
FVB - 124

Chapter 124 Li Xichen and Bai Ningshuang, the golden boy Li Xichen was pulled by the host to stand next to Bai Ningshuang.    The spotlight fell on his face, and his beautiful eyes were like a thousand-foot deep pool, emitting a charming brilliance.    The audience below was excited again.    "Damn, this guy is so handsome!"    "If you want to go on stage and interact with celebrities these days, you don't even have the qualifications if you don't have good looks."    "This boy and Bai Ningshuang look so good together. They are like golden children. He is also a child star, right?"    "Thinking about my fat son, I really want to stuff him back and give birth to a new one..."    Li Xichen looked impatient when he heard the audience's comments.    If that woman misunderstood what was going on between him and Bai Ningshuang, she would definitely look down on him again.    He immediately raised his head and walked directly to the other si

FVB - 123

Chapter 123 The first day of the movie’s release The movie started soon.    This is a fairy-tale romance drama in ancient costume. It has both magical fairy legends, heart-touching love stories, and everlasting warm family affection...    Each line is told eloquently, bringing the audience into a world of fairy spirit, which makes people linger and want to stop.    Jiang Jin already knew the plot, but she still shed tears silently for the love between the male and female protagonists.    In the finale, the elderly mother defended her daughter from a thunderstorm and vomited blood and died on the spot, which made the entire audience burst into tears.    Muffled cries echoed in the cinema.    But after a century of reincarnation, the young hero and heroine met in another world...    The audience was sometimes happy and sometimes sad following the plot, and the movie gradually came to an end.    "How old you are, and you still cry." Li Xichen threw a tissue into Jiang Jin's

FVB - 122

Chapter 122 Mom, I want a hug At one o'clock at noon, Jiang Jin took her two children to the cinema in advance.    This is the largest theater in Cloud City, and the premieres of some movies are basically held here.    Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. All white-collar students are on holiday. Two movies are being released at the same time. The cinema's schedule is very full.    The movie lobby was divided into two areas. One was promoting "Destined to Meet You" and the other was promoting "Snow Without End". The two movies openly started to compete.    When Jiang Jin walked over, she saw Director Zhao wearing sunglasses standing in front of the promotional poster, instructing Xiao Fang to adjust the position of the poster.    "Hey, great aunt, you are here."    Director Zhao pulled Jiang Jin back two steps.    "Look, the posters here are much more conspicuous than those next door. That old bastard Wang Lu actually chose the same cinema as me

ADMKSF - 022.2

As soon as Pei Ye left, Lin You planned to put the lid back on the pot, but the next second she heard a muffled cough. She turned around and saw Pei Henan leaning against the kitchen door, covering his lips and bending slightly. His shirt followed his movements and outlined the graceful lines of his back shoulders. After a while, the man slowly straightened up, relieved his physical discomfort, and smiled at Lin You, "I saw that you and A Ye were in the kitchen. I was a little worried, so I came over to take a look." "Aye thought the beef bone soup was too fragrant and refused to leave, so I filled him a bowl." As she spoke, she glanced at the pot next to her and asked subconsciously, "Do you want it?" "Thank you, Youyou." When Lin You turned around to serve Pei Henan soup, a strange thought came to her mind - why did she feel like Pei Henan was waiting for her to ask this question. Pei Henan seemed to have a good appetite. Although he didn'

ADMKSF - 022.1

Pei Ye was not laughing at his father. He just sincerely lamented that the three of them acted together almost every moment when they went to the movies, but who would have thought that the paparazzi would take photos when his father was not around. Sometimes fate is so wonderful. However, these words seemed not that simple to Pei Henan's ears. The man glanced at the young man lazily and did not say anything. In the end, it was Lin You's words of 'It's done' that broke the suddenly cold atmosphere. Pei Ye quietly rubbed his arms with his hands. The coolness that came from nowhere was like a knife, cutting into his exposed arms. After finally rubbing his hands to warm them up, he took out his mobile phone and logged on to Weibo to search for Lin You's name. Lin You's clarification on Weibo was concise. Lin You: A family of three [Photo][Photo] One of the photos is a screenshot of Lin You buying a movie ticket. You can clearly see that three rows of seats wer

FVB - 121

Chapter 121 Mom doesn’t like to talk when she’s angry Li Dongjing stood in front of Mu Yingxuan, raising his head slightly, and the two looked at each other.    The afterglow of the setting sun fell on the shoulders of the two of them. This scene made Jiang Jin feel very dazzling, and she began to feel uncomfortable all over her body.    She took a step forward and wanted to go in, but she stopped dead in her tracks.    She wanted to see what Mu Yingxuan, the green tea, wanted to do with Li Dongjing this time...    "Ah Jing, are you free tomorrow afternoon? I want to treat you to a movie." Mu Yingxuan said in a soft voice, "Mushi started trying to enter the film and television industry last year. This is the first movie Mu invested. Aunt Mu hopes you can come to the premiere of this movie." She took out a stack of movie tickets from her bag and handed them to Li Dongjing's hand, "Aque, Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, if you have time, you can come to the cinema together t

DSHSN - 46

Both Gu Yiyi and Yan Beibei were very happy this year. They received big red envelopes from Gu Heng and Yan Li, as well as from some of their father's friends who came to visit their home. It can be said that they were very satisfied. After the New Year, Yan Li and Gu Heng went to the south to take several sets of wedding photos at the beach and in the tropical rainforest. After the wedding photos were taken, their wedding was held as scheduled in March. The weather in March is very good. Spring is the key to the year. Hundreds of flowers are blooming and the spring is warm. On the day of the wedding, the Gu family invited many people. The wedding venue was set at the largest hotel in the city. The hotel was mainly European-style, with a garden and an open-air lawn. The wedding was mainly held on the lawn. Gu Heng didn't give a budget for this wedding at all. It was up to her to decide whatever she liked. Overall, Yan Li is satisfied. Yan Li invited a few of her friends to tod