FVB - 014

Chapter 14 Who cares about being friends with a crybaby?

The corners of Jiang Jin's mouth curved.

She curled her hair and said casually: "If I guess correctly, the thief should be the golden retriever dog."

"What?!" Duoduo's mother was stunned, and then said angrily, "Mother Li, if you don't want to lose money, just say so and stop talking nonsense here. No wonder these two children are so uneducated. They were educated by mothers like you."

"Why are you panicking, Duoduo's mother? There is evidence for what I say. It's not like you spitting blood." Jiang Jin said lightly, "There are marks on Lu Duoduo's neck where the necklace was pulled out. It is obvious that the necklace is ripped off by violence is enough to prove that she was lying just now."

"Also, Duoduo's mother can look at the tiger's mouth on the child's hand to see if there is a row of shallow tooth marks. It looks like it was bitten by a dog.

However, golden retrievers have been domesticated and will not bite people. They should only bite them gently. Why did the always docile Golden Retriever bite Lu Duoduo? Of course it was because Lu Duoduo offended it. "

The smile on Jiang Jin's face deepened, "The thing should be like this. Lu Duoduo liked golden retrievers, so she bought ham sausage and secretly fed the dogs in the woods, but the diamond necklace around her neck attracted the golden retriever's attention, and was accidentally pulled down by the dog. Lu Duoduo was anxious to pry the dog's mouth, and was bitten lightly."

"The golden retriever got his favorite toy and ran away in a flash. Lu Duoduo couldn't catch up with the dog, and could only watch helplessly as the dog snatched away the expensive necklace. At this time, Xiao Xi happened to be passing by. So, Lu Duoduo made up this lie that was full of loopholes."

Duoduo's mother was stunned.

Teacher Shi also looked in disbelief.

Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, who had always prided themselves on being smart, were both startled.

"Oh, oh, oh, mom, I didn't mean to lie!"

Lu Duoduo burst into tears, "The dog took my necklace away, and I can't get it back. I'm afraid my mother will beat me... wuwuwu, I was wrong, I shouldn't have lied!"

Duoduo's mother originally wanted to quibble a little more, but her daughter had done it all, so what else could she say.

She grabbed her daughter in her hand and said coldly: "Let's go, I'll deal with you slowly when I get back!"

"Wait a minute." Jiang Jin smiled calmly, "Duoduo's mother, shouldn't you apologize to my sons?"

Duoduo's mother was furious.

Even if she didn't get the triple compensation, she still had to apologize to these two bastards!

The Lu family is a famous family in Yuncheng. How could the dignified Mrs. Lu bow her head to two brats?

"The Lu family is a big family in Yuncheng. They are well-educated and well-established. Mr. Lu is generous to others and Mrs. Lu is elegant and virtuous. I think Mrs. Lu will set an example in front of her children, right?" Jiang Jin said with a half-smile.

Duoduo's mother was held up so high that she couldn't refuse with a straight face.

She twitched her lips and spoke reluctantly: "Classmate Li Xichen, I wronged you without knowing the truth. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me, and I hope you can continue to be friends with Duoduo."

"Who wants to be friends with a crybaby?"

Li Xichen put his hands in his pockets and walked out of the office indifferently.

Jiang Jin: "..."

This brat, can you be a bit more gentlemanly...

"Wow wow wow, I'm not a crybaby!" Lu Duoduo howled loudly, "Li Xichen bastard, big bastard..."

"Okay, okay, go back and cry again!"

Duoduo's mother couldn't stay any longer, so she hugged her daughter and left the office.

Teacher Shi's face was a little embarrassed: "Mother Li, I'm very sorry. I didn't handle this matter properly..."

"It's okay now that the truth is out." Jiang Jin said with a smile, "Teacher Shi, I want to ask you about the situation of the two children at school."

Teacher Shi nodded and immediately turned out some transcripts and homework books.

As soon as she saw the ranking on the transcript and the words like "dog crawling" on the homework book, Jiang Jin couldn't help but smile.

The education in private aristocratic kindergartens is relatively advanced. They only learn things from the first and second grade of elementary school, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.

The positions of first and second last in grade have been occupied by two boys, Li Xichen and Li Beixiao, for two years...

She only knew that these two bastards were villains, but she didn't expect that they were also close-up scumbags!

But then she thought about it, if these two people were really academic masters, they wouldn't have embarked on the road of crime...

"Li Xichen and Li Beixiao are very smart, but their smartness is not used on the right path." Teacher Shi said regretfully, "They come to class for two days a month, and of course they can't keep up with the progress. I hope Mother Li can spend more time with the two children. In terms of education..."

Jiang Jin nodded: "Give them another month. If they are still ranked last and second in the exam next month, then we will drop out of school."

As soon as these words came out, Li Beixiao, who was standing at the edge with a very low sense of presence, suddenly raised his head.

Drop out of school?

Is this woman coming to school today just to get them to drop out?

"Mama Li, it's not a good idea to drop out of school." Teacher Shi pushed up her glasses, "But we can transfer them to small classes and start learning again..."

Li Beixiao: "..."

It's hard enough to be with those childish people in the middle class, but they have to be sent to the small class?

After talking to Teacher Shi, Jiang Jin walked out with Li Beixiao.

As soon as he came out, they saw Li Xichen leaning against the big tree at the door of the office, with headphones hanging on his ears, and he looked like he would not let strangers approach him.

"It's half past four, don't go back to the classroom, go home together."

Li Xichen didn't even raise his eyelids: "I have to take the Mathematical Olympiad class tonight."

"You're so stupid!" Jiang Jin said angrily, "You even came last in the math test in kindergarten. Do you understand the Mathematical Olympiad? Starting today, all your extracurricular interest classes will be over. Go home directly, and I will personally teach you how to read and arithmetic."

Li Xichen suddenly smiled: "Can you teach?"

This woman didn't even know the last letter of his name, so she taught him how to read?

Isn't it funny?

Jiang Jin sneered: "What a joke, can I still use the kindergarten stuff?"

Her college entrance examination score was only a dozen points away from the provincial top scorer. She went to one of the top ten key universities in the country, and also took the postgraduate entrance examination. Her academic qualifications can beat more than 80% of people in the country, and she can't teach these two little things?

Li Beixiao said quietly: "Grandpa signed up the interest class for us. You have no right to cancel it."

"Okay, then I will call Teacher Shi and ask the old man to go to your school."

Jiang Jin crossed his arms and said, "Being absent from class, being last in the class, stealing a girl's necklace... It's good to let the old man handle all these messy things."


Li Beixiao stared at her angrily.

The slightest affection he had for this woman just disappeared.

"Aren't you going to help us with our homework? Why don't you leave?" Li Xichen impatiently pulled off the earphone cord and walked towards the car first.
