FVB - 028

Chapter 28 Don’t abandon me

A black car parked in front of the Li family villa.

Zhang Ma hurriedly came out and was stunned for a moment when she saw the people coming out of the car.

It's the eldest young master who hasn't been home for half a year.
"Young Master, why are you back?"
Li Dongjing leaned against the car door, his voice cold: "Is there anything strange about that woman these days?"
As soon as this was mentioned, Zhang Ma's face showed an angry look: "Last night, the young lady smashed the husband's head with a vase."
Li Dongjing's face was full of disbelief.
How vicious is this woman to attack a vegetative person?
"Chen Feng!" He gritted his teeth and said, "Throw her a hundred meters away from the villa and let her fend for herself."
Chen Feng took the order, opened the trunk and pulled out the drunk Jiang Jin.
"Don't disturb my sleep."
Jiang Jin threw Chen Feng away, climbed into the trunk again, found a comfortable position and continued to sleep.

Chen Feng: "..."

"Young Master, there is another good news." Zhang Ma said quickly, "Last night Dr. Sun said that your husband will wake up in about two or three months."

"Is this true?"

Li Dongjing's eyes flashed with light.

From the time he could remember, people around him told him that his father would remain in a vegetative state for the rest of his life and would never wake up.

He never expected his father to open his eyes.

This surprise came too unexpectedly.

"I'm going to see my father."

Li Dongjing walked toward the villa.
As soon as he took a step, his sleeve was grabbed by a hand: "Don't leave me here alone..."
Li Dongjing: "..."
How did this woman know that he was leaving while soundly asleep?
Besides! If she didn't want to be alone here, she could go into the house by herself. What did it mean to drag him along?
"Chen Feng, pull her away." Li Dongjing ordered coldly.
Chen Feng grabbed Jiang Jin's arm.
Jiang Jin immediately changed his target and hugged Chen Feng's arm without any explanation: "Don't abandon me."
Chen Feng was a seventeen-year-old boy. When she hugged him like this, his face suddenly turned red and he quickly pulled his arm out.
But Jiang Jin's hug was so tight that he didn't pull out for a while.
Li Dongjing's eyebrows furrowed tightly.
He doesn’t know why, but seeing such a scene is inexplicably dazzling.
He said coldly: "Grandma Zhang, send this woman back to her room."
Zhang Ma walked over and rescued Chen Feng.
A group of four people walked to the villa.
When they reached the fork in the stairs, Zhang Ma said, "The fourth young master proposed to change the password lock for the husband's room. The password is..."
Li Dongjing nodded, pressed the eight-digit number, and the door opened with a beep.
After Zhang Ma sent Jiang Jin back to the room first, she came over and said happily: "Sir's complexion has been much better these days. I believe he will wake up within three months."
Li Dongjing nodded.

His father's face used to be sickly pale, but today it has a rosy glow, and there is no longer that layer of death.
His father, who has been sleeping for ten years, seems to be really waking up.
"Does grandpa know the news?"
Zhang Ma shook her head: "I haven't had time to call the old man yet."

Li Dongjing's voice was hoarse: "That woman is crazy. If she knew that my father was about to wake up, she would probably do something even more terrible. I'll go tell grandpa and ask him to take his father back to his old home to recuperate."
"It should have been like this a long time ago." Zhang Ma agreed very much, "The young masters should also go back to the old house to live together. The young madam can do whatever she wants. It has nothing to do with us anymore..."

As she said this, she sent Li Dongjing out.

It wasn't until the car disappeared into the night that Zhang's mother turned around and came back. She had to give Li Yunting medicine every night. After the last medicine, her work for the day was over.
Because the young lady dislikes her being an eyesore, she doesn't stay here at night.
As soon as Zhang Ma went up to the second floor, she saw a figure curled up on the carpet at the door of the second bedroom.
"Young madam, why are you sleeping here?"
Zhang Ma hurriedly walked over and tried to help Jiang Jin up.
Although she hated the young madam, taking care of the young madam was also within her scope of responsibility, and she couldn't ignore it.

"I'll help you back to your room."
"Don't come back!" Jiang Jin continued to sleep holding the small blanket and muttered, "There is a ghost in my room..."
Zhang Ma: "..."
There must be something wrong with you!
Zhang Ma curled her lips and ignored her. She got up and went to give Li Yunting medicine.

After taking the medicine and coming out, Jiang Jin was still sleeping soundly on the carpet at the door. Zhang Ma pretended not to notice and left the villa with her basket.

As soon as Zhang Ma left, the two children, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, came back.
It is common for them to go home at ten o'clock in the evening.

The Internet at home is too poor, and the Internet at the Internet cafe is more convenient for them to play games and unlock various programs...
The two of them went to the kitchen to take out the hot food. After dinner, they went upstairs to rest.
Then, at a glance, Jiang Jin was sleeping on the carpet in the corridor.
"Why is she sleeping here?"
Li Xichen crossed his arms over his chest, with a hint of sarcasm hidden in his dark eyes.
Li Beixiao frowned slightly: "I heard her coughing when I went out in the morning. Could it be that she fainted at the door of the room."
Li Xichen pursed his lips coldly.
He took two steps forward and was about to test the temperature on Jiang Jin's forehead when he smelled the smell of alcohol.
"Ha!" He laughed to himself, "Drunk."
At that moment, he actually felt a little worried.
How could he worry about this vicious woman.
With a bang, Li Xichen closed the door of his room forcefully.
Li Beixiao knelt down in front of Jiang Jin.
He endured the smell of alcohol and touched Jiang Jin's forehead.

It seems a little hot.

He pressed his thin lips tightly.
After a long psychological struggle, he went downstairs, took out a fever-reducing medicine from the medicine box, and forced it into Jiang Jin's mouth.

Then he turned around and returned to his room.
Jiang Jin swallowed the medicine unconsciously in her sleep.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Two or three o'clock in the morning is the time when the temperature is the lowest of the day.

Jiang Jin suddenly felt chilly and couldn't touch the quilt anywhere. In the end, she only grabbed a small blanket.

She was woken up by the cold.

The faint light fell on the corridor, and she didn't know what was hidden at the empty end.

She turned to look at her room, which was completely dark, which reminded her of the ghost doll hidden in her quilt last night.

She was so frightened that she rushed to the door of the master bedroom.

She pushed the door hard but it didn't open.

Saw the combination lock.

Jiang Jin squinted her eyes and recalled that she seemed to have heard Zhang Ma say the password to this room just now, which seemed to be eight digits.

She slowly pressed the eight digits.

The door did open.

Jiang Jin narrowed her eyes happily, opened the door and walked in, lying down carelessly on the other half of the bed.

She drank wine and took medicine, and her body felt cold and hot for a while. She turned over and hugged the human-shaped pillow beside her, and fell asleep...
