him with him when he went abroad to discuss business?"

Silent Hill couldn't figure it out. It was precisely because he couldn't figure it out that he was depressed about why Lin Ran ran so far.

Lin Jianqing rolled her eyes at him and said, "It must be because of business matters! Otherwise, what else could it be? Lin Ran is not Mr. Huo's son."

Silent Hill immediately said: "That is indeed not the case."

Does this still need to be said? Lin Jianqing continued to explain: "The most important thing for Mr. Huo to come to Cena is to talk to the Williams family about the stone gambling monopoly. As the villain in "For You" who is as powerful as the male and female protagonists, Lin Ran must be very powerful. It is absolutely impossible for him to die due to an accidental car accident or something like that. Considering all these factors, guess who else in Siena can threaten Lin Ran's life?"

Silent Hill somewhat understood: "Is he from the Williams family?"

"It's most likely them." Lin Jianqing thought of something and frowned: "Of course, there is another person."

Mr. Huo Yihuo, the gangster who brought Lin Ran to Siena.

Today, Lin Ran seems to be walking on a tightrope. If he doesn't make a move, he may be shattered to pieces. But with Lin Jianqing's level, she would not dare to face Huo Yi directly or deceive him.

After all, this man is now the king of the underground kingdom of China, and he is very different from a young man like Zhao Tian. Therefore, she could only indirectly contact Huo Yi and the Williams family by contacting Zhao Tian.

The next day, Lin Jianqing received a call from Zhao Tian.

He hesitated a little, as if he had been mentally building up for a long time: "Qingqing, are you still going to the stone gambling market today?"

Lin Jianqing blinked and knew that he might know who she was. There's nothing she can do about it. The original owner was once a second-tier star in China, and she acted in several TV series. Although she basically retired from the industry after marrying into the Wei family, it's not surprising that someone can recognize her.

It should have been recognized by the bodyguards who were following Zhao Tian yesterday.

Lin Jianqing pretended not to know and said, "I'm going. Are you ready?"

Zhao Tian immediately said: "I'm ready. It's downstairs in the hotel. Come down."

Lin Jianqing didn't keep Zhao Tian waiting for long and quickly went downstairs. She was dressed very differently today than when she was in the nightclub yesterday. She had a black hat on her head, a backpack on her back, her hair tied into a ponytail, sweatpants and a sweatshirt. She saw a huge smile on Zhao Tian's face. Smiling, she ran over briskly, looking particularly young and beautiful.

Why did such a beautiful woman get married? And she also married Wei Yi’s brother Wei Sheng!

After getting in the car, Zhao Tian couldn't hold it in for a while and glanced at Lin Jianqing: "That Qingqing..."

"Huh?" Lin Jianqing turned her head and looked at him with big eyes.

Zhao Tian's heart trembled and he asked: "Are you, are you married?"

Lin Jianqing expected that he would ask this question early in the morning, so she immediately did not hide it and said readily: "Yes, I have been married for two years." She raised her hair in embarrassment: "Do you recognize me?"

It turned out to be true, and she admitted it directly! Zhao Tian felt bitter in his heart for a moment, and almost cried on the spot, his first love!

His first love saw the confused and hurt expression on his face, and she approached him very kindly and said, "By the way, I should be one year older than you, so I can be considered your sister~"

Zhao Tian: "..."

Are you a devil?

The author has something to say: Zhao Tian: Are you a devil?

Lin Jianqing: No, I am an angel among devils!
